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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Fostering…..a Kangaroo!

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    • Lee
      213 posts Send Private Message

        Soooo I may have taken on a foster joey (baby roo)! She is so cute. Her name is Misty, but I have renamed her River. (River Song as in Doctor Who). She is currently requiring 4 hourly feeds (alll through the night too, yay for me haha), and help toileting. 

      • Bam
        16901 posts Send Private Message

          I’m lost for words. Amazing! I’ve seen TV-programmes about people in Aussie fostering baby roos (their mothers are killed in road-accidents?) but I never thought I’d actually know of a real person doing this. This is so fascinating. She’s beautiful! So tiny! And yet so perfect.

        • Roberta
          4355 posts Send Private Message

            My friend is a wildlife carer and only lives a few kilometers away, I get kanga cuddles and possum cuddles regularly.

          • Lee
            213 posts Send Private Message

              Yes sadly cars are probably the biggest threat to roos here in Australia, followed closely by roo shooters and then dingoes. We dont have a lot of predators here. Sometimes the joeys come in from cars hitting their mums and in other cases the shooters check the pouches and bring them in. Although apparently the shooters try to avoid females.

              She is so tiny and so beautiful. She is lanky and tall out of her pouch, but they fold up so well into their little homes. She is so easy to take care of, aside from the 4 hrly feeds/toileting she just sleeps in her pouch! They stay with carers until they are 2 years old, so when I picked her up from another carer, that carer had two juvenile males in her yard around 18 months old, haha it was so Aussie these 2 Roos just hanging around in her yard!

            • Roberta
              4355 posts Send Private Message

                They like unseasoned popcorn too and it’s good fibre for their tummies.

              • Lee
                213 posts Send Private Message

                  Aw thanks Roberta, I will keep that in mind for when she is ready for solids!

                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    Amazing – she’s so beautiful. I’m jealous :~)

                  • Sonn
                    1810 posts Send Private Message

                      I am so jealous I almost can’t breathe. Lol.

                    • jerseygirl
                      22345 posts Send Private Message


                        My friend did this through her work. They got to carry the joey around in a home made pouch. : )

                        Lee, how does one foster for 2 years then give them up after? I couldn’t bear it.

                      • Cottontail
                        1070 posts Send Private Message

                          <3 She's adorable! Lots of love and luck to the both of you!

                        • MoxieMeadows
                          5375 posts Send Private Message

                            Awe she is so cute! I want to cuddle her so badly!!

                          • JackRabbit
                            5451 posts Send Private Message

                              A KANGAROO!!!! You are living my dream!

                            • JackRabbit
                              5451 posts Send Private Message

                                (That’s it AH! Blair was talking about Lee getting a baby girl joey!!!)

                              • MoxieMeadows
                                5375 posts Send Private Message

                                  JR— IKR?? I really want to be a wildlife animal rehabilitator. It would be so much fun! (although very hard because it’s a lot of work and sometimes the animal doesn’t always make it)

                                • Sindri
                                  1515 posts Send Private Message

                                    I love the name River! Its awesome that you get to foster a kangaroo!

                                  • LBJ10
                                    16943 posts Send Private Message

                                      OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I just want to hug her! So cute! I remember one of the wallabies at our local zoo was sick. They were trying to treat her, but they were worried about the joey. Finally, they had to take the joey away and hand feed it so they could give mama the proper medicine. Then the zookeepers were taking turns caring for him, carrying him around in a pouch. So cute!!!

                                    • LittlePuffyTail
                                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                                        Omergard!!!! Squee attack!!! So so so cute!!!! Especially that last pic. You aussies have the cutest animals!!!!!

                                      • Lee
                                        213 posts Send Private Message

                                          First night down. I stayed up until 1am because it felt silly going to bed at 11pm to get up 2 hours later. Gosh I am tired after waking up every 4 hours (which was really every 3.5 hours by the time she was fed and toileted). So cute and she is totally worth it haha, but I do like my sleep!

                                          JR – It would be very hard if you had raised them that entire time. I think in a lot of cases the joeys get moved around a bit because carers get busy, or go away on holidays etc so they dont end up with one carer for the whole 2 years, that probably makes it a little easier.

                                          Yes she has her little pouch, most of the time I just hang her off a door knob and she sleeps away happily until I come back and get her to feed her again. So other than waking up every 3.5hours during the night she is pretty cruisy to look after at the moment. Im sure once she wants out of the pouch more it will be harder.

