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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bedding in Cages!

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    • Nikki Buchko
      1 posts Send Private Message

        Hello!! I have a 10 month old fixed bunny named Joey! He is incredibly relaxed and so loving! After looking through the pictures on this website I noticed lots of the cages/pens have actual beds and or carpet/rugs in them. Joey currently has a bed (it’s actually a cat bed) that he will sleep in when I’m watching Tv. He enjoys sleeping in it but is it safe to put in his cage?? Don’t your rabbits dig and chew on the rugs and what not that you have added to the cage?! He is litter trained but I am just unsure if carpet and other bedding is a better choice than the paper bedding he currently has! Please help!!


      • sarah bowden
        85 posts Send Private Message

          That is one of the cutest pictures ever!!! He looks like a he should be in a calendar!!
          Sorry I can’t be of too much help to you. My bunnies are free roaming. They have a few towels and such (they chew some holes in them but not too bad) One great alternative would be seagrass mats or straw mats that way if he does chew on them it’s ok.

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            i’d definitely try the straw mats or seagrass… he’ll have some fun tearing it apart, and they’re not that expensive…

          • babybunsmum
            3896 posts Send Private Message

              oh my goodness Joey is sooo adoreable!  beautiful pic

              i agree with beka… my bun chews & eats everything so i only put straw mats and cardboard in her rabbitat so she can go nuts if she wants.  i tried putting carpet in there before but i worry she’ll eat too much… she really goes at it!  also, she didn’t even prefer to lay on the carpet patch & chose the hardwood floor instead.

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                Oh my, what a gorgeous rabbit and a calendar quality picture indeed. I agree with Beka too.

              • Scarlet_Rose
                4293 posts Send Private Message

                  Welcome and that is such an adorable picture of your rabbit with a petunia! My two are fine with carpet and do not chew on it, they’ll dig at it sometimes and do not ingest the fiber either.  They also have natural stone (granite) tiles flipped with the wrong side up for traction that I picked up at my local home improvement store.  You can also use porcelain tiles as well and you can sometimes find them cheap at tile places in the discard bins.  Daffodil and Bonsai quite enjoy the choice of slick tile or soft carpet, even in the winter. I do have a question, is Joey litter trained? Rabbits don’t need bedding if they are and it can save you a bundle of money from having to buy so much of it.

                • MooBunnay
                  3087 posts Send Private Message

                    What a model bunny that is! He’s so cute All of my bunnies have rugs as their flooring, however, I have to make sure that the edges of the carpet are well outside the cage or else they start chewing at the edges of the carpet. My rabbits really love to have shelves in their cages that they can sleep underneath, or on top of depending on the time of day. They also really like having the willow tents in their cage. One of my bunnies spends approximately 95% of his time under his tunnel!

                  • Pancake
                    90 posts Send Private Message

                      LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    • Gravehearted
                      2428 posts Send Private Message

                        welcome nikki.buchko!  love that pic 🙂

                        i prefer blankies and towels, since they can easily be washed. i’m not sure if your have an ikea near by, but they have some very inexpensive small cotton  rugs that are great for bunny’s houses.




                      • Bunnies4ever
                        368 posts Send Private Message

                          Your bunny is adorable! I have grass mats in my cages. Some bunnies are diggers and like towels they can arrange and rearange. Mine don’t care for them too much, but love the mats. They can chew them up and it doesn’t harm them at all! It depends on the bunny. You can test it out and see.

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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bedding in Cages!