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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Zoom groom help?

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    • apanda
      139 posts Send Private Message

        Anybody out there have a Zoom Groom? I heard it was good for rabbits, bought one from my vet’s, and I have to say it sure does get a lot more hair out than the regular slicker brush. BUT the hair doesn’t stay on the brush, it flys everywhere! Anyone else have this problem and any ideas to solve it??

      • kimberleyanddarren
        2520 posts Send Private Message

          hmm im not sure what that is.. u got a picture?

        • kimberleyanddarren
          2520 posts Send Private Message

            oh is it this? i have never had one but ive seen them about here..


          • Lisa_43
            1499 posts Send Private Message

              Sarita mentioned that the zoom groom was good, so I went out and got one. I think they are excellent.

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                Yes, dampen the brush and see if that works. You don’t want it soaking, just damp. Also good damp for removing fur from your clothes.

              • JK
                2223 posts Send Private Message

                  I don’t particularly like it. It does get hair but it does fly everywhere.  And I can’t use it on Edson’s tummy.  He hates it. The teeth are too wide apart to do much actual grooming.  My opinion only.  I know others like it a lot.

                • apanda
                  139 posts Send Private Message

                    yep thats it thanks for the pic kimberly. I will try dampening it and see if that works better!

                  • kimberleyanddarren
                    2520 posts Send Private Message

                      i have a small brush with lots of bristles all close together, it is perfect for the job and gets right into those inner layers of fur!

                    • rabbitsmba
                      475 posts Send Private Message

                        I use a zoom groom for my bunns but I use the cat one. The one pictured above is the dog one. The cat one is slightly smaller and the rubber teeth are closer together.

                        And yes, dampening it helps keep the fur from flying. Rinse it under some water, wipe off excess on a towel and the moisture left in between the teeth is just enough to help the fur stick to the zoom groom.

                        [script removed] 


                        Ignore Scooters fur in this shot!

                        [script removed]DSC01812.jpg picture by rabbitsmba

                      • Lisa_43
                        1499 posts Send Private Message

                          I also use the cat one, with 4 cats and all the rabbits is works well. I have hair all over the place, It’s embarrassing when I go out and I have hair all over me. I will have to try dampening it like Sarita said.

                        • apanda
                          139 posts Send Private Message

                            oh yea the one I have is actually the cat one too. Dampening it makes it work a lot better, however it is really hard now to get the hair off and not sticking to me lol.

                          • Gravehearted
                            2428 posts Send Private Message

                              some one at our rabbit haven show was just recommending the zoom groom to me too! maybe i need one too!

                              anyone know how it compares to the furminator?

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                          Forum DIET & CARE Zoom groom help?