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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE You know you’ve become obsessed when….

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    • Smudge
      42 posts Send Private Message

        1. After buying a pretty plant after a crummy day, you realize that plant is not ok for rabbits. I wanted it in my room, but rather than gate off my room (i.e. reduce Smudge’s space, lol,) I am going to have to find a bunny proof place for my Cyclamen, probably hidden away somewhere .

        2. Your living space has more tunnels, boxes, diggy stuff, tossing toys, etc than you could ever get all out of the way.

        3. Immediately after getting one bun you decide you need two (thankfully was talked out of that one for now).

        4. You realize he’s trying to tell you he wants to look out the window so you get up in the early morning, push your bed closer to the window and open the curtains, so bright and so early but one happy bunny.

        5. You are always looking at other peoples throw-aways as possible bunny toys or things you could create a bunny mansion with.

        This is only after 2 or 3 weeks….

      • AnnaW
        569 posts Send Private Message

          Haha yep, you’ve been bitten by the bug!!
          I waited a couple of months and then adopted my second bun, she’s disabled and a bit of a handful but I wouldn’t have her any other way

        • Bam
          16901 posts Send Private Message

            I so know what you mean, esp points 2 and 5. Bunnies take over your life in no time =)
            Yohio wakes me up early f ex this morning by licking my arm and it just makes me feel so privileged to be woken up by my little yellow boy =).

          • Zombie-Sue
            875 posts Send Private Message

              I decided I was obsessed when I felt like I needed to spend $50 on a rabbit to save $3.60 on a carrier.

            • mijOok
              177 posts Send Private Message

                LOL agreed! Haha #5… you won’t believe the looks I get when I walk out of the office bathroom with an empty toilet roll… and naturally answer “my bunny loves these” like it’s the most normal explanation in the world

              • Kbana
                529 posts Send Private Message

                  ha ha ha I have to admit, I’m a bit (OK tons) jealous my bun can’t have the run of my house. I am sure if he were waking me up in the wee hours of the morning I’d sing a different tune, but getting woken up by his cute little face doesn’t sound so bad.

                • Smudge
                  42 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By Kbana on 02/11/2014 08:27 PM

                    ha ha ha I have to admit, I’m a bit (OK tons) jealous my bun can’t have the run of my house. I am sure if he were waking me up in the wee hours of the morning I’d sing a different tune, but getting woken up by his cute little face doesn’t sound so bad.

                    It’s so bad. I totally reinforce a behavior I would never allow in a cat or a dog because who can possibly resist little bunny feet on their back or big ears sticking up over a pile of blankets……

                    I feel very lucky that I can let him be wherever I am. All the cords are off the ground and anything he can reach I have come to terms with the possibility of losing. But I live alone and my ex-husband got MY dog and MY cat somehow  so Smudge is it and therefore completely and totally spoiled.

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh yes. You’re officially one of us. It’s too late now… ;o)

                    • Bam
                      16901 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh smudge, how I recognize the reinforcement of unacceptable behaviour! When a bunny gets up on the coffea-table and starts helping himself to a plate of apple-pie. it’s alarmingly cute. If a dog does the same thing it’s not cute one bit.

                        Our long-eared darlings get away with so much “bad” behaviour being so heartbreakingly cute whatever they get up to =)

                      • bunnytowne
                        7537 posts Send Private Message

                          You are so right.  Hubby found 3 poop on the couch.  He said is this normal I said yes.  He said it isn’t normal to him lol.  

                          He hasn’t been bitten as bad as I have.  

                          Yes boxes.  The grocer when I go ask if I need a box for Cotton.  

                        • bunnygirl
                          636 posts Send Private Message

                            WHENEVER we go ANYWHERE, i.e – to IKEA or Coles or to the charity store – I’m always picking stuff up and judging whether it’d be a good bunny toy! Mum’s turned on autopilot now;
                            Me: “Oooh Apollo might…”
                            Mum: (Not looking at me) “Put it down Kate.”
                            “Oh but he…”
                            “Put it down Kate.”
                            “Put it down Kate.”

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              Ha ha ha bunnygirl! For me it was the day I had to step over 50 toilet roll’s to get to my dining table from the kitchen bench. Sigh…..

                              Oh, just reminded me! I went crook at younger son this morning for throwing the empty toilet roll in the bin! Now, that’s bad!
                              (Apologised to son – but ended with “don’t do that again”!) LOL!

                            • NewBunnyOwner123
                              1930 posts Send Private Message

                                I just gave my bunnies the roses my husband got me for valentines day…

                              • Tsuki
                                34 posts Send Private Message

                                  Haha! I bring boxes home like every night from work and all the other employees have just started saving them for me XD
                                  NBO are they ok to give fresh? I wanted to see if my buns would like it, just dont know how much they can have (realistically, I only got one rose).

                                • jerseygirl
                                  22345 posts Send Private Message

                                    5. You are always looking at other peoples throw-aways as possible bunny toys or things you could create a bunny mansion with.

                                    Yep. Still doing this 6 years on from when I became a rabbit slave.

                                    This isn’t bunny-obsessed exactly but…
                                    The other day I was coming out of the bathroom and realized I was lifting my leg up to step over a non existant barrier Lol !
                                    Im so used to many of the doorways being blocked off, I’m now hurdling over imaginary barricades? I must have been so tired and on auto-pilot. :p

                                  • bunnytowne
                                    7537 posts Send Private Message

                                      lol Jersey Girl thats good.  Imaginary barricades. 

                                      I make Cottons salad before ours.  

                                    • LongEaredLions
                                      4482 posts Send Private Message

                                        Sign over my toilet paper holder that reads “Save the tubes for the bunnies or they will come an eat you in your sleep!”

                                      • BubblesJo
                                        458 posts Send Private Message

                                          Well… one of the main reasons I moved houses last year was because I really wanted to adopt a rabbit and the place I lived in didn’t allow pets

                                        • JPetrucci84
                                          256 posts Send Private Message

                                            I don’t think I’m this bad yet (Denial is the first step, right?) but I’m sure I’ll get there pretty soon.

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                                        Forum THE LOUNGE You know you’ve become obsessed when….