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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Introducing Benjamin Bun Bun!

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    • shearer1931
      10 posts Send Private Message

        Hi, my name is Rachel and I am slave to new bunny Benjamin.  I adopted him from the Humane Society on Monday of this week.  I went in to donate some items and there he was in all of this black beautiful glory.  I picked him up.  He snuggled and I fell in love.  He was two years old on 1/5.  He is neutered and was living with a ferret, but the owner got evicted and he wound up at the shelter.  

        He is already very friendly.  He loves to sit beside me with his head on my leg and get rubs.  I even get the nose nudge if I stop when he isn’t done.  He is trying to hump my arm and leg and is running circles around me when I stand in his pen.  He is seeing my vet soon and I will make sure he is really neutered.  I try to show him I am the dominate one by putting him on his back and saying no.  I’m hoping this is the right way to handle that.  He nibbles at my arm and hand.  Not real bites or teeth marks as of yet.  I think it’s  mainly because he wants to be pet.  Last night he jumped up on my chest and put his head against mine.  I hugged him and he sounded like he was bruxing his teeth like my rat does and almost purring.  My heart melted.

        I also have cats and birds which he was introduced to last night.  He seems to have already made friends with a couple of them.  He gets head butts and licks from the cats.  The birds don’t pay much attention to him.

        It’s been a very long time since I have had a rabbit.  Not since I was a kid, but I have wanted one for a long time.  I think that Benjamin is the perfect fit for me.  

      • Sirius&Luna
        2320 posts Send Private Message

          Hi Rachel and welcome to binkybunny

          Benjamin sounds adorable! He looks very cute from your profile picture

          Unfortunately until he is neutered he probably will be annoying with the humping. It’s not really something you can train them out of, and they don’t really understand humans as part of their dominance structure. Putting bunnies on their backs scares them, and can be dangerous (they can break their own backs with a strong kick), so it’s probably best to stop doing that, as it won’t be teaching him what you want it to teach him anyway. Sadly, the very annoying humping is just part of having an un-neutered bunny! It’s great that you’re planning on getting him neutered – it will definitely improve his behaviour. 

          [Edit- totally missed that he might be neutered  – in which case maybe he’s just settling in! He’ll calm down in time. its great to check if he is definitely neutered though ]

          Bunnies nibble to communicate – you would know if it was a proper bite! He’s talking to you bunny purring is the best.

          Let us know if you have any questions about caring for your new family member

        • Bam
          16981 posts Send Private Message

            Hi Rachel and Benjamin!

            Benjamin does sound like a lovely bunny! They do brux their teeth when they’re feeling comfy and happy =)

            Because he’s a rescue bun it’s likely that he is neutered. But even neutered buns can sometimes display courtship/mating behavior, although most commonly in spring. It tends to resolve itself though, if he is neutered. It’s great you’re taking him for a check up to your vet =)

            Bunnies do communicate with their teeth. My Bam does that a lot.

          • Vienna Blue in France
            5317 posts Send Private Message

              Hi and WELCOME !!!!!

            • tobyluv
              3310 posts Send Private Message

                Hello and welcome to Binky Bunny! It’s great that you adopted from a shelter. If Benjamin was just recently neutered, he likely is still dealing with his hormones. It can take up to a couple of months for the hormones to dissipate. He looks cute and comfy in your profile picture!

              • Wick & Fable
                5815 posts Send Private Message

                  Welcome to BB! What a pudgy face he’s got, haha. There’s a lot of useful and vital information in the BUNNY INFO section of this site, so I recommend checking it out!

                  The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                • shearer1931
                  10 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank for you for all of the great replies. It’s great to be part of such an awesome community.

                    Benjamin is neutered. I’m not sure if it was before he went in to the Humane Society or after. He was only there for two weeks, so if it was there, he is indeed newly neutered.

                    His humping and courting circle dance continues. I just push him down and tell him no. Thank for you telling me about putting him on his back. I had read that in a few places. I did do it gently, but I will stop doing that.

                    He is quite the lover boy. Last night I was sitting in his room with him and put his front paws on my knee and reached up and gave me a kiss with his little nose. I’m so in love with this boy.

                    He seems to have forgotten how to use his litter box now. I’m hoping it is temporary territorial marking. I pick up the poops and put them back in his box. He is always helpful in that and even follows me to his box. Hopefully he catches on to what I’m doing.

                    I will try to post more photos of him this weekend. He is a sweetheart and we all already so bonded.

                  • shearer1931
                    10 posts Send Private Message

                      Finally here are some pictures of my Benjamin Bun Bun!

                    • Luna
                      2219 posts Send Private Message

                        Hi! He’s gorgeous . And he even gave you a nose boop already! Definitely quite the charmer.

                      • Sirius&Luna
                        2320 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh those ears! Black bunnies are so special <3 He is gorgeous. I hope he's settling in, he looks super relaxed! Any reduction in the humping yet?

                        • Wick & Fable
                          5815 posts Send Private Message

                            What a black beauty with lovely fur! Wonderful! Welcome to the BB community booper snoop.

