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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Woke up and Alfie was gone

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    • caillou
      112 posts Send Private Message

        Alfie passed away last night and I don’t know what to do with myself. He was acting a bit off last night but there are no emergency gets by me that take rabbits so i syringe fed him water and snuggled him for hours before going to bed. I really thought he’d make it through the night. I feel so awful and don’t know what to do. He was only 8 months old. I love him so much and don’t know what to do with myself.

      • Phil
        239 posts Send Private Message

          Oh no that’s so sad, must have been an awful shock, bunnies are so delicate, was he eating ok, I had my bunny 8 years thought that wasn’t long, I’m so so sorry for your loss, life’s very unfair, he new you loved him that’s what counts even though it was not long, I’m very sad at hearing your awful news. X

        • Bam
          16977 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry you lost Alfie. He was far too young. Rabbits can go like that, with very little, if any, previous warning. I have lost a bunny in a very similar way. I’m glad you got to snuggle with him, that must’ve been so comforting for him. Not all of us have access to an emergency vet that will see rabbits.

            Grief must have it’s time, even though it is immensely painful. I recognize the feeling of not knowing what to do with oneself.

            Binky free, little ****Alfie****

          • Gina.Jenny
            2244 posts Send Private Message

              I Echo everything bam said, you did what you could, now you need to let yourself grieve
              Binky free, Alfie

            • Gordo and Janice
              703 posts Send Private Message

                And I second what Bam says. Far too young, and it happens, more often than it should unfortunately. It was nice you snuggled with him for hours. And it was surely comforting for him.

                I too understand the feeling of not knowing what to do with oneself, everything crashing down, world being torn apart.

                Again repeating Bam, grief must have it’s time. You are in the thick of it right now. We empathize. You are in my thoughts. Feel free to share, vent, whatever is necessary to help you in all of this.

                Binky free {{{Alfie}}}

              • BingosDad
                20 posts Send Private Message

                  I am truly sorry for your loss and that it was such a shock. I am so glad that Alfie got to have a loving home! Please take care of yourself!

                • mschoonover11
                  288 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh no! I’m so so sorry My heart and prayers go out to you for this terrible loss.

                    I remember talking with you on different posts and you were giving me great tips on different hay brands. You would tell me which ones Alfie liked and which ones he didn’t like. I also remember complementing on how cute Alfie was because in your avatar pic, he looked completely adorable!

                    What makes it sadder was that he was only 8 months! Poor baby<3

                    Some bunnies just come and go not mattering what age they were. By the information you gave, it seemed like Alfie had a great home and was truly loved. That’s what matters. At least you got to give him the love he deserved for the short time that he was with us on this earth. Don’t be hard on yourself! You did everything you possibly could and there was nothing else you could’ve done. Again, I’m truly sorry for your loss and we all know that hopefully, Alfie went to bunny heaven.

                    Binky free precious ***Alfie***

                  • Gordo and Janice
                    703 posts Send Private Message

                      And I want to add a great point that others make. First, Alfie…absolutely completely adorable in his pic. Hands down heart melting. And second, there will be tremendous emotion for some time but try to focus on the great times that you shared with Alfie and all his little cuteness. At first you miss it so, so much, more than words can say. But keeping it in a perspective of how awesome my rabbit was and how awesome the experience was and how lucky I was to actually have had that in my life. That has helped me with my loss of Icey. And now I can, usually, just think of all the wonderful preciousness that there was, in sharing our home, and lives, and time with her, and smile and feel fortunate about it all. They are something so special. And I personally don’t know of any other people in my circle of friends, family, and acquaintences that have shared in that experience. Just the people on this website, which reaches around the world. So it is a very rare thing. Be grateful you had it with Alfie. I am grateful Alfie had it with you.

                      Thinking of you and little Alfie…

                    • Flakie
                      148 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m so so sorry to hear about the loss of little Alfie what a cute bunny. So hard to lose them at such a young age.

                        My heart goes out to you. Thinking of you at this sad time.

                        Binky free wee Alfie ?

                      • Jeremy
                        8 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m so incredibly sorry to hear about Alfie passing. Beautiful little guy.

                        • caillou
                          112 posts Send Private Message

                            Thank you all for your kind words. I really am grateful for this forum, it’s difficult for me to talk to my friends about this. 

                            I had to leave the house to run a few errands and it really hit me even harder when I got back and his cage was empty. This was the time we would spend snuggling on the couch and watching tv. I’m trying to focus on the positive of the times that we had together but it’s hard. I don’t know how/when I’m going to be able to clean up his living space and put away his cage and toys and things.

                          • Phil
                            239 posts Send Private Message

                              All the people here understand exactly what your going through we all love out bunnies so much, friends and family just don’t understand at all, I lost Jasper in jan its taken me till now just to empty his hay and food, I can’t even sit and watch TV. As he’s not here. Its very very had every day just to try and carry on with life. Its just not the same anymore. So sad for you and little Alfie. Take care

                            • Ellie from The Netherlands
                              2512 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m so sorry to hear about your loss Every post you made about Alfie radiated pride and love. He made a big impression on us in his short life. It’s unfair to lose him so young…
                                Binky free sweet Alfie!

                              • mschoonover11
                                288 posts Send Private Message

                                  Question: Did Alfie stop eating drinking and pooping? Do you think he maybe went into stasis? Did he just stop eating that night, or was he doing this before the night he passed? It’s so sad to hear that a bun that young passed away, so I just want to know what caused it. My bun is only 6 months old, and I fear of him dying young. Alfie looked like he was extremely well taken care of, so I don’t know how he suddenly passed away. It’s so heartbreaking

                                • sarahthegemini
                                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                                    Although short, it sounds like he had a wonderful life and was very loved. Take comfort in knowing you loved him with all your heart and he would have known that. Binky on little one xxx

                                  • meridiian
                                    157 posts Send Private Message

                                      This is so sad, he was so young! And such a beautiful boy.

                                      I’m so sorry for your loss

                                      He had eight loving months with you. Treasure that. Understand how you must feel, looking at his empty space and toys. Don’t deal with that right now, look after yourself. He was lucky to know you. xxx

                                      Binky free little Alfie!

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                                  Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Woke up and Alfie was gone