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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A sick rabbit help

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    • mitch
      23 posts Send Private Message

        My rabbit has had stasis for a few days. He has been to the vet and is on antibiotics, subq shots. I am giving gas medicine xrays are showing a lot of gas. The vet game me some metacam today and wanted to leave his IV in so he could get more fluids tomorrow.
        my questions are, is he okay to be hopping around with IV in and should i be worried about him puuling it out? Ive had to spray alcohol on it to deter him says the vet. Also how often can he have metcam? Vet just told me .3 in the syringe but i hear him grinding his teeth every now and then. Seems to be grinding when i have to give him meds or shortly after munching on hay / greens. He is eating small amounts and pooping very little but i know these are improvements

      • LBJ10
        16945 posts Send Private Message

          Moving around helps break up the gas bubbles, but you don’t want him to pull the IV out. Is it on his leg? Can it be covered when not in use?
          Something else to try are tummy rubs/messages. It seems to help break up gas bubbles and stimulate the gut to get things moving. One of my boys had gas just recently and the tummy rubs helped, despite his protests.

        • mitch
          23 posts Send Private Message

            The iv is in his leg and the vet wrapped it pretty good. Im just worried about the time between me going to bed and making it to the vet tomorrow. I gave Panda his metcam and subq shot for the night and gave him a belly rub after. I never heard him pass gas but it was gurgling. Then he hopped up and ate a good chunk of his greens and drank some water. He seems to be fine if i nudge him to get moving, hell groom and hop around for a little but once he settles down he just seems like hes giving up :/. Also i feel some tiny hardish bumps on his right side.. gas maybe? Vet never said anyrhing about it and hes had 3 xrays.

          • mitch
            23 posts Send Private Message

              Update on Panda. We just got back from the vet hes been munching on bits of timothy and willow and drank a little water. He still has the iv will be going back to vet tomorrow. He still hasnt pooed in about a full day though :/ he ate the whole bag of greens i brought with him to the vet but xrays show that the gas is getting worse but his temp did go up today.
              Vet believes he may be having a liver issue but will keep fighting as long as he keeps up the fight

            • Megabunny
              2041 posts Send Private Message

                I’m thinking the bumps may be gas, as you’ve already guessed. I’m stunned he’s eating so much, but that’s great! I’ll assume the vet said he ate all that? I imagine the gas would be getting worse if he isn’t pooping yet. Scary! I’m told they will hunch up when in pain and maybe that’s what you’re seeing when he seems to be giving up. I’m glad to hear the vet sent him home so you were able to keep giving him attention through the night. Doesn’t do them any good to sit in a cage at the vet’s when you can give him much more aggressive attention. Keep up the good work. I think people have given critical care during stasis to help things get moving, but I’m not totally sure. Also, a lot of buns like canned pumpkin…not the pie mix, but straight pumpkin…once you force feed them a taste or two of it, maybe on the end of a piece of celery (not necessarily for them to eat the celery…just something firm to get that pumpkin in for a taste) It’s full of moisture and fibre and they usually like the taste and will eat that readily. Keep up posted

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  That’s great that he’s eating willingly! I would not try to force feed anything bc that could stress him out and undo the progress he’s making on his own. Keep giving him his favorite things! And keep us posted!

                • mitch
                  23 posts Send Private Message

                    Back from the vet today and his iv is out for the weekend. The xrays show the gas is slightly better today.Panda ate his greens again at the vet and when he got home along with pieces of timothy hay laying around but wont eat in his litter box. His stomach is making lots of noise and eats little bits between massages. I havent heard him geinding his teeth any. I am just making sure hes kept warm and relaxing also making sure he gets to hop around some.
                    Its just so frustrating :/ i think if he could just pass gas he would be all right. Still no poop besides two really small ones yesterday.

                  • mitch
                    23 posts Send Private Message

                      He isnt sitting humch up too much. I think because of his heating pad he mostly stays sprawled out lol. The vet said it would be best for him to be with me so he can try and act him self. Although hes been in the vet cage for 5 days now so they can watch him during the day. Its his second home now haha. What is the critical care exacly? The only thing he seems to want are frezh moist veggies. He wont even go after his treats which is probably good because of the sugars.

