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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A First time posting: I can’t keep my rabbit on her back to cut her nails

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    • **Copper**
      9 posts Send Private Message

        So my little lop rabbits name is copper. She is only 3 1/2 months old and hasn't been spayed just yet. I will be setting an appointment soon.I have been having troubles trying to get her onto her back so I can check out her teeth and clean her bum and cut her nails. I've tried putting her on my legs or in my arms or using blankets to kind of cradle her body. I've also tried covering her eyes and I usually sit there with her just petting her and nothing else and Then moving on the next time I put her on her back I try to go for her nails. Am I moving to fast for her? I always feed her a nice yummy treat after every time she gets on her back weather it was for a couple seconds or a couple minutes. When I first got her she didn't really have any nails to cut because they were to close to her quick and she didn't used to have such an issue going on her back when I would cut her nails before. I don't know what else to do. I really love my little copper and just wanna try and groom her and check in her teeth

      • LBJ10
        16945 posts Send Private Message

          Being turned on her back is going to make her feel vulnerable. It is a little early yet, but she is probably starting to mature. For most bunnies, this is the time they decide being held is not a good thing.

          What about just placing her on a foreign surface (table, counter, washing machine, whatever) and just pulling one foot out at a time to cut?

        • Elrohwen
          7318 posts Send Private Message

            Many bunnies don’t like being turned on their backs and different holds work better for each. One of my buns does well being held against someone’s chest, with his feet facing forward. The other hates to be held, so I put her on a counter and hold her down (sometimes using a towel over her eyes) while pulling out one foot at a time to trim.

          • **Copper**
            9 posts Send Private Message

              I was wondering if it might have something to do with her maturing. Something to think about for sure. Thank you for the help I will give these a try. Hope the new positions work =D 

            • mijOok
              177 posts Send Private Message

                Or do you have somebody that can help you for the process? One person holding Copper while the other cuts the nails and checks her out?

              • Irina
                290 posts Send Private Message

                  Hello! I sympathize with you! I have been agonizing over a first nail trim for my 4 month old Shadow who is also not yet spayed! I have read and watched several videos- which just made me really nervous. However, I did learn a few useful things which helped me successfully trim Shadow’s nails today! First- I brought her into the bathroom, where she had never been before, and sat down in the floor with her on my lap. I had her back against my chest, with my hand under her front paws, supporting her chest. I used toenail clippers- so much easier to handle at this point! Next, treats! I gave Shadow a piece if raisin, banana it papaya (small pieces) whenever she started to move around. I had her front paws done within a few minutes! The back paws were hard to do on my own, but my daughter held her in the same position, and there was no struggle. It went surprisingly well… Hope it helps!

                • Nelli
                  72 posts Send Private Message

                    My experience… At first when our bunnies were young, cutting their nails was difficult. It got easier when we started doing it in a place they don’t have an access to. Then after some time I was able to do their nails by myself, and yesterday I just sat on a chair in their room, held one bunny at a time on my lap and just grabbed a foot and they let me cut their nails with no problems! (Our bunnies are 1 year 8 months old sisters) They also let me comb their butts, which has been difficult earlier. Could that be because they are heavily shedding and they’re itching, I have no idea. Got a TON of fur from both though. So anyway, I think consistency and determination can help both you and your bunny to get through these nail clipping sessions Oh, and for me at least slow and calm movements help, also a kind of “secure” hold of the bunny. Not so that they can’t move, but more like “I won’t let you fall”.

                  • **Copper**
                    9 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m still waiting to try it out but the whole new room that they don’t have access to makes perfect sense. When I do try them on my next day off I will let you know of the results. Hopefully it works for me as well as it works for you guys. I’m gonna get my boyfriend to help me with her so I can focus on the nails without giving her an ouchy thanks for the help exactly why I joined a forum just want the best for my rabbit!

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                  Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A First time posting: I can’t keep my rabbit on her back to cut her nails