                                        • MissGabbster
                                          718 posts Send Private Message

                                            Only in Australia…

                                          • Bam
                                            16901 posts Send Private Message

                                              I just can’t over this! I’m hoping for frequent updates.

                                              Will Si get to meet her?

                                            • LongEaredLions
                                              4482 posts Send Private Message

                                                Completely, totally, and utterly jealous. How adorable is she!
                                                I think I’m hopping on the next plane to Aus!

                                              • Lee
                                                213 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Lol Gabb definitely only in Aus I swear this is why Americans think we have Roos as pets and ride them to school haha.

                                                  Bam – will try to keep updating – not sure if Si will meet her yet, depends, I cant see why not, but he is still settling in and getting his bearings. And the Roo will probably most definitely not meet the dogs, even the trusthworthy dog thinks Roos are the be all and end all of awesome for chasing, she gets obsessed, so I dont think she will cope well with one in the house haha.

                                                  LLH – you are welcome so long as you take over the 1am and 5am feeds

                                                • Paradigm
                                                  479 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Oh my goodness. I want to live in Australia and care for a Kangeroo!

                                                  • Sr. Melangell
                                                    1708 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 7/12/2015 6:47 PM

                                                      Omergard!!!! Squee attack!!! So so so cute!!!! Especially that last pic. You aussies have the cutest animals!!!!!

                                                      LittlePuffyTail, cutest animals over there? Does that include the Tarantulas? Lol

                                                      Congrats on the baby kangaroo.

                                                    • Diamond
                                                      459 posts Send Private Message

                                                        brb moving to australia to foster kangaroos and kiss their fuzzy heads

                                                      • HereComesTheBun
                                                        107 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Oh my goodness! I have no words. So, so cute!

                                                        • Lee
                                                          213 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Hahaha! Diamond you are welcome to come stay with me and do the 1am and 5am feeds……

                                                          • Stickerbunny
                                                            4128 posts Send Private Message

                                                              I would totally sacrifice a few hours of sleep for the chance to play with a kangaroo! lol But, sadly, you live so far away and tickets to Aus are crazy expensive.

                                                            • KittyKatMe
                                                              21 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I didn’t expect an ACTUAL kangaroo when I clicked on this- amazing! I can’t wait to see more pictures. She is just adorable beyond words.

                                                              • jerseygirl
                                                                22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Posted By KittyKatMe on 7/19/2015 2:10 AM
                                                                  I didn’t expect an ACTUAL kangaroo when I clicked on this- amazing! I can’t wait to see more pictures. She is just adorable beyond words.

                                                                  Haha. Were you expecting a rabbit doing an impersonation?
                                                                  Here ya go!  

                                                                   photo 85cc5801-a5bf-4431-a725-96387dd98618_zps0owmdhkt.jpg 

                                                                  Lee, I actually snapped this pic right before I came on BB and found this thread last week. I think he was telling me to come look.

                                                                  We definitely need more pics of her please.

                                                                • Lee
                                                                  213 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    LoL JerseyGirl that is an excellent impersonation! 

                                                                    I posted these in the Photo thread, but will put them here too
                                                                    Now she has settled in I will get my good camera out and try to get some nice shots.
                                                                    Foot for size comparison. 

                                                                  • jerseygirl
                                                                    22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Aw haha! She’s all legs!!

                                                                      Is she beatboxing in that 2nd photo?

                                                                    • Lee
                                                                      213 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        lol JG yes! Lets say that she is, much better than ‘cleaning her face’ right…

                                                                      • Bam
                                                                        16901 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          She’s so beautiful! Those legs =)

                                                                        • Lee
                                                                          213 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            River update for those who are interested.

                                                                            So on Saturday morning she started to have very smelly, dark urine and the volume was excessive, so I contacted the rescue and they advised possibly thrush, and to give her an extra 10mls water, 1/2 teaspoon of grek yogurt with her meals and cranberry juice in between meals to try and clear it up. Within 24 hours there was improvement and that continues to improve. Unfortunately at 1am this morning she went from gong 2 days wth solid poop (a record for her) to sludgy and then liquid poop in about 30 seconds, and she has liquid poop all day today , although by 5pm there seemed to be some improvement. Hopefully we are on the otherside of it all now and she will continue to improve.

                                                                            Otherwise she seems perky enough. Inquisitive and brave enough to demand food. She is also hopping around loads more when she is out of the pouch at meal times. I had to give her a bath today (she was a bit smelly after the diarrhea), let me tell you, she was not pleased about having a bath!

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                                                                        Forum THE LOUNGE Fostering…..a Kangaroo!