So every site is going to say it differently — so in my opinion, there is no “minimum to maximum” of space you need for a rabbit. However, the more space the better!! I have one rabbit and his xpen + crate (crate door always open to enter pen) is 77 inches in length, 33 in width. Although, it’s important to remember the following: How many rabbits will there be? In my case, I only have one rabbit but I still wanted to provide an adequate enclosure, as anyone should. What breed will the rabbits be? (How big will they get)? I have a Holland Lop baby right now (8 weeks) so the size of a baby Holland Lop’s cage (they get 2-4 lbs) would of course be different from that of a Flemish Giant, let’s say. They get around 15-22 lbs. How often will the rabbit be kept in the cage? My rabbit is only kept in there during the night, but if you are gone all day and need them in for a long time, then they will need a larger area. These are all valid things to consider! I would suggest that instead of a hutch, which might not work out for three rabbits as it could get crowded in there! you could maybe consider switching your idea to something more spacious. An xpen is also cheaper than a hutch and provides with more room for the rabbits. I have a large dog crate connected to my rabbits XL dog pens (x2) and the door to that is always open, providing him with options of where he wants to go. It’s also important to remember the age of your rabbits when you get them as I said above — if you’re getting senior rabbits, you must tailor the area to them. Same thing with babies. You must have enough room for the necessities yet I would recommend multiple (probably 2) litter boxes if you are having 3 rabbits.
In response to your question about a temporary habitat, your bunnies will probably be in a lot of stress from coming home. Personally, I would just immediately put them in their permanent home — however, if you want them to continue to bond or to work on litter box training, you could take the space you want them to roam in with an xpen and slowly expand it, slowly giving them more freedom. This would be less stressful than setting up two areas.
For all of these reasons, I just can’t straight up tell you the size you need. Just remember, “the bigger, the better” — give the largest space you can and what you feel is right. Remember, you’re still learning and since you’re just getting your bunnies now, you can always expand.
You can reply with questions or comments if you’d like to give me and everybody who might see this thread a better idea of what your habitat must be like!
These are just my suggestions. Please seek an experienced veterinarian if you have medical needs / questions. Thank you!