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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Bunny-to-human bonding?

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    • Ana
      182 posts Send Private Message

        There’s nothing in the bonding info, and I didn’t find any previous threads about this.  Please feel free to steer me to toward an already started thread or something– my apologies if this is redundant.

        I’m a new bunny mommy, and want to bond to my baby.  She’s sweet, don’t get me wrong, and after she’s spayed she might be even more, but is there anything I can do?  She lets me groom her, she loves to be petted, and happily grooms me back– but she’s also a super playful baby and sometimes can’t stand being near mommy.  She’s kind of eradic in her behavior/mood.  Anything I can do to bond closer?  She’s a bit skittsih and shy still, she likes hiding and watching me, but I’ve only had her a week.

        Any suggestions on human/bunny bonding would be great! Thanks.

      • PeppersMama
        391 posts Send Private Message

          i have been wondering about the same thing, so thanks for posting this! i feel like i ask too many questions already! My bun pepper is a 11 week old baby boy, and hes been here for about three weeks. and i have the same situation going on, he lets me pet him and tolerates me picking him up although he hates it and grooms me, but sometimes he just seems to need to be left alone to explore and play, hes very curious about everything. i want to bond with him as much as possible, and i am getting him neutered as soon as hes old enough. hes not really skittish anymore though, hes pretty comfortable with everything except the loud vacuum noise! i have to take him to another room to vacuum mine lol!

          and i have recently found he will pretty much let me do anything, i.e. check his teeth, nails, skin, ears, fur, etc., as long as his feet are firmly on the ground. i have yet to figure out how to flip him over though, he isnt having any of that!

          i will be keeping watch on this thread and mooching off your answers if you dont mind !

        • jerseygirl
          22353 posts Send Private Message

            Hi there! There can never be too many questions, that’s what the forum is for. And guess what? They never stop coming up – these buns have a lot to teach us!
            I could only think of the following thread that may help.


            If the link doesnt work, the thread is titled “aloof bunny” if you want to do a search.

            It sounds as if it is early days for both of you and things appear pretty good so well done! Time is a big factor as the buns settle in and feel more secure. Often it’s a case of they decide to bond with you! We just keep feeding and patting them until they’re ready . You may have to adjust your expectations thou. Not all buns are very affectionate and it’ll take time to learn their personality and how they show their love. It’s rare that they’ll sit cuddled up in your lap – sorry!

            The skittishness would be due to their ages and/or breed. The smaller breeds are often more skittish.. On both accounts, a spay will definately help to calm them.

            Furbaby, you’ll see different times of the day when bun is playful – especially one so young – and when they want to retreat. I would think this is rabbit habit rather than anything to do with your relationship. Sometimes we gotta respect their space. Problem is, they are so cute, we want to get face time all the time!!!

          • jerseygirl
            22353 posts Send Private Message

              Oh! I also want to add that routine is very important in my view. Keep feed /play /cage cleaning times regular so bun knows the drill. I’ve had success at having bunny massage time every evening after I’ve given her night feed. We sit on the floor and chill. My bun seems to know when this time is now and seeks me out – yay!

            • Ana
              182 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks Jerseygirl! I know how you feel, PeppersMama– I worry I ask too much. :p

                I guess I need to chill, and maybe revisit this issue in a few weeks after she’s more settled (and spayed)? In the meantime, about routine: Does playtime and cuddle time even exist with routine? I got feeding pretty much routine (new concept in my life!), but I didn’t think play/cuddle/groom time was routine. Should it be? Thanks!

              • jerseygirl
                22353 posts Send Private Message

                  Erm.. no not routine. I’m not conveying what I mean very well! I guess I’m saying if you do things a certain way, bunny knows what to expect? Not that “you must clean at 5 pm, feed at 6 pm” etc. By all means, if you can see bunny wants to play, then play It’s really all about what works for you and your bun. I’m only 8 months in to bunny slavery so hopefully some more experienced ones will pop in here!

                • MarkBun
                  2842 posts Send Private Message

                    If your bun is grooming you, he’s bonding with you. But just like people, most buns need some ‘alone time’, even when they love you to death. The best way to bond with bun is to be at their level while they’re free. Find a book and read while on the ground. Don’t pay tooo much attention to them but if they come over and start climbing on you/exploring you then feel free to interact.

                  • Princess*Smudge
                    285 posts Send Private Message

                      I ditto Markusdark, I found the best way to get Smudge to interact with me is ignore her (well so to speak lol) I sit on the floor with her and if I focus on her she really doesn’t want much to do with me. She’ll hop by or maybe just do her own thing, but if I pick up a book and start reading you’d think I’d gone and left her alone for weeks! She’s all over me crawling, sniffing, cuddling and grooming even having the guts to try and throw my book from my hands with her teeth or box it down she also hates it when I talk on the phone at her level it;s like “NO! Pay attention TO ME!!!!”

                    • Ana
                      182 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks markus, that’s very helpful!

                      • Cassi&Charlie
                        1260 posts Send Private Message

                          Don’t read a book thats important like library books or textbooks because they will be bitten….

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            i read the newspaper on the floor. the crinkly paper sound interests them, and as i finish a section i throw it on the floor and the bunnies pounce all over it.

                          • OllieBunnysMamma
                            75 posts Send Private Message

                              Bribery has done wonderful things for me. I think time.. more time you spend with your bunny, more time you talk calmly, more time you bribe with fun toys and treats… the better.


                              Ollie isnt old enough for veggies yet, so he gets dried treats called alfafa slims, carrot slims, and these little pretzel shaped things that he recently started liking. I always hold his treats while he eats them. This is a good bonding tool I think.


                            • Beka27
                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                how cute! how old is Ollie? bunnies can start getting veggies betw/ 8 and 12 weeks. if he likes eating form your hand, you could probably start offering them like that.

                              • kimberleyanddarren
                                2520 posts Send Private Message

                                  yeah if he is over about 8 weeks vegs should be fine, especially some parsley or something small, give it a try

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                              Forum BONDING Bunny-to-human bonding?