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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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  • Spring fever? - GlennTheLionhead 03/25/2025 08:06 PM
    Hey! It’s been a while since I posted, hope everyone is doing well! Glenn and Nellie are pretty happy and healthy My two have been bonded for 2-3 years now, they bonded very easily and quickly and are big cuddles and copiers! The last few days there’s been a bit of tension/bickering, they are co-exisiting…
  • Reply To: Joint support – arthritis prevention - martini 03/17/2025 02:32 AM
    Thank you! The reason I am looking at Myristol and am more inclined to buy it over Oxbow is because I don’t like the extra ingredients in the Oxbow joint supplement (gums, molasses etc…). I guess I will try it and see, since it won’t hurt and hopefully with a bit of luck we’ve had…
  • Reply To: Elder bun starts making noise - mia 03/16/2025 04:40 AM
    He actually had syphilis before I adopted him! It’s a strange tale because he was never treated while with me, nor at the two shelters he went through (just went through his shelter intakes… never had a bun with so many “abnormal” in his checkup -_-). He was found as a stray so someone treated…
  • IMO it’s luck of the draw. Sure, some thing s are contributors but luck plays a huge role. My 14y/o is the only bun out of 10 that has arthritis and he’s always been a lightweight and knows what foods he needs to eat (e.g. he will reject treats for hay as needed). He had…
  • Reply To: Joint support – arthritis prevention - BrunosMama 03/14/2025 08:34 PM
    I’m with LBJ, I haven’t heard of the Myristol either. However, I have had elder buns in the past who have happily eaten the Oxbow joint supplements. I like to think they helped them – but this honestly could be a placebo effect for me. But, it certainly didn’t seem to do any harm and…
  • Reply To: Elder bun starts making noise - Bam 03/14/2025 12:28 PM
    Oh lovely that he’s eating again! It’s good there’s clear snot and not a lot of it. Pen G is sometimes given in combo with other abx for persistent “bunny colds”, and it’s the gold standard treatment for bunny syphilis (not the same syphilis hooms get), but that would’ve been a whole series of shots.
  • I have never heard of Myristol, so I can’t comment on it. My elderly bunny liked the Oxbow joint supplements. I would give him one like a treat and he was happy to eat it. I don’t know how much they really helped him though. I would say they didn’t hurt, but the benefits of…
  • Joint support – arthritis prevention - martini 03/13/2025 07:43 PM
    Hello, I have a 5 year old healthy (knock knock) bun and just want to explore the options how to prevent arthritis in the future. I am researching and am between Oxbow joint support and Myristol pellets. Which one do you have experience with and would recommend? I like to ideally supplement his diet as…
  • Reply To: Elder bun starts making noise - mia 03/10/2025 02:29 AM
    It’s all him; he’s a fighter! He’s almost back to eating like normal; just started eating some treats again.   He only got the one Pen G shot at the office last week. There was no follow-up / next steps; he was in really bad shape since he wasn’t eating in additional to the breathing…
  • Reply To: Elder bun starts making noise - Bam 03/09/2025 09:42 PM
    I think you’re doing a great job. Your vets seem to be taking his case seriously. It’s hard bc they don’t understand exactly what it’s all about -which isn’t rare in medicine, but it obv makes choice of treatment difficult. I’m glad he seems to be tolerating Baytril and Pen G well. Many vets do…
  • Reply To: Elder bun starts making noise - mia 03/07/2025 07:48 PM
    *sighs* So bun had a scare a week or so ago and stopped eating but he’s eating now, likely because we adjusted his opioid dosage. Not great/eating everything but he’s sustaining on vegetables and hay. Will have additional recovery food to try to see if he’ll eat them more. I’m hoping if he eats more,…
  • Some bunnies just aren’t great at the litter box… and when they aren’t, it’s usually poop. I agree that this sounds like marking though, particularly since she went straight to the couch and unloaded. How big is the litter box? Sometime bunnies don’t like the share, especially when the litter box cannot accommodate both at…
  • I’d add a second litterbox, as BrunosMama suggests. Even if the space isn’t huge. Put the box where she poops the most if possible. If she starts using it, you can then start to move it to where you want it -but do that slowly! Like an inch every couple of days. You have seen…
  • I love your buns names! 😀 Is she pooping in the box at all? I know sometimes there can be stray poops that they leave around and some buns just seem worse about this than others. I have a boy lop pair who rarely leave a poop outside the box, but another bun who probably…
  • Reply To: bonding nippy bunny - Floppy 03/05/2025 05:05 AM
    thanks for the reply! I’ve been holding bonding sessions daily 2-4 hours for the past week, in the bathroom in a pen about 1m x 1m. After the first few day, Floppy doesn’t hide in the corner anymore. They eat greens and hay on the floor when I spread them around calmly but don’t really…
  • New bun pees in litter box, poops EVERYWHERE - allie ann & hamlet 03/05/2025 01:22 AM
    Hi all, I recently got my boy, Hamlet (neutered and perfect litter habits) a friend named Ophelia. I’ve had Ophelia since approximately mid September 2024 and she was spayed the day I got her. She’s maybe 1.5 years old? She’s a rescue, so we aren’t certain. Hamlet is totally free roam, since he’s house and…
  • Reply To: Teeth grinding or something else - mia 03/03/2025 06:22 AM
    He went to vet yesterday because he stopped eating overnight; no stasis. They just said he probably just doesn’t feel well, like a really bad whole head sinus infection. He is actually fairly active, even when he stopped eating; he probably exercises as much as pre-crisis. Because it’s a breathing issue, I was told not…
  • Reply To: Teeth grinding or something else - LBJ10 03/03/2025 04:00 AM
    Hmm… that’s interesting. I have heard pain-related tooth grinding and “I’m frustrated” tooth grind (that’s a single, deliberate grind)… but this seems different. You could be right though, different bunnies might just sound different. Have you been regularly supplementing with CC? You mentioned he will eat it.
  • Reply To: Teeth grinding or something else - mia 03/02/2025 05:34 PM
    Ok, they said it’s not pain grind and nothing found wrong with teeth. Just uncomfortable :/ Still not eating much even though he’s actually pretty active. He’s lost quite a bit of weight since crisis started 2 weeks ago.
  • Reply To: Fleece - tobyluv 03/02/2025 12:48 AM
    I’ve only been in Hobby Lobby once, but I saw a fabric department.  I just checked their website and they have fleece by the yard.  It looks like it starts at $4.19 a yard, with various prices above that. I don’t know if they have any in the stores or it’s online ordering only.