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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A which rabbit sheds more? dutch or mini lop?

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    • DutchRabbitsFtw
      273 posts Send Private Message

         i know that all rabbits shed EXTENSIVELY through out most of the year (x2) and shed moderately through out the year. anyway, i think mini lops have roll back fur and dutches have fly back. 

        right? i saw this dutch rabbit and he was barely shedding (but i know that he probably hasnt molted yet or he already has). but i visited this mini lop and he was shedding a lot with fine long strands of fur flying everywhere ( in the middle of molting) anyway, i was just wondering if either breed sheds more? or if the amount in which they shed is the same, which rabbit would be “easier” to manage during shedding season? (i know how bad rabbits shed, but like IF you had to pick which rabbits sheds “less”/ easier to manage? even if its just by a little bit) like i think dutches would be easier since 1) they are smaller by a couple pounds , and 2) they have shorter hair; which could be a bad and a good thing… bad thing is is that it would be harder to contain the fur in the brushes/ combs when grooming it cause the fur would be too short to stay in the brushes and combs.  but it would be “easier” since its shorter and stuff? not really sure about this one but yeah.


        i mean if its just by a little bit, which rabbit fur is easier to manage during shedding season? thanks

      • LBJ10
        17089 posts Send Private Message

          I don’t know much about either breed, sorry. I have a Jersey Wooly and a Holland lop. Obviously Leopold (lop) has shorter hair. They both shed. Oddly enough, I often find Wooly easier to manage than Leopold when it comes to the fur flying factor. You wouldn’t think it would be that way, but I think it’s because Wooly has, well, wool. It sticks together so most of it stays on until I brush it off. Then I will end up with this big pile of fur that I pull from the brush. It stays together nicely in a ball. Leopold, on the other hand, has short little hairs that don’t get picked up by a regular brush. I will use the hair buster on him, but if he is molting then hair will still be coming off of him everywhere even immediately after brushing.

        • Sam and Lady's Human
          2001 posts Send Private Message

            I don’t know if it goes by breed, it’s probably more about individual traits. I have a lionhead who by rights should need brushed often and shed a lot, and she doesn’t hardly shed at all.

          • DutchRabbitsFtw
            273