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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Wet nose

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    • luvmyhunybuny
      475 posts Send Private Message

        My little Holland lop has had a wet nose since I got her. The previous owner, who got her at 6 weeks, said it has always been like that. She is not sneezing. There is no purulent discharge. Her eyes are clear. She has a great appetite. I took her to the vet and she gave her a thorough examination and with what I told her did not feel she needed antibiotics. Just wondering if anyone has dealt with something like this. Thanks!

      • LBJ10
        16943 posts Send Private Message

          How wet is wet? Is it just a little damp or is it an obvious discharge? Could it be a hay allergy?

        • RabbitPam
          11002 posts Send Private Message

            I’m glad to hear that the vet has seen her already and given her the all clear. How is she drinking her water? Could it be wet from that often? Or from her greens?
            I’m sure someone here has had a bunny with a wet nose. If you’re concerned that it’s still not OK, you could get a second opinion. Otherwise, keep a sharp eye on her for other symptoms. If you’re using the same foods as the previous owner, you might try changing it, such as using a new hay (try orchard grass, for example, or oat if you’ve been using timothy.) Also try changing her litter (try aspen pellets instead of shavings, for example.) If it’s an allergy, it’s constantly with her so far, so might be one of those common items.

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              From some things I’ve read on my other lists about rabbits a bunch of the problems with rabbits and runny and wet noses and eyes and such are the way their teeth grow and the structure of their nasal passages that cause many of these problems, not necessarily a bacterial problem but those issues can cause bacterial problems. And that may even be moreso in these Holland Lops who have squished up faces and their breeding.

            • Elrohwen
              7318 posts Send Private Message

                Is it really wet or just damp? My two lops typically have damp noses, but no discharge – it’s normal for them.

              • tobyluv
                3310 posts Send Private Message

                  I have a similar situation to Elrohwen. One of my rabbits, (not quite a lop, but he does have airplane ears), has had a damp nose ever since I adopted him a few years ago. There has never been any discharge or sneezing. It alarmed me at first, then I came to realize that it must be normal for him.

                • bmt87
                  305 posts Send Private Message

                    I have a lop as well and her nose is always damp. I was worried for awhile and thought she may have allergies – but the vet said it was okay and normal for a rabbit to have mild allergies (especially lops for whatever reason). I know that doesn’t help but I can definitely relate!

                  • luvmyhunybuny
                    475 posts Send Private Message

                      Hey all~
                      It is wet, as in when I touch the area around her little nostrils the fur is wet. Sometimes she will have some little stiff feeling hairs around her nose where the wetness has dried. I never see any visible discharge (I have even looking IN her nostrils, no visible “stuff”), only feel the wetness. Dr Effie is a great vet and I trust her expertise, so I have no idea why I am worried. This has just been the first bunny that I have had this happen with and I am known to be a bit hyper vigilant

                    • Sarita
                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                        I agree, Dr. Effie is very knowledgeable and super nice too.

                      • luvbunz
                        26 posts Send Private Message

                          Im new here, recently got my mini lop. The day i picked him up and held him seemed like he was drooling my arm felt so wet from holding him. His nose looked wet, eyes etc.
                          when I got him home seems like everything cleared. He still has a wet nose but all else is dry and clear.

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            I would keep a close eye on him, luvbunz. Drooling and wet eyes can be a symptom of dental problems. How old is your bunny.

                          • GeorgeBunnie
                            1 posts Send Private Message

                              I have a 9 week old bunny that I’ve only had for a week but he had a few eye boogers yesterday but today just below his nose his fur it’s slightly moist. He’s still eating and drinking tons of water. I’m not sure if I should rush to a vet or wait it out until Friday when I want to get him in for a first visit

                            • Bam
                              16901 posts Send Private Message

                                Hi Georgebunnie and welcome to the BB forums!

                                A moist nose is normal if the ambient sir is humid and/or the bun has been physically active. Rabbits only ever breathe through their noses, moisture from the air going in our out can depodit around the nostrils.

                                Eye boogers are also common in young animals. You can remove them with a moist compress (use lukewarm water, not ice cold!)

                                I dont think you need to rush him to the vet if his poop is good and he’s eating and drinking and behaving normally.

                                This is a very old thread, contrary to many other forums, we ask our members to start a new thread even if there is an old one on the same topic 🙂 You do that by clicking “Create topic” in the sub forum of your choice. Looking forward to hearing more from you and your bun!


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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Wet nose