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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hey Everyone!

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    • DarwinParrot
      7 posts Send Private Message

        My name is Jake. I work primarily with parrots and I do rescue and show with them. But in recent times I have taken an interest to small animals too. I have always loved rabbits. A few people in my friend circle have house rabbits and they are just the coolest pets. One of my friends has a neutered male lop and he is very well behaved and friendly.I actually had to babysit him for a week recently and that is what inspired me to adopt a rabbit. I have always held back on adopting a bunny because I was allergic to their hay as a child. But over year of taking care of my degu, Momo (who has recently passed at the ripe age of 8 years RIP), I have somehow gotten over my allergy. I have done a fair amount of research over the years so I know quite a bit about their housing and care. I would be keeping my potential bunny in an extra large dog crate which would provide ample room for a liter box, toys, and maybe even a shelf all with space to spare. I have 2 dog pens I could let him run around in and I can easily rabbit-proof my bedroom for him. I have intentions of getting him or her neutered for the health and behavior benefit. The certificates my local shelter sells are $100. I am hoping to adopt this little guy or girl for the holidays. I have not decided on a breed yet but I do not want a long hair breed or one that is extremely large. I am going to take a few weeks to put away some money and buy some more supplies before I start seriously looking for my new buddy. 

      • MoxieMeadows
        5375 posts Send Private Message

          Welcome to BB.

        • DarwinParrot
          7 posts Send Private Message

            So since I posted this I checked the local shelter and they do not have any rabbits currently which is a shame because they offer them fixed for just a little more than a pet store would ask. I absolutely refuse to support the pet stores since they keep their rabbits poorly. Anyways it turns out that someone that I once helped with a parrot has a rabbit rescue. They have some young netherland dwarfs and a few others to choose from. I am going tomorrow morning to meet with her and see some of the bunnies. I have an extra large dog crate set up with a small litterbox filled with paper based bedding and a bit of hay in it, a fleece blanket to lay on, 2 ceramic bowls(one for water and one for hay), and a few toys. I am also going to dig for a cardboard box for him or her to seek shelter in if he or she needs some alone time.

          • DarwinParrot
            7 posts Send Private Message

              So I went this morning to my friend with the rabbits. She had 2 lionheads, a standard rex, and 3 netherland dwarfs. The one netherland was not for adoption yet because she wanted to watch his weight and the female was on hold. But she brought out this little brown male and I fell in love. He is so calm and small. She told me he was ready to go today if I was ready for him. I think the dog crate might have too big of bar spacing for him so I have him in a smaller cage for now. He is eating and even came out to explore the room. He seems pretty comfortable because he was cleaning his face and even came up to sniff me. I have to run out later to grab some more supplies. I think I am going to leave him be for the rest of the day to settle in. I need to think of a good name for him!

              Here he is

            • aBeautifulHope
              170 posts Send Private Message

                Welcome! And your little one is adorable ? And I’m forewarning you, people get very competitive when naming a bunny here!

              • DarwinParrot
                7 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you! And maybe asking is a bad idea then because I will probably end up picking my own name anyways, haha. So far I like the name Turbo. I can call him Turb or Turby for a nickname.

                • Bam
                  16951 posts Send Private Message

                    Wellcome! He looks just super-adorable! I love agouti bunnies

                    It is true as abeautifulhope says, BBers have been known to form teams promoting their most favorite name-suggestions. But it’s really just for fun and not sth we must do. We’re perfectly happy to just suggest names like normal people would

                  • DarwinParrot
                    7 posts Send Private Message

                      If you have any names to suggest feel free. But nothing obvious or common please. He is doing great though! He cannot squeeze through the big dog crate so now he has a bunch of room to run around. He lets me hand feed him pellets and even went up and introduced himself to my dogs, who are good with small animals. I will get more pictures later.

                    • Bam
                      16951 posts Send Private Message

                        What type of names do you like? I mean from like some tv-series or books, Harry Potter, Game Of Thrones etc. Do you have other pets that you want the bunny’s name to match? Since I’ve just read Watership Down I come to think of Hazel and Fiver of course but I realize they may fall into the obvious-category.

                      • aBeautifulHope
                        170 posts Send Private Message

                          If you like names from Mythology (which I’m quite partial to! I have a bunny named Luna and a horse named Artemis ☺️) I love Zeus (although that may be obvious), Chronos, Eros, Tartarus, Helios, Atlas, Perseus, Asterius, Orion, Talos, Aidos, Poseidon, Triton, Apollo, Chiron, Hermes, Achilles, Iolaus, Pheonix, Odysseus, and etc ☺️ I also like names from Egyptian mythology ?. Although, tbh, I like the female names from most mythology more than the male names which is why the list is so short☺️☺️☺️

                        • LongEaredLions
                          4482 posts Send Private Message

                            Welcome! Your little one is so precious. I’m horrible with names but I can’t wait to see what he ends up with!

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hey Everyone!