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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Best kind of flooring for bunnies?

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    • sweetbluebun
      102 posts Send Private Message

        Right now I’ve got my main bunny run/set up on tile.  It’s covered with leftover carpet from when we carpeted the basement.  I’m thinking of getting rid of that because my bunny spends hours upon hours ripping pieces of carpet out and I think he’s eating some too.  I’ve got to get something to line the tile so that the xpens don’t scratch it.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to put over it.  I’ve read on here about vinyl or linoleum but where would I get that Home Depot?   Also I’ve already spent alot on their set up, not to mention a pricy neuter coming up in the near future, so a low cost alternative would be helpful.



      • jerseygirl
        22345 posts Send Private Message

          Maybe try getting an off cut of vinyl? It shouldn’t cost too much, else you could ask friends, family, collegues if they have any about. The tile is great during summer as the buns would love to stretch out on it. Could you maybe just put something on the wire of the x-pen that contacts the floor. It’s good to have a few different textures in the pen, maybe some sea grass mats to chew on.

        • Moonlight_Wolf
          1155 posts Send Private Message

            What about coroplast? You could call a sign store and see if they have any. It is about 20 dollars for a 4 by 8 sheet. I don’t know if that is too expensive for you.
            Linoleum is also great! You could get a linoleum remment at home depot it is much cheeper. Just make sure the edges are not exposed because I found that my rabbit likes to chew the edge of the linoleum.

          • Scarlet_Rose
            4293 posts Send Private Message

              The vinyl or linoleum you can buy by the square foot off of a roll at places such as Home Depot or Lowes (leftovers too). However if you have a carpet outlet nearby, they usually carry “left overs” or “ends” of rolls of carpet and vinyl. I would opt for the linoleum or vinyl flooring. It is easy to clean up and also offers some texture for grip. Make sure the edges of the linoleum/vinyl go outside the boundaries of the pen so that they can’t grab the edge with their teeth.

            • sweetbluebun
              102 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks for all the tips, I think I’ll do the Home Depot thing, I did plan on making the piece bigger than my actual tiled portion so that it would stick out from beneath the pens.

                I’ve seen some clips on the pens that make them stay together, does anyone know what those are?

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  which clips are you referring to? there are clips attached to mine that will anchor all the panels together when folded up…

                  there were anchors that go into the ground if the pen is being used outside.

                  there are black (at least on mine) tubes that i think are meant for stabilizing the pen so it cannot be pushed out, altho i tried them and i could not figure out how they were supposed to work…

                • sweetbluebun
                  102 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh I was talking about the clips used to keep the panels together, luckily my bunny hasn’t tried pushing his pen. Plus it’s pretty heavy so I don’t know if they’d be able to.

                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      You might consider seeing how he likes the tile-if he’s pretty litter trained and that’s not a concern-most rabbits actually prefer stretching out on cold lino or tiles (as uncomfortable as that seems!) and then spend some time on pillows or sleeping in litter boxes too!

                    • sweetbluebun
                      102 posts Send Private Message

                        He is litter trained but I he doesn’t really seem to like sitting on the tile at all. He does have access to it and will only hop onto the tile when he has to get to his main area. So I figured I might cover the whole tiled section with something not so slippery (I think that’s why he doesn’t like the tile in the first place). Also I think my bunny has a tendency to be on the colder side because whenever I go to pet him his ears are cold but they warm up as soon as I begin the pet session. He’s a netherland dwarf and his coat is on the finer side, he’s molting right now but the amt of hair coming out is fairly small.

                        I did have him in a room with more grippy tile if that makes sense but I had to move him because the air was too dry and hot (we turned the heating on) which was causing hair loss and flaky skin around the back of the ears. Since I’ve moved him to a cooler area, the hair has grown back and theres no more flaky skin, but I’ve noticed he does like to bundled up on his blakets more often (which is also why I got him the new buddy to snuggle with once they’re bonded!).

                      • jerseygirl
                        22345 posts Send Private Message

                          Regarding the clip things; are you referring to cable ties maybe?


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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Best kind of flooring for bunnies?