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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! A bun in the rain…

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    • MountainBuns
      513 posts Send Private Message

        Hello, Everybody!

        I have a huge story to tell which will also introduce myself.

        Yesterday was a normal day like any other, there was a huge storm and I got up to look outside, the wind was picking up as trash and leaves flew through the air. I watched as a box floated towards in my yard. I had a feeling that I should go remove it as to keep the neighborhood clean. As soon as I picked up the box it was wet of course, I felt something shift side to side. I opened the box and saw one of the saddest sights in my life. A dirty bunny, eyes bulging, shivering. My heart immediately melted. I took her inside, she was very calm, and looked like she wanted to say,”Thanks!” I hurried her to the bathroom where she was wrapped in towels and blowdried, she was very dirty, mud caked on parts of her body, flies we’re around her. Poor girl(I checked, she was spayed). I immediately knew she was a pet before, I can’t make out her color, it’s either black, brown or gray(she’s dirty). In the box there was soaked paper, It scares me to think of how long she’d been in there…
        She is very weak, I have to force feed her with a syringe, she’s eating some orchard grass hay I have luckily, she’s my first official rabbit.

        I’m so petrified on how someone could do this to such a nice creature, the bunny is so loving, and kind. It breaks my heart.

        She’s eaten some fruit, I’m headed to the store to grab her veggies and pellets, I used to watch over a friends rabbit so I know my stuff.

        I want to get a bowl of warm water and carefully give her a “bath”, she’s VERY dirty, maybe I can find out her color soon and give her a name.

        I really want to keep her with me, this all happened so fast. This website has been very helpful, Thanks!

        Please share some thoughts and suggestions!

      • kurottabun
        908 posts Send Private Message

          Poor thing So glad you found her xx

          Make sure she’s eating lots of grass hay as the fibre is needed to get her tummy going. If she’s not eating much of it you could try giving her some Oxbow Critical Care. Fruits should be kept to a minimum due to the sugar content and hydration from veggies could help if she’s not drinking a lot of water.

          Does she have a short, medium or long coat? I’m wondering if a full bath could send her into shock since she must’ve already been so terrified. Shocks can be quite fatal. Perhaps you could try to brush or comb her as best as you can to get the dirt out? You could also use some corn starch – moisture will be absorbed by the starch and you can then brush it off her fur.

          Is she pooping and peeing? I’d take her to a rabbit savvy vet to make sure she’s alright. There might be a risk of fly strike (amongst other possible issues) since you mentioned that there were flies around her and she was wet

        • Sirius&Luna
          2320 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you for saving this poor bunny!

            At the moment, I would keep her diet simple – rabbits need to be introduced to new foods slowly, and since you don’t know whats she’s used to, an influx of veggies and fruit could upset her stomach.

            Keep her on lots of grass hay, perhaps some critical care if you have it to aid weight gain, and a small portion of pellets to be increased daily. You can also slowly introduce veggies, but keep it slow as bunny stomachs are sensitive.

            I agree with Kurotta that a vet check would be best – it sounds like the poor thing has had a terrible time, and it’s worth checking that her teeth are healthy, that she doesn’t have mites or any injuries.

            To clean her, I would use a warm flannel and try to get most dirt out that way. If you can get most of it out, once she’s feeling better she’ll sort the remainder herself. I don’t think submerging her in a bath in her current state would do her any good.

          • MountainBuns
            513 posts Send Private Message

              Her coat seems medium, I’ll try and brush her, I won’t give her a full bath. The corn starch sounds like a good idea.

              She is eating hay, critical care, I’m trying to introduce veggies and the pellets are shipping to my house.

              Im getting her to the vet today, I’ll tell you what happens.

              Thanks for your help!

            • MountainBuns
              513 posts Send Private Message

                She is pooping and peeing regularly, the poops look healthy, she isn’t drinking a lot, But it’s enough

              • Q8bunny
                6345 posts Send Private Message

                  This is horrific. And amazing! Of all the yards in all the towns in all the world, she blew into yours. Lucky girl (the bunny, of course).

                  Name suggestions: Ilsa OR Dot (short for Dorothy)

                • MountainBuns
                  513 posts Send Private Message

                    I know right! She’s such a sweet girl, she is already loving cuddles and head strokes from me, when I was petting her, I stopped for a little and she shoved her head under my hand for more, lol!

                  • Gina.Jenny
                    2244 posts Send Private Message

                      I took on 2 strays 3 years ago, I gave tiny amounts of pellets between hay, the two girls I took on were ravenous and ate non-stop for the first 24 hours, so a tiny portion of pellets, a good chomp on some hay, a few more pellets worked well, new foods can upset but as far as I know a bunny cant really eat too much plain hay? She may well need higher calories and not to much in the way of new foods all at once for now so maybe keepthe veggies to a minimum?

                    • MountainBuns
                      513 posts Send Private Message

                        I have not fed veggies yet because I wanted to take her to the vet first. He did say to keep veggies at a minimum and start slow. The vet can tell that she had been on pellets and veggies before, due to some tests and weight, but we can’t be sure which ones.

                      • Rabbitpossm
                        66 posts Send Private Message

                          what a lucky bun! I don’t have any information to add since it seems like you’ve gotten it sorted out between your knowledge, everyone’s help and the vet, but I just wanted to say good job and congratulations on helping this poor bun. I can’t believe people that do this. ): 

                          Here in Vancouver there’s a big problem with people thinking it’s okay to abandon unwanted bunnies outside. Once certain areas became known for it, it just made more people think it’s okay and drop their bunnies there. Definitely keeps the rabbit sanctuaries here busy. I think there’s at least three established rabbit only sanctuaries, if not more, plus many rabbits in regular shelters like the spca. A lot of the rabbits in them are domesticated rabbits found in such places. So I’m glad that this bunny found a good human.

                          (Also I love the name suggestion of Dorothy, I’m sure this experience felt like a hurricane to Oz for this little bun!)

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            Thank you for rescuing this bunny! How very sad that someone could do that to such a sweet, defenceless animal. One of my bridge kitties, Mystee, was found by my husband’s sister in a local cemetery, in a taped up box. . She was a sweet kitty who lived 14 years with us.

                          • Bladesmith
                            849 posts Send Private Message

                              Bless you for saving her! And a pox on the house of those who did this! I hope she makes it, and you end up with a forever bun. And of course, there’s only one thing to name her. Stormy!

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                          Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! A bun in the rain…