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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Bonding with New Bun

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    • emkvet
      377 posts Send Private Message

         Hi everyone! I am not only new to the forum, but also a proud new rabbit guardian! I recently acquired a 2 year old Netherland Dwarf doe, Hazel. She is a sweetie (I’m planning on adding pics soon!), and I am enjoying her already. She already has a vet appointment for a pre-spay exam, since I’m sure you’re wondering   Let’s hope it helps with litter training; she is great inside her cage, we’re working on her small play area in my living room. 

        I was wondering how to better bond with her. We are well on our way though; I’ve only had her for a few days and I’ve already gotten some licks on my socks! She is just slightly wary of pets unless she is in her cage (she is only in there when I am not home). Should I continue to let her warm up to me, or is there more I should be doing? Thanks!

      • bunnyfriend
        2368 posts Send Private Message

          The best way to bond with your rabbit is let it be on her terms (: You should continue to let her warm up to. I wouldn’t really recommend petting her while she’s in her cage, this could cause her to become territorial of it. Let the cage be a place she can retreat to if she doesn’t feel like being social or wants to feel safe, and feel like it’s her own. Reward her with a small treat to reassure good behavior (not too much treats though!!!). When you start picking her up, which I would wait a little bit longer to do so she can settle in her new environment, make her feel secure and give a treat while holding her, it can help her feel less terrified. Conratulations on the new bunny! Pics?? and Wecolme (:

        • RabbitPam
          11002 posts Send Private Message

            The favorite way we recommend to bond is as bunnyfriend said, let it be on her terms. What you can do is lie down on the floor near her cage while it’s open and she’s out. Grab a book or watch TV, but hang out there and just ignore her. She will come over and sniff you up with curiosity. When she gets close, just talk quietly and sweetly and gently pet her, starting with your palm facing up and fingers together so your hand doesn’t resemble a claw from above. You can also hide a treat (a pellet or a raisin) in your palm or pocket. She will sniff it out, and it will be a reward for coming close to you. If she is kissing your socks already then you are well on your way.

            Picking her up is not always easy or enjoyed by your bunny, so doing it the right way helps. Firmly support her back end and get a hand/arm under her back feet as soon as possible. Tuck her firmly into your chest so the rest is supported, and hold her there with your other hand. You can also put her face first into the crook of your elbow, with her body supported by your arm the way you would carry a football. Let her get used to that, but don’t go for it too frequently so she gets upset. It takes time to get them used to being handled, and some will never like it. (I can’t pick up Sammy after 3 years. Spockie let me carry him twice a day. They are just different, like people.)

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              Sometimes just ignoring them and going on about your business when they are out helps too…they get curious and may come up to sniff. Also that allows them some time to start trusting you as well.

              My little netherland who was about 2 years old when I got him and is now free roam took awhile to trust me. He would run away from me all the time…sometimes he still does because he just knew I wanted to snatch his cute little self up and pet him. He has just started jumping on my bed and the furniture and he even allows me now to pet him without running (sometimes).

            • LoveChaCha
              6634 posts Send Private Message

                Baby Chacha bun: Skiddish, scared of me, ran away from me.

                Adult Chacha bun: Nose bumps me in the butt, leg, whatever is convenient for her. Thumps, grunt, gives me the dirty look, and doesn’t budge if I walk right past her.

                I definitely recommend doing the ‘ignore’ thing. Rabbits will eventually come out of their shell and their personality will shine ;D

              • emkvet
                377 posts Send Private Message

                   Hey everyone, thanks for the advice! Guess what?! Hazel is definitely in loooove with me! In both ways; she is circling, honking, etc. constantly lol. Not to worry, she’s getting spayed next week But now she comes and cuddles by me a lot; she loves to lay by my leg for pets, and once I start petting her she lays down and lets me rub her for as long as I want. She is absolutely precious. She is also doing really well on her litter training, both in and out of her cage. I definitely picked a winner when I adopted her! I have tried to upload photos but for some reason it never works. Tips? Thanks again! I am definitely in bunny love 

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              Forum BEHAVIOR Bonding with New Bun