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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Will trade cute pics for bonding advice of >2 rabbits

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    • Erbear
      155 posts Send Private Message

        It’s been quite a long time since I posted…I forgot how helpful this forum is for getting good info!

        I’m looking for the “I wish I would have known”, helpful hints etc that anyone who has experience bonding more than 2 buns together. I’ve bonded 2 sets of females before. (Radar & Josefina now Radar & Lemon)

        A little background on my current rabbits: They’re both spayed and are very good with bunny manners as they go to “Hoppy Hours” to play with other rabbits each week. They are thoroughly bonded but are both so social at these playtimes that they are always running & playing and not just hiding together somewhere. They snuggle with other rabbits all the time and don’t have a huge problem when I foster other rabbits overnight etc. But they’re also divas…will bat/growl/bite if they feel like they want to. Not timid in any way but not overly aggressive…if that makes sense. Lemon is also dopey. The picture below depicts their idea of where the bunny sleeps vs where the waterdish goes.

        Now for the possible third rabbit: I met a little New Zealand White named Louie at an adoption event. He’s 7 months old and full of joy. I fell in love & scheduled a date with him & the ladies for next saturday. He’s got big white bunny syndrome, all he wants are food & love.

        So here are the pictures I promised:  

        Lemon being antisocial at hoppy hour. I think this was after 45 minutes of running around on the agility equipment.

        And a picture of Lemon when she was a baby at her 1st home. Look at the ears!

      • LittlePuffyTail
        18092 posts Send Private Message

          Just have to comment on how gorgeous your buns are! What is “hoppy hour”?

        • jerseygirl
          22353 posts Send Private Message

            No bonding advice from me, just popping in to say welcome back!
            AND omgoodness where have you been hiding Lemon? HOW have you been hiding Lemon? lol I had to laugh at the picture of young Lemon. It looked like her ears weighed more than her body. Both buns are gorgeous! Such a sweet looking pair.
            Why did I always think Radar was male?
            Josephina was a black bunny wasn’t she? Has she passed away? : (

            Have you adopted Louie or are you going to see after they all meet? I like your chances with both girls being so social. Of course, in their own territory can be a different story. Maybe you could start their interaction with Louie at Hoppy Hour?

          • Erbear
            155 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks PuffyTail! My girls are pretty cute! (I still haven’t met an ugly rabbit though)

              Hoppy Hours are put on by the Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society every week. They’re in a large room filled with rabbit agility obstacles to play on and they have grippy mats for the rabbits to run on. The only people allowed on the mats with the rabbits are the “Bouncers” who help catch naughty or scared rabbits. They also clean up pee spots. (Not enough litter boxes for the 60+ rabbits who come to the big events or even the 12+ who come to the smaller events)

              It’s $3/rabbit and they have to be spayed/neutered to enter. The volunteer’s rabbits get in for free. They offer information for people wanting to adopt other rabbits and even problem solve with other rabbit owners about issues they’re facing. Sort of like this forum but in person.

              As a fundraiser for MCRS, volunteers clean scent glands…groom long haired rabbits and trim toe nails for different prices. They also do fittings for agility harnesses and some will pet sit. It’s quite the group. Not many of them have more than 2 rabbits bonded together.

              No worries about comments without advice, I’m just trying to get what I can get! I’m sure they’ll do fine but any tips are helpful and maybe they’ll help when I answer a question for someone else while I’m volunteering.


            • FluffyBunny
              1263 posts Send Private Message

                Hoppy Hours sounds like fun! I wish there was something like that around here. Do the unbonded bunnies just run around together?

              • Erbear
                155 posts Send Private Message

                  Glad to be back Jerseygirl! There’s not much hiding going on with Lemon. Everyone always thinks Radar & Lemon are boys! No worries though.

                  Jo was my little black bun, she passed away suddenly over a year ago. My vet says it was probably due to some genetic defect because she always slept ‘a little funny’ then would wake up and be just fine. I kept thinking that it was just her style because she was still eating/playing/jumping/alert until right before she passed away. She had a small siezure in front of me and when she came out of it, I was bringing her to the car to take her to the vet…and she died right there. I’m glad I could be with her when it happened but I was so sad for Radar as they had just bonded a month or so before it happened. She had medical issues her whole life but it never seemed to slow her down.

                  I adopted Lemon a couple months afterwards. I heard about her and just couldn’t resist. She’s been awesome to have around. Like a dopey dog.

                • Erbear
                  155 posts Send Private Message

                    @Fluffybunny There is little to no fighting…a lot of grooming and quite a few binkies.

                    So my plan so far is this:

                    -They’ll go on a ‘date’ next saturday in a neutral location to see how it goes. If they don’t brawl, then I’m going to adopt louie.
                    -Then I’ll set up a second cage near theirs and just let them all get used to seeing each other for a couple weeks. (playtimes separate but equal)
                    -I’ll switch their cages back & forth so it’s all “everyone’s” territory. Mixing up litter boxes and blankets and toys.
                    -I have stunt doubles for them to beat up too.
                    -I’ll take louie to hoppy hours with me on Wednesday nights for him & I to bond and to let him get into a routine. That Hoppy Hour is too small (~12 rabbits in a small-ish space) for all three to be there without a scuffle.
                    -On Sunday hoppy hours, I’ll take all three and they can interact if they wish but it’s a big auditorium so they may not even bump into each other at first. Less chance of a bond-breaking fight.
                    -After hoppy hours, when they’re all tired…I’ll sit them in pairs on the counter and massage and give treats and just let them smell each other for a few minutes at a time to build up positive interactions.
                    -Mealtime is together, snacks are together…all fun is together.
                    -Smaller hoppy hours next then building with small supervised interactions in the house & finally living together.

                  • nugget
                    161 posts Send Private Message

                      I live in MN……St. Cloud area. I will have to check more into this Hoppy Hour you are talking about!!

                    • Erbear
                      155 posts Send Private Message

                        @nugget mn.companionrabbit dot org for the schedule. It’ll be quite the drive from St. Cloud to Golden Valley or South St. Paul but it is really fun.

                      • nugget
                        161 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh no…piece of cake. Golden Valley is only an hour away…easy drive! I think we will have to check it out on of these days, my daughter is really excited about it! HOW IS IT THAT I HAVEN’T HEARD OF THIS BEFORE!! :oD I think Oliver would LOVE it…..he only gets to mingle with dogs around here.

                        • Erbear
                          155 posts Send Private Message

                            @nugget if you do decide to come, send me a message so I know to look out for Oliver. Make sure to take your camera, it’s hilarious.

                          • LittlePuffyTail
                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                              That’s really neat. I wish rabbits were more popular as pets in my area so we could have events like that. I wish we had a House Rabbit Chapter too but there is none around here.

                            • nugget
                              161 posts Send Private Message

                                Looks like every other Sunday in Golden Valley….Next one on Feb. 6th. We will try to be there! I will message you if we go! This is going to be SO FUN!! :oD
                                Didn’t you have a bonding question? ….lol, sorry!

                              • jerseygirl
                                22353 posts Send Private Message

                                  Any updates Erbear?

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                              Forum BONDING Will trade cute pics for bonding advice of >2 rabbits