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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE What kind of pellets should I be feeding my bunny?

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    • naughtybunny
      20 posts Send Private Message

        I just got a bunny about a week ago and I am not so sure on what type of pellets I should be feeding it. I do not know how old it is but it is very small. It’s a baby. I’ve done research and my guess is its around 1-2 moths old. When I did research I read that baby bunnies should be eating pellet food different than the pellet food adult bunnies eat. I am not so sure on what kind which is why I am asking you guys. I wet to Petco today and bought the Kaytee Timothy Complete Rabbit Food. Is that one okay for my baby bunny? Or is he too small for it? Which pellet brands are the best?

      • bunnygirl
        636 posts Send Private Message

          A good quality rabbit pellet should have at least 22% crude fiber, no more than approximately 14% protein, about 1% fat and about 1% calcium.
          Everyone has different views about Kaytee, personally, I do not like the brand. Oxbow is a very good brand, though quite expensive. I use Peters Pellets!

          I know, all these brands and percentages must have your head reeling, but you’ll get the hang of it soon! Keep doing your research! Private message me if you need any help you cannot find here on the forum!

        • naughtybunny
          20 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks so much! I really appreciate that

          • bunnygirl
            636 posts Send Private Message

              No problem! happy to help! So check the ingredients on your bag of Kaytee! If it fits the criteria, it’s up to you wether you want to keep feeding it! If it doesn’t, take the information back to the petstore, and look through the different pellet brands till you find one your happy with

            • naughtybunny
              20 posts Send Private Message

                So then are Timothy pellets good for a baby bunny or do I need to find alfalfa pellets or other based pellets?

              • bunnygirl
                636 posts Send Private Message

                  Well Alfalfa pellets are recommended – the baby bunnies need that extra calcium as they’re growing up! If you give Alfalfa hay I think that Timothy pellets should be ok! Maybe do a quick google search?

                • CharleyBunn
                  67 posts Send Private Message

                    They actually make pellets for kits if youre interested. Ive done a ton of research cause i recently got a baby bunny and they should eat alfalfa pellets until they are 7 months old then transition to timothy pellets. Adult buns that eat alfalfa tend to be overweight. Never feed mix pellets that have corn or seeds or snacks in thm. Buns will pick out the treats and its like junk food. Also give unlimited hay regardless of age. Ive read to give the young ones alfalfa until theyre grown then use it only as a snack and offer unlimited grass hays.but some members here think thats too much alfalfa so theres conflicting opinions. I give mine regular alfalfa based pellets which meet the % guidelines & both alfalfa and timothy hay. He prefers the timothy. So far hes growing well and is lean.

                  • naughtybunny
                    20 posts Send Private Message

                      What if I am already feeding it alfalfa hay? Would Timothy based pellets be okay then?

                    • bunnygirl
                      636 posts Send Private Message

                        I should think so! It’s probably a good idea to feed Timothy pellets now, as some bunnies get stubborn when trying to make the transition between alfalfa and Timothy!

                      • Beka27
                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                          Timothy pellets are fine for any any age. When the bun is young (under 7 months), free-feed pellets. You can give a mixture of timothy and alfalfa hay.

                        • naughtybunny
                          20 posts Send Private Message

                            How much pellets should I be giving it a day though keeping in mind it is very young. I’ve heard to give it the most 1/8 of a cup per day but I’ve also heard to give it unlimited amount of pellets like the hay.

                          • CharleyBunn
                            67 posts Send Private Message

                            • CharleyBunn
                              67 posts Send Private Message

                                Unlimited pellets under 7 months old. Once he is 7 months pellets should be measured out daily depending on his weight (and switched to timothy based if he’s been eating alfalfa based pellets). adult rabbits: General Serving size – 1/4 to 1/2 cup pellets per 6 lb bunny

                                Also, unlimited timothy hay regardless of age- kits should be given alfalfa too as it has more calcium and other nutrients, but once an adult he should only be given alfalfa as a snack.

                              • LBJ10
                                16950 posts Send Private Message

                                  Timothy pellets are fine. Feed him as much as he will eat. I agree, alfalfa hay could be included for extra nutrition.

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                              Forum DIET & CARE What kind of pellets should I be feeding my bunny?