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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Say hi to my new bunny!

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    • emm_renn
      309 posts Send Private Message

        Hello! My name is Emily and I just got my rabbit today! He is a lion head chinchilla mix and so far has no name.  Maybe you all could help? So far I have Fuji or Merlot.  And can you also help me figure out how to post pictures?

      • Lindsay0208
        24 posts Send Private Message

          Welcome. I am new too. I just had the same picture problem. I had to re-size the picture, on windows it had an automatic re-size option for small webpage. Hope that helps. Can’t wait to see a pic. Couldn’t give you a name without seeing him, but like both of those names. I have too girls that were name Elsa and Anna by my girls.

        • emm_renn
          309 posts Send Private Message

            Well, I decided on Fuji. I still need help uploading pictures though

          • Flopsie
            388 posts Send Private Message

              I’m glad you finally got your bun! I know you’ve been looking forward to it. What was the process? Were you able to find the perfect on?

            • emm_renn
              309 posts Send Private Message

                So here is a little update… I’ve gotten her somewhat use to me! She has mostly free range of my room except for night time and when I am at school. She is litter box trained which I am so happy about! She LOVES oxbow’s veggie treats in the shape of a heart. She goes nuts for them (almost biting my fingers off just to get one). She is quite a little booger. She only lets me pet her when i feed her those treats, otherwise, its paws off. I’ve been making her some toys out of toilet paper rolls. I can’t believe it is okay that they can chew that stuff. Her favorite thing though is her box fort I made for her. I am hoping to get her fixed here in a couple of months. I am hoping she will become more friendly when that is all said and done. Has anybody else gone through a huge personality change when they had their rabbit fixed?

              • manic_muncher
                1061 posts Send Private Message

                  I would have to say any personality changes I’ve noticed with my rabbits were strictly hormonal in nature. No longer were they trying to woo me, which was fine with me, as they could get pretty persistent. Mostly what I’ve noticed when people are talking about changes after neutering, that it usually was your typical change from bunnyhood to adulthood, which would have manifested whether neutered or not. I think my Clyde’s neuter was a great example of that. He stopped going crazy whenever he was close to Bonnie (who was fixed last), and he started listening to us more. He’s VERY friendly to us now, we only have to call his name once or twice before he comes running over to us for pets (which he loves!). Bonnie is still up to no good, getting into everything, and knows when she’s doing something we don’t want her to do. She knows the words “no Bonnie” VERY well, and pretty much just laughs at us, kicking up her heels and binkying away. Bumpy was our first baby bun and he’s pretty aloof. He knows his name well, but will only come if he feels like it. Everything is definitely on his terms only!

                • emm_renn
                  309 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh okay. I’ve read that rabbits who are fixed tend to become more friendly and more well behaved. She loves to chew on carpet and the siding of the wall. Fuji also likes to binky after I tell her to stop chewing on stuff. Little booger! But something I don’t really understand is that she thumps her feet right before she binkies. Is that normal?

                  • Callie
                    31 posts Send Private Message

                      Hello! I cant wait to see pictures of the little one! I had trouble figuring out the photo thing too, I saved photos from my facebook to my desktop then uploaded them, for some reason if I did it that way it worked. (I think facebook might re size everything when you upload to them but who knows I’m not to savvy when it comes to that)
                      Also I think its normal for them to thump before a binky, my little lop Voldemort always thumps when he gets super excited and in a binky frenzy. He also thumps before a binky sometimes when I’m not looking, I think its just “Hey I am super excited look at me!” thump not a scared or upset one.

                    • emm_renn
                      309 posts Send Private Message

                        Okay so I did the whole Facebook think, but it still won’t come up.  I did the uploading and add file to post, but it won’t show up.

                      • Beka27
                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                          I’ll alert the other forum leaders, they are better at explaining the picture posting steps than me.

                          Congrats on your new baby! That’s so exciting! Can’t wait to see her!

                        • LBJ10
                          16942 posts Send Private Message

                            I clicked edit on your last post to see if anything was showing up in your uploads. There is a file there, but it seems to be broken. It’s only 77kb in size, so it shouldn’t be too big. Perhaps something interrupted it when it was uploading?

                          • manic_muncher
                            1061 posts Send Private Message

                              That’s the same thing that was happening to me. It would upload broken, then when I would check the file size against the photo itself, I noticed the size was smaller than the photo. For some reason it’s being interrupted and not fully uploading. But I can try later, and the pic would load fine. I notice sometimes BB takes an extremely long time to load compared to other websites too, and I’m guessing there’s a related reason.

                            • emm_renn
                              309 posts Send Private Message

                                Okay so I got her to be my avatar!

                              • BB Administrator
                                392 posts Send Private Message

                                  So when you are uploading photos, are you doing it from the “attachment” option below  the edit/text box when you post? 


                                • emm_renn
                                  309 posts Send Private Message

                                    I am doing it from the attachment option at the bottom.  I select a file, then I upload it and then it appears in the next tab labeled my files, then I click the + button that reads “add file to post” and then I click submit and nothing happens.

                                  • litheandgraphic
                                    608 posts Send Private Message

                                      So your journey has reached a climax! But that’s not to say the adventure is anywhere close to over… you’re just getting started! Congratulations on bringing a bunny into your life – she is gorgeous.

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                                  Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Say hi to my new bunny!