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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Jenny and Pippi

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    • Gina.Jenny
      2244 posts Send Private Message

        Its not just me and my two sons who are grieving for (((Rusty)))

        Pippi had been bonded to Rusty ever since we’d bought then home, when we were told they were around ten weeks old. My younger son could say he need to just be left along for a while, but Pippi couldn’t say what he needed, any more than we could explain to him why Rusty had gone. 

        Given the how the sessions with Jenny and the boys had gone, I knew from Monday, that if the worst happened with Rusty, that there was every hope that Pippi could be bonded with Jenny, and not be left for too long on his own. Given he couldn’t say in words, the only way to find out his thoughts, was to let Jenny out, and watch his reactions. Given Pippi is as unterritorial as a bunny gets, I felt that just leaving Jenny’s door open and letting him stay in the dining room, would be be worth trying.

        I bought him in from the garden, opened her door, and spread a few pellets around on the big box lid the boys used as as their food tray. She was quick to hop out and tuck in, and he seemed fine just tucking in, too. When there were just two pellets left, I nudged them, so the bunnies got a last one each, then Jenny decided it was time to start grooming Pippi.

        Rusty was always the dominant one, and I never saw him groom Pippi, except once, yesterday, so Pippi isn’t used to being groomed by another bunny, and startled, making poor Jenny jump. She wasn’t put off for long though, and he soon got another quick lick. Given there was no sign of any problems, I moved from the dining room to the living room, so I could sit on the end of the settee, more comfy for me, and still close enough to step in if needed.

        Eventually, both bunnies came through to the living room, and ended up in the same hay box, eating companionably, side by side. After being out for close on two hours, Jenny hopped into her run for a drink, so I closed the door, as I felt two hours was probably long enough. I let her out to have a few supper time pellets with Pippi, after which she started grooming him again, and he just lowered his head, and let her carry on. I would have liked to leave them together overnight, but think it is way too soon, so I lifted her into her run and shut her in.

        Went down this morning, and poor Pippi came to me for ear rubs and looked very sad on his own. Got some their breakfast pellets, and left them together. Its been just over an hour now, and all seems to be going ok. Pippi is sat having a good wash, and Jenny has discovered the joys of running up and down the stairs.

      • Bam
        16883 posts Send Private Message

          It sounds just lovely! Pippi and Rusty saved Jenny when she was cold and miserable, now Jenny has the chance to return the favor to Pippi during his difficult time. I hope they keep this up. It would be so great.

        • Gina.Jenny
          2244 posts Send Private Message

            Pippi just hopped into Jenny’s run, and started eating the hay at one end, while Jenny was drinking from her water bowl at the other end. She turned round and realised he was there and promptly chased him out, he then when into what I take is an apologetic stance. She seemed to think it was, as she gave his head a groom, then hopped off to eat some hay out of the big hay box. He followed her and they are chomping away.

            I’m sat in the living room, with Gina, and the dining room blocked off, so she can have a good run around, and believe me she is making the most of it! She is making light work of getting through the bunny proofing that was fine for the somewhat bigger boys! Just caught her in time to save the phone and internet from a one bite disconnection.

            A few minutes ago, Gina was ‘banana’d’ under the window, in what used to be Rusty’s favourite ‘banana’ spot, and a few years ago, used to be our first rescue bunny, Chelsey’s favourite ‘banana’ spot. ( banana’d is what we call the shape they make with the back legs out behind. not somewhere to eat fruit!). That kind of bought a double lump to my throat…

          • Gina.Jenny
            2244 posts Send Private Message

            • Bam
              16883 posts Send Private Message

                Bam lies like that, like a banana, so glad to hear other bunnies do that too. I wasn’t sure it was quite normal

              • So Fluffy Bunny
                120 posts Send Private Message

                  Depending on if cuddled or not being cuddled, both of mine will end up in a banana’d somewhere in the den.

                • Gina.Jenny
                  2244 posts Send Private Message

                    Given how well Pippi and Jenny are getting along, I’ve rearranged the dining room, so they can be together overnight, giving myself a good six hours to see if there are likely to be any issues…

                    Pippi didn’t think I left the fun stuff quite right, and was soon busy putting things in order, Jenny was observing and thinking…

                  • Gina.Jenny
                    2244 posts Send Private Message

                      Looking pretty bonded now 

                    • Bam
                      16883 posts Send Private Message

                        They certainly do look bonded. What a success-story!

