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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Any need for probiotic?

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    • Nijiko
      8 posts Send Private Message

        Hello! Kind of an update on my bun Lucy and some concerns.

        She had her molars trimmed on Tuesday because they got too long/were starting to curve and it made it difficult for her to eat hay.

        She’s recovered from the anesthesia pretty well I think, she was drowsy the first day and half but she’s being fairly active now. She’s even eating much more hay than before, still not as much as she should be but we’re getting there.

        She’s on 0.1ml of Metacam a day for pain, 12 to 24ml of critical care as I see needed (she loves the stuff and I almost think she’s holding out for it so I’m trying to wean her off of it slowly as I see her eating more hay) and because the vet found an ulcer on the inside of her left cheek she’s on an antibiotic now too enrofloxacin (baytril?) and that’s 0.5ml every twelve hours for 7 days. We’re on day 2 now..

        My concern about the antibiotic is that I’ve heard that a probiotic should be given to keep up the good bacteria in their digestive track. A lot of sites I’ve seen recommend bene-bac. But then I’ve also seen some claim that it does nothing to help and is unnecessary.

        I’m having a difficult time getting a hold of my vet cause of my work hours this week (they’re closed by the time I get home), so I haven’t been able to ask but I thought someone on here might be able to help.

        Should I bother getting the bene-bac or is it pointless? Would it hurt to try it even if she doesn’t really need it? Also what would the dosage be for a 2lb rabbit and what’s the best way to give it to her? She seems to love all of her medication so far (Lucky me) she thinks its a treat and comes running to me when she sees the syringe lol.

        I’m going to order more critical care from amazon tonight since I’m running out of the sample my vet gave me. I really want to fix up a bunny first aide to keep around in case of emergencies. I was thinking critical care, simethicone (the baby kind right?) and bene-bac (if it’s advised) would be good to keep on hand. Maybe extra syringes but I’m not really sure what else. Any suggestions?


      • ergodic
        123 posts Send Private Message

          George has been on bene-bac twice and Gracie once. Neither were on it when they were on baytril. The vets never felt like they needed it.

          Last summer they were on it when they were on Zeniquin which is a little stronger then baytril. The other time George was on it was when he had stasis back in January. Getting bene-bac in my two was an experience, I had to put it on a treat for them. The dosages can be found either on there website or asking your vet. It will not hurt anything.

          That being said I always check with my vet and land ask her before I do to much.

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            Baytril is safe for rabbits…sure you can do Benebac but it’s not really necessary.

          • LittlePuffyTail
            18092 posts Send Private Message

              My vet recommends Benebac is bunny is on a long course of antibiotics.

            • Troubledbunnymom
              59 posts Send Private Message

                Pro Bio for pets is not really necessary, but my vet recommends my bunny to take some if I’m going to travel with my bunny because the pro biotic helps with their stress.

                Here are two different types of pro bio that I use when I need to travel with my bunny. I’ll also add the leaflet my vet gave me when he suggested using pro bio.

                Please also note that using a Pro biotic should be okay if your vet says it okay since some antibiotics can harm the bunny if they are using any type of pro biotic. That is what my vet said to me anyway.

                The picture I posted the Lactobacillus casei KE is one of the examples that cannot be used with any antibiotics, but Bene-Bac is a safe pro biotic for bunnies even if they are using antibiotics.







                Ignore my two bunny’s temporary house since I’m cleaning their cage. They are separated because they do not know each other since I’m only babysitting the other bunny for a month.

              • Bam
                16901 posts Send Private Message

                  I am personally in favor of using probiotics in combo with abs, since bunnies have sensitive stomachs and abs are hard on the stomach. We don’t have Benebac here but there is paste called Fiberplex.

                  I’ve given my bunny lactobacillum plantarum v 299 when they’ve had stomach trouble. I can of course not tell if it did any good since there’s no way to do a comparative study at home.

                • tobyluv
                  3310 posts Send Private Message

                    At the Sanctuary where I volunteer, we have found that giving Bene-Bac is helpful when a rabbit is on antibiotics. I have also used it with my own rabbits when they are on antibiotics.

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                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Any need for probiotic?