                    • Megabunny
                      2041 posts Send Private Message

                        I think Critical care is a highly nutritious high-fiber food additive and I also really recommend that canned pumpkin

                      • mitch
                        23 posts Send Private Message

                          What kind of canned pumpkin? I tried looking in baby food but couldnt find anything. And you recommend this over critical care? Because our rabbit society is closed for the day

                        • JackRabbit
                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                            If you don’t have critical care, you could mash up some of his pellets worh a little water and pumpkin. The canned pumpkin should be on the canned veggie aisle in the grocery store but could also be near canned fruit depending on the store and will be pure pumpkin and no added sugar. It is not pie filling. I stocked up at Thanksgiving, and I think it was Libby’s brand. I’ve never had to use it but keep it on hand. I’ve heard people on here swear by it though. I would keep up the simethicone if it were me. I wonder if the lumps you felt might also have been poop pellets working through!

                            I have no idea why or if its a coincidence, but oat hay tops seem to get my bunnies moving when their poops slow down a little. I don’t give them a bunch because they are higher cal, but I always wake up to a pile of poop after some oat hay tops the evening before.

                          • mitch
                            23 posts Send Private Message

                              Ok im going out for pumpkin now looking for libbys brand. Ive teied everyhay in the world so far.. he’ll only eat bits of timothy laying around and his greens after tummy massages.

                            • mitch
                              23 posts Send Private Message

                                What is going to be the best way to give him the pumpkin??

                              • JackRabbit
                                5451 posts Send Private Message

                                  I think Megabunny has done it via syringe and using a baby spoon. I think most people in here have done it with a syringe and have mixed it with critical care. You might try putting a little on a small spoon and see if he’ll eat it himself — before last night, I would have suggested putting a little on your finger and see if he’d lick it, but I almost lost part of a finger doing that with apple juice with one of my bunnies last night so try a spoon!

                                • mitch
                                  23 posts Send Private Message

                                    Alright lol. I tried some on a spoon and he seemed a little interested but ill have to wait between meds and massages to see if hell eat it. He starts to feel better when i get some gas moving around.

                                  • JackRabbit
                                    5451 posts Send Private Message

                                      Then definitely massage away! If you can get him to move around, that helps move gas through too.

                                    • Megabunny
                                      2041 posts Send Private Message

                                        You’re doing great. Keep it going! Wish he’d eat some fun hay. But certainly these other things should help too

                                      • mitch
                                        23 posts Send Private Message

                                          He pokes around for a little when i let him out then he just sits there. He def enjoys his hutch with heating pad in it.
                                          Im doing the best I can for him

                                        • Megabunny
                                          2041 posts Send Private Message

                                            Aw. A heating pads a great idea

                                          • mitch
                                            23 posts Send Private Message

                                              Still no poop today but he is eating and still getting fluids.

                                            • mitch
                                              23 posts Send Private Message

                                                Still no poop today but he is eating and still getting fluids.

                                              • ohbonobogirl
                                                59 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Best wishes! I had the best luck syringe feeding canned pumpkin mixed with critical care. Sending warm wishes your way.

                                                • LBJ10
                                                  16945 posts Send Private Message

                                                    This is going to sound weird, but I have heard some people recommend putting your bunny on top of the washing machine while it is running. The vibrations help break up the gas bubbles. Not sure if that would be too stressful or not though.

                                                  • mitch
                                                    23 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Update on Panda today. He pooed a little and is eating greens and bits of hay. Our vet says the gas is a little better and gave us a new antibiotic called azithromycin suspension once a day. Hasnt had any more fluids or shots today.
                                                      I noticed Panda was licking his groin often and he cage was starting to smell. When i checked his tail is was wet and brownish. The vet said he thinks something else is going on but never said what and I never asked what the antibiotic was for. I can tell he is uncomfortable and when I give him tummy massage it will suddenly swell up real hard and back down. We just feel so bad for him

                                                    • Megabunny
                                                      2041 posts Send Private Message

                                                        This is all just so unbelievable. Where is all that food going?? I am sorry to hear there are continued problems. He looks like such a goofball in the avatar

                                                      • mitch
                                                        23 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I have no idea where the food is going lol. He looks like he gets spurts of comfort and walks around in his cage and nibbles on things then goes hunched up. Hopefully he will get through it all. He is such a goofy bun

                                                        • Megabunny
                                                          2041 posts Send Private Message

                                                            He’s certainly gotten into the right home!

