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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Chew toys?

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    • GraceandFlopsie
      31 posts Send Private Message

        Hi so I have had my bunny Flopsie for just over a year up until now he has been enjoying a wood woven basket as a toy. He has chewed that down to the wiring! I’m not sure what kind of toys I should buy or make! I would definitely love to be able to DIY make him toys rather than buying them. I would like to know if there is anything to look out for that could be dangerous or toys that your bunnies have enjoyed! I am looking for something small/medium and not too expensive!

      • Willowsanimalworld
        16 posts Send Private Message

          My rabbit prefers wooden and cardboard toys over plastic, I have a video on my YouTube channel( Willow’s Animal World)

          That has a collar with tiny paw life. this has rabbit DIY toys, hope this helps!

          • GraceandFlopsie
            31 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you so much I will defiantly check out your videos!

          • Lindsey
            43 posts Send Private Message

              Hi GraceandFlopsie,

              I’ve actually had great success with the chew toys I’ve bought from here at the BinkyBunny store – I truly think they’re some of the best around! If you’re looking for specifics my bunnies Ollie and Leo have both loved the Bare Willow rings (they come in a 5 pack) and the rectangle willow baskets. I have also found that my rabbit Leo loves the double-woven square seagrass mats that the BB store sells. Not sure if you’ve checked out the BB store, but I think it’s worth a look. It can be a bit more expensive than buying at a pet store or from somewhere like Amazon, but BinkyBunny really has a great selection of rabbit toys and are a smaller based business, so it makes sense that it could be pricier than a big-box or chain store.

              I don’t have much experience in making my own rabbit toys, so I am not much help there – maybe take a look on Etsy? Sometimes I’ve seen fellow rabbit owners that sell their chews/toy creations on a small shop on that site! Hopefully, others jump in with some more ideas too, but I hope this helps you a bit!

              • GraceandFlopsie
                31 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you I will be sure to check out the store!

              • DanaNM
                9064 posts Send Private Message

                  I second that my buns love the willow wreaths, sea grass mats, and willow baskets from the BB store.

                  For DIY stuff, there are lots of things you can make with paper towel tubes (like diy treat balls, here was a cute one:, and I’ve also made homemade newspaper mats that my buns really like (as long as you don’t mind their feet turning grey from the newsprint). I’m trying to find the tutorial but looks like the website that hosted it updated and the link isn’t working!



                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                  • GraceandFlopsie
                    31 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you! That paper towel tube idea seems great I’m sure he will love it. I will google the news paper mat idea it sounds cool!

                  • Sarah
                    15 posts Send Private Message

                      anyone know a connection to BB store from Canada?  Every time I order something from the States, I get hit with an extra shipping from fed ex , (excluding BB as I have not ordered yet from them.)  I have tried hop on line but I have been waiting almost a week for a price to shipping.  I did not realize how difficult it is to get stuff from these great stores in the States.  Very frustrating, also I have been waiting months for the tunnel to be available and it is always sold out.


                    • BB Administrator
                      392 posts Send Private Message

                        Hi Sarah — Be sure to contact us in the future via the store/site contact us link (at bottom of web pages) as we will be able to get to you a bit faster.

                        Canada shipping:  Yes it can be very pricey.   Also the new store software isn’t fully perfected so it may be adding extra weight and size that is not really there.  We are working on that as it can be a challenging algorithm to figure out automatically what size box orders will fit into when there are unlimited combinations of products and sizes.   So this is what you can do —- add things to your cart and make note of the shipping cost  and the service (USPS Priority or First Class is what we offer for our Canadian customers).   Then, email us at the contact us link above.  Since you didn’t check out, you will be in our system as an “abandoned cart” and I can find your cart and calculate the shipping costs based on what I know is the weight and size  — then I can make sure it is correct….or I can correct it and give you the new shipping rate.

                        Regarding the Tunnels — we are getting those back in stock in about 10 days.  However, if you place an order within the next few days, that’s okay — just use the same link and say you want a Tunnel Haven added to your order.

                        IN THE EMAIL TO US — BE SURE TO NOTE THE LINK TO THIS POST AND NOTE MY NAME:  JENNIFER.   Then I will be able to recollect this info when it all becomes a blank in a few days.  LOL.  As I can get really busy and turned in a million directions.


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                    Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Chew toys?