                      • Gina.Jenny
                        2244 posts Send Private Message

                          Given the last three pics are all taken in the dining room, which was the boy bunnies space, and Pippi isn’t bothered, he should be fine.He’s gone from being unsure about her grooming him, to repeatedly asking her to groom him!

                          Jenny is a bit put out, probably missing her run, but she is quite territorial about ‘her’ run, and I don’t want her going for Pippi in the night, say for example, if he goes to sleep in there. If its not there, he can’t!

                          Giving Gina floor time will be a bit trickier, but I think I’ve a solution.

                          The hardest part will be in the morning, as Pippi will want to go outside, and Jenny can’t. Its still too soon after her being so cold for so long, and also she still needs her Myx/Vhd jab. I bought him in very early today, but its breezy, and he is used to snuggling in against Rusty when they are out all day.

                        • Bam
                          16883 posts Send Private Message

                            I too would think it’s too soon for Jenny to go out and if myxi is anywhere near as frequent as it is here, I’d want to wait until she’s developed immunity after the jab.
                            They look so incredibly cute together, I hope Gina can be bonded with them too.

                          • Gina.Jenny
                            2244 posts Send Private Message

                              Next doors lost two rabbits to myxi a few years back, they hadn’t immunised, and think their cats bought in in. They’ve since moved, taking the cats with them, but it means I’m not willing to take any chances, esp after what she has already been through.

                              It takes around 3 weeks after to develop a good level of immunity, and she isn’t getting her jab til next Wed, when the vets thought she’d be well enough after the slow recovery from the anesthetic.

                              Last winter, Rusty and Pippi got out for at least half an hour more days than they didn’t, but they got out almost every day through autumn, so they built up snug winter fur coats, and could also keep each other warm. I can’t see the girls getting out through this winter, esp with the troubles Jenny has had post op with keeping warm, nor would I want to put Pippi out on his own once it gets colder. He won’t be impressed with staying in every day though.

                            • Bam
                              16883 posts Send Private Message

                                No, I can see how Pippi will be less than thrilled =(
                                But I totally agree on the myxi, it’s a terrible disease. It can be brought in by mosquitos too. There are so few wild rabbits here this year compared to how it used to be, these last few years, the population has suffered hard.

                              • Gina.Jenny
                                2244 posts Send Private Message

                                  Well, Pippi and Jenny are spending their first night together, somehow I doubt I’ll sleep through without going down to check!

                                  Pippi is getting so much grooming, and is getting very used very fast to being top bun instead of under bun. Just a bit concerned Jenny will end up with a tum full of fur, so gave Pippi an extra good grooming with the brush, and he just lay there and let me carry on, no restraining hand needed. Jenny has asked him to groom her a few times, but so far she isn’t waiting more than a few seconds, before giving up and grooming Pippi instead. Rusty demanded grooming from Pippi daily, but seldom got any, so Jenny may find its pretty much a one way thing.

                                  Poor Gina isn’t too impressed with Jenny getting so much more freedom than her, but no matter how many times I tell her that all she needs to do is stop trying to fight the other two, and she could be out with them, she still continues to snarl at them both.

                                  Not going to even consider trying any further bonding with her, with their bond being so new, unless or until the snarling stops.

                                • Gina.Jenny
                                  2244 posts Send Private Message

                                    Half one in the morning and all good so far…

                                  • vanessa
                                    2212 posts Send Private Message

                                      That’s great for Jenny and Pippi 🙂

                                    • Gina.Jenny
                                      2244 posts Send Private Message

                                        All went well, except for Pippi wanting to be outside at 6am, as he is used to.

                                      • Bam
                                        16883 posts Send Private Message

                                          I feel sorry for Pippi in one way and in another, I feel he’s a genuinely lucky bun, who got a new friend so soon after losing his bonded mate.

                                        • Gina.Jenny
                                          2244 posts Send Private Message

                                            Put Pippi and the guinea pigs out in the garden for a bit over three hours this morning, which is ample time to fill a tum with grass. Although its not the same as having company in the same run, being near the piggies is still better than being totally alone, and he does like to be outside. I cut some grass and dandelions for the girls to eat indoors.

                                            Jenny sat staring forlornly in to the garden, while she ate hers in the dining room, meanwhile, I took Gina through to the living room, where she was very glad of the chance to really stretch her legs. I don’t like her having to spend so much of the day in her cage, so I hope she calms down and can eventually be bonded with the other two. She now goes up and down the stairs so fast, it almost looks like she’s not even touching them, which is a bit scary to watch. She also has worked out that her front paws can be used to climb, first jumping up on the crisps and then having a good go at climbing over the barrier I’d set up between the dining room and the living room!