                                                          • mitch
                                                            23 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Unfortunatly we may have to put him down soon becaise of the pain he may be suffering. We noticed tonight while cleaning his bum that there are two hard lumps by his privets. We cant tell if its bone or really hard poop

                                                            • LBJ10
                                                              16945 posts Send Private Message

                                                                What antibiotic did the vet give you?

                                                              • LBJ10
                                                                16945 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Could the lumps be his scent glands? They can get hard and full of stuff sometimes.

                                                                • mitch
                                                                  23 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Lbj, the antibiotic is called azithromycin suspension. Do you know what it might be used for? And they may be his scent glands. They seem to be on both sides of his genitals but not completly even. One that is noticeable looks about twice the size of a normal poo and is hard as a rock. It almost feels like a bone.

                                                                  • mitch
                                                                    23 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Also we noticed the waxy build up right when all thos happened so we pull the stuff out. Could they be plugged up again? And i wonder how vet didnt notice.

                                                                    • Roberta
                                                                      4355 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Vets rarely check anal glands, generally they get mucky but if your bun has been unwell he may not be grooming fully.

                                                                      • Roberta
                                                                        4355 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Two questions.. Have they done an Xray or ultrasound ? What greens is he eating ?

                                                                        • mitch
                                                                          23 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Hes had a ton of xrays that show gas and vet is thinking some kind of liver problem now. He says the ultrasoynds are very expensive and even if they found something that operatong on a bunny is just as deadly. Weve been giving him cilantro oregano green leaf lettuce and he really loves parsly but i know the calcium can be harmful feom the parsly

                                                                          • mitch
                                                                            23 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Hes had a ton of xrays that show gas and vet is thinking some kind of liver problem now. He says the ultrasoynds are very expensive and even if they found something that operatong on a bunny is just as deadly. Weve been giving him cilantro oregano green leaf lettuce and he really loves parsly but i know the calcium can be harmful feom the parsly

                                                                            • Megabunny
                                                                              2041 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                SOunds like you’re being smart. I’m not a big fan of ultrasounds. I’ve been told they are not accurate and, yes, even if they find something, are you really going to put him through that? Interesting idea about the scent glands

                                                                              • mitch
                                                                                23 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  He binks free now :*( thank you guys for help and suggestions.

                                                                                • Megabunny
                                                                                  2041 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I’m sorry for your loss, Mitch, but I am glad he is out of pain. You were awesome to him with treatment, but also in having the strength to let him go when it was obvious you were nearing this end. Peace to you, bunny friend. Take care

                                                                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      I’m so very sorry about this sad outcome. ((((Binky Free)))))

                                                                                    • JackRabbit
                                                                                      5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        So sad. Binky free little guy . ….

                                                                                      • LBJ10
                                                                                        16945 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          Oh no, so sorry to hear this. Poor little guy. =(

                                                                                          I know the point is a bit moot now, but azithromycin is used for treat difficult/stubborn URIs. Not sure why you vet prescribed it. MediRabbit says it can reduce appetite, but that obviously wasn’t an issue with your bunny.

                                                                                        • ohbonobogirl
                                                                                          59 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            Sorry for your loss…. Warm hugs to you!

                                                                                          • mitch
                                                                                            23 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              Thank you guys for the kind words.
                                                                                              Lbj im thinking the back up of fecal matter probably contributed to a uti hence his wet tail but the vet never ran the tests for that. Panda was in a lot of stress at the time

                                                                                            • mitch
                                                                                              23 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                Thank you guys for the kind words.
                                                                                                Lbj im thinking the back up of fecal matter probably contributed to a uti hence his wet tail but the vet never ran the tests for that. Panda was in a lot of stress at the time

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                                                                                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A sick rabbit help