                            The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                          • shearer1931
                            10 posts Send Private Message

                              Turns out my Benjamin is NOT neutered. He saw his vet yesterday. I called the Humane Society and they will pay for the neutering and my vet can do it. He get it done Monday. That explains alot. He is 7.8 pounds and in excellent health. Everyone just fawned all over him at the clinic.

                              He is a big lover boy. He was binkying this morning. It’s so cute. Just melts my heart. He gives me kisses if I lean down and say kiss. He puts his nose to my mouth so I can kiss it. He is such a little snuggler. He loves to put his head on my leg and just be rubbed. He also gets on the bed and lays down beside me while I’m watching tv. I’m so in love with my baby boy.

                              Even the humping has reduced just with me learning some bunny language. It will probably vanish once he is neutered.

                            • Sirius&Luna
                              2320 posts Send Private Message

                                In a way, it’s great news that he isn’t neutered, because you know what the problem is and how to solve it! And glad the rescue are paying for it. Hope his op goes smoothly, let us know if you have any post-op questions!

                              • shearer1931
                                10 posts Send Private Message

                                  Benjamin made it through his neuter perfectly. However he does not want to eat. Spits out the Oxbow Critical Care and turns his nose up at his veggies. I have Metacam that they sent me home with and said he will need some tonight. How much banana and apple can he have if he will eat it? Having never force fed a bunny what is the best way to do it? I hope my little guy eats and drinks soon. How much food and water should I be forcing him to eat if he will not so it on his own? Thanks for the help.

                                • shearer1931
                                  10 posts Send Private Message

                                    Benjamin made it through his neuter perfectly. However he does not want to eat. Spits out the Oxbow Critical Care and turns his nose up at his veggies. I have Metacam that they sent me home with and said he will need some tonight. How much banana and apple can he have if he will eat it? Having never force fed a bunny what is the best way to do it? I hope my little guy eats and drinks soon. How much food and water should I be forcing him to eat if he will not so it on his own? Thanks for the help.

                                  • shearer1931
                                    10 posts Send Private Message

                                      Benjamin has eaten some banana, apple, cilantro and a few pellets. No interest in hay and I can’t get him to drink. He is hopping a bit in his room and is currently chewing on his wicker box. I gave him pain meds about an hour ago. Looks like he is doing alright. Any tricks on water? He acted like I was going to kill him when I gave him meds so I’d rather not force him if necessary.

                                    • DanaNM
                                      9056 posts Send Private Message

                                        Hi! Benjamin is gorgeous!

                                        This video is one of the best I’ve found concerning how to syringe feed:

                                        The trick to getting them to swallow is to syringe it slowly, and aim towards the back of their mouth, but not down their throat. There is a gap behind the incisors, so I usually go in from the side, stick the syringe under the lip/cheek, and you’ll feel a pocket of space. Mix the CC so it’s a bit runnier than the instructions say, about the consistency of pancake batter. This also will help hydrate him. You can mix a bit of banana or canned pumpkin in to make it taste better. Also try offering it on a plate. Since he’s eating banana, he might eat it on his own (my bunnies love it!).

                                        Keep offering wet greens, lots of cilantro if that’s what he wants, just keep him eating. Try to push the leafy greens over fruits though, don’t want the sugar to upset his tummy.

                                        They prob told you this but I think you are supposed to restrict his space a bit for a while, and make sure he can’t jump up on anything.

                                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                      • shearer1931
                                        10 posts Send Private Message

                                          Thank you for the video link!

                                          Good news. He is eating on his own. Phew! No syringe. He is currently eating pellets but has nibbled on hay and his veggies. He ate a bunch of cilantro and some snap peas. He has peed and pooped. He has even bounced around a bit. He is restricted to his room right now and will be for a couple of days. Does pain meds every 12 hours sound correct?

                                        • Sirius&Luna
                                          2320 posts Send Private Message

                                            Great that he’s eating on his own! Pain meds every 12 hours is completely normal.

                                            Hopefully now he’s eating and pooping he’ll stay on the road to recovery

                                            Try not to let him bounce around too much as it could get damage his stitches!

                                          • Azerane
                                            4689 posts Send Private Message

                                              I just wanted to say that Benjamin is such a beautiful bunny and sounds like he has an amazing personality I’m glad his neuter went well.

                                            • shearer1931
                                              10 posts Send Private Message

                                                Thank you everyone! He is continuing to eat normally and all bowel movements are normal. He got pain meds this morning before I left for work. Bouncing is probably the wrong word. Hopping around his little area is probably more correct.

                                                Yes Azerane, Benjamin is amazing. He and I bonded within the first couple of days and it just keeps getting stronger. He has definitely won over my heart.

                                              • shearer1931
                                                10 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Thank you everyone! He is continuing to eat normally and all bowel movements are normal. He got pain meds this morning before I left for work. Bouncing is probably the wrong word. Hopping around his little area is probably more correct.

                                                  Yes Azerane, Benjamin is amazing. He and I bonded within the first couple of days and it just keeps getting stronger. He has definitely won over my heart.

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                                              Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Introducing Benjamin Bun Bun!