
OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS.  SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED.  We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. 

You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. 

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • HowieBunny
      1 posts Send Private Message

        Hi, I am Heather, wife to a wonderful man, mom to 5 beautiful children Brittney (21), Jake (19), Zach (16), Nico (15) and Ben (13).  I am a 17 year hockey mom – all 4 boys play and a cat and dog mama.  

        Our son Nico’s cat, Jack had to be put down unexpectedly and we were devastated.  About a month later, he asked me about getting a rabbit.  We found Howie thru a teacher at his school.  At first I said no but here we are, with our Howie!

        We had thought Howie was a boy UNTIL “he” went to our vet to be neutered – turns out, she is a girl!  We kept her name because she responds to it and it seemed wrong somehow to change it.

        She is the biggest delight!!  She has a two story indoor hutch which she is in at night and has the run of the house during the day.

        She gets along with all of our cats and two dogs – it is amazing how animals can come together like that!  

        We rescued a starving kitten over the winter a dew weeks before we got Howie, they have become the best of friends.

        Howie has such a great personality, she definitely keeps the dogs and cats on their toes!  She loves her bowl of “salad” every day – she will follow me to the fridge and wait while I put fresh veggies together for her.  She loves to play with her toys and play with whatever box may be lying around. She is a cuddler and just plain funny.  She loves one particular heat vent in the living room and sits in the window sills with the cats. 

        I work from home – she will come into my office every once in a while to check in and give me a rub on the leg.

        I have now added crazy rabbit mom to my crazy cat mom title and I love it!!

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          Welcome to Binky Bunny! I love stories like yours, how people have fallen head-over-heels for a rabbit and it’s also bonded with the other pets.
          It’s sounds as if she’s become everyones rabbit, rather then just your son’s rabbit! It’s also lovely that having Howie has helped everyone deal with the passing of Jack.

          Looking forward to seeing photos of her. As I am one of the admins, I was able to check to see if you had attached some photos. I see that you did but they are not showing. The file names are a long series of numbers and it’s preventing the “Insert Image” icon from showing next to the file name. If you rename the photos to a short, simple name, then upload as attachments again, you should see that icon. Then it’s just a matter of clicking on that and the photos will appear in your post.

        • tobyluv
          3310 posts Send Private Message

            Hello and welcome to Binky Bunny! That’s a very cute photo of Howie in your profile picture. I love seeing her all stretched out with her feet behind her.

          • LongEaredLions
            4482 posts Send Private Message

              Welcome! Howie sounds precious. If you have any pictures we would be…err…. happy to accept them.

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          Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Meet Howie