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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE Best Affordable Dust Free litter options

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    • Cat1019
      14 posts Send Private Message

        I’m looking into different types of Dust Free bedding and litter that works great I prefer Paper Based as I have asthma and allergies and just super sensitive skin. I know pine pellets can be Dusty and can sometimes irritate my skin so I’m looking for non wood based bedding/ litter that works well at odor control and is dust free and safe .

      • Dally
        49 posts Send Private Message

          hope that helps!

        • Dally
          49 posts Send Private Message

            Sorry, i dont know if that went through, so i can recap: I found this amazing new litter called carefresh, its available on amazon, and it’s only $10 so super affordable. It’s dust free, and stops litterbox smells away for at least 3 days.

            • Cat1019
              14 posts Send Private Message

                Ok thanks you so much is it Carefresh Ultra or the Carefresh Litter I haven’t tried they’re litter but I’ve tried they’re bedding in the past I didn’t know if the Carefresh litter is safe or not or what it’s made of I have been eyeing on and off every time I go to the Petstore do you have a link to it?

              • Wick & Fable
                5810 posts Send Private Message

                  Due to forum rules, we do not permit users posting links to vendors. That being said, Dally has provided you the name “Carefresh” as the brand so you can search for it yourself on vendor sites. Carefresh can be available in different varieties, but it will all be the same brand. I would avoid their colored and scented versions and just go with the natural or white variant.

                  The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

              • Dally
                49 posts Send Private Message

                  I Found an amazing one on amazon called carefresh, Its 2x more absorbent than pine shavings, and scent free!

                  Edited by Wick to remove link. See response above.

                  • Cat1019
                    14 posts Send Private Message

                      I see sorry I forgot that we’re not allowed to share links to other vendors I’m still new so I’m haven’t memorized the rules yet thank you so much for reminding me.

                  • Dally
                    49 posts Send Private Message

                      Hey sorry i didn’t know that! Its on amazon, it doesn’t really matter which one you choose 🙂

                      • Cat1019
                        14 posts Send Private Message

                          It’s ok and thanks for the recommendation. Is it the fluffy type bedding or is it the pellet shaped litter they came out with out of curiosity?

                      • Dally
                        49 posts Send Private Message

                          its the fluffy one, i have never used the pellets.

                        • DaisyMaisy
                          29 posts Send Private Message

                            I use back2nature for my buns litter. It’s paper pellets, i’ve never used any other litter before but heard it’s more absorbent and doesn’t get as crumbly as carefresh. We’ve had no problems with it so far 🙂

                            • Cat1019
                              14 posts Send Private Message

                                I see I haven’t used back to nature how well is it for odor control and what sized bags do they have? And how often do you change the litter box out of curiosity I was planning on changing the litter box 1-2 times a week for full dumping of the used bedding . As I have 3 bonded rabbits that will be using the same litter box I plan on getting a couple different litter boxes just for different areas.

                              • DaisyMaisy
                                29 posts Send Private Message

                                  I change her litter every 2 days and used a 20L bag which lasted me 2 months, but have now just bought a 30L which is their biggest. I’ve gone up to 3 days without much odour unless you have your nose right up to the litter of course but think I could have gone an extra day. I also use Cage fresh granules which I think also helps with the smell and could be something else you could consider for your buns?

                              • Cat1019
                                14 posts Send Private Message

                                  I see thank you so much I’ll definitely look into the back to nature litter I’ll get it for my rabbits. that’s extremely helpful and good to know. what are cage fresh granules out of curiosity I’ve never heard of them can you take a picture of the product and share it ?  Thanks for sharing all the good information about this litter I’ll definitely have to get it for my buns for now I have a 20 pound bag of oxbow Eco Straw Litter haven’t used it yet since I don’t have my rabbits yet . As I’m still just getting everything set up for them waiting for my boyfriend to help me  with the more heavy lifting and demanding things since I have had to deal with an injury since April last year so I’ve been in and out of physical therapy and occupational therapy and seeing specialist to try and get my injury under control it’s been affecting my arms and  hands and causing a lot of numbness and tingling. So I’m pretty behind with getting everything set up for  them but I should be getting them some time this month.

                                  • DaisyMaisy
                                    29 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m not too sure how to upload a photo but I use the one by beaphar. I have always used it so i’m not sure how much of a difference it makes if I didn’t use it, but according to the package it ‘reduces unpleasant odours’.

                                      And get well soon!!! So excited for you and your new buns 🙂

                                    • Cat1019
                                      14 posts Send Private Message

                                        I see thank you so much I’ve never heard of the brand beaphar before is it sold in the US? If so where do you get it I definitely have to look into them thanks again and I can’t wait to get them either sadly the Runt passed away  She had a weaker immune system and with the cold weather and the heating went out it just took a toll on her but the other two are doing super well they just turned 7 months old today January 9 ,I got tons of pictures of them the past couple weeks I got 5 new pictures they’re so stinking adorable. Thank you again so much for the help out of curiosity how much litter do you put in the litter box ? And what size is your litter box?

                                      • DaisyMaisy
                                        29 posts Send Private Message

                                          I’m in the UK so i’m not sure if they’re sold anywhere else but maybe other brands do it?

                                          I use a cat litter tray and use a scoop to take out the litter from the bag. Most times I use about 6-8 scoops as I’ll do 3/4 litter and the rest hay but to make it last longer or help with smell, I would do the whole litter tray as mine pees in her hay sometimes and there’s nothing under to absorb it.

                                          So sorry to hear about your bun, at least you still have the other two 🙁

                                      • E
                                        7 posts Send Private Message

                                          I’m having the same little problem right now! I don’t have a suggestion for litter, but I would suggest to make sure that the litter doesn’t have any baking soda in it. Some store brands put baking soda in there and it’s not good for the buns.

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                                      Forum DIET & CARE Best Affordable Dust Free litter options