                                          • Bam
                                            16883 posts Send Private Message

                                              Oh, I didn’t realize you’ve piggies as well! How nice! And good for Pippi! I think my buns like hanging out with my dog (I don’t think she considers them company though).

                                              Both Gina and Jenny seem like so smart rabbits, maybe because they were left to fend for themselves or maybe that was how they survived out on their own.

                                            • Gina.Jenny
                                              2244 posts Send Private Message

                                                I would say they survived because they were smart.

                                                When Pippi and Rusty do/did their racing laps round the living room, they would run in smooth curves, whereas the girls zigzag, and sometimes about turn as they go, which they had presumably learnt of necessity.

                                                Not sure if its clear in the second picture, but Gina is trying to see if she can get up and over the piggies cage, which sits on top of hers, so she is quite high in relation to her small size.

                                              • Gina.Jenny
                                                2244 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Bam, here are our piggy boys, Chocco and Latte. 

                                                  These two are always happy to be near to the bunnies outside, I guess it helps them feel safer?

                                                • Bam
                                                  16883 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Aaw, how cute they are! It’s nice that they want to be near the bunnies outside. Safety reasons seem likely, rabbits are not quite as defenseless as they look. Many of us have scars to prove that :/

                                                  • Gina.Jenny
                                                    2244 posts Send Private Message

                                                      No kidding!

                                                      When we first caught Gina, I tried to work out what breed she mainly is, as I doubt shes a pure bred. Going by size and build, I reckon she and Jenny are predominantly what are called Polish Hare in the UK, and Britania Petite in the US. Most articles say these are very intelligent, very highly strung and quite aggressive rabbits, who are generally unsuitable for children, or first time rabbit owners. I would say that describes these two little girls quite accurately. In particular, both were very aggressive with us at first, which might be both cause and effect as to why they were on the loose. Gina even knows how to spread out, and use her claws in a cat-like way I’ve not experienced before from a bun, although she hasn’t used that against me for weeks now.

                                                      Thankfully they both found their way to a home where they will be loved for who they are, and with people who can handle these traits just fine

                                                      I think Jenny learnt it was safe to trust due to me having to handle her so much to get her through the post anesthetic hypothermia. Gina is improving, just a lot more slowly, but slow and steady will get her there.

                                                    • vanessa
                                                      2212 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Wow those are cute piggies. I always have to tell myself… no more animals… I had 13 piggies when I was a kid. Now I have the 4 rabbits, 2 dogs, 1 cat, a fish tank, and 17 birds. And I’m about to integrate my boyfriends 2 dogs into the mix…

                                                        Handling them through their medical issues definitely makes it easier. My piggies were the tamest after I had syringefed them cod liver oil with crushed up dandelion, to get them over the cage paralysis they had when I rescued them as a kid. They were in a grimy little pet store with inadequate nutrition.

                                                        The piggies little squeaks around snack time are so cute.

                                                      • Gina.Jenny
                                                        2244 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Pippi and Jenny seem to be fine as a pair, but poor Gina is still left out on her own. 

                                                          Gave her some more floor time tonight, she loves the stairs.

                                                          I’m currently using Jenny’s A-frame on its side to keep Gina from getting to the dining room, but she does seem slightly less aggressive through the bars, so I thought I’d try using some pellets to at least get them used to eating near each other.

                                                          This went well, so when the pellets were gone, and Gina was away exploring, I got a few more pellets, removed the A-frame, and whistled, which they all know means food, and all three came hopping.

                                                          I carefully kept Gina’s share of pellets a couple of feet from Pippi and Jenny’s, and lifted her into her cage, with a few more pellets, before the ones on the floor were gone, so this brief time stayed positive. Maybe if I do this each evening, they will get used to sharing the territory and the food?

                                                          Last pic, Bam, here is Chocco, showing that its not just bunnies lie like a banana!

                                                        • Bam
                                                          16883 posts Send Private Message

                                                            It sounds like a really good session!
                                                            How shiny fur Chocco has! (I’m assuming this is Chocco!) And such a perfect banana-pose

                                                          • Gina.Jenny
                                                            2244 posts Send Private Message

                                                              My youngest came up with the name, due to the milk chocolate coloured flecks he has on his side. You can see them, if you look carefully.

                                                              Yep, he’s in prime condition and quite photogenic with it

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                                                          Forum BONDING Jenny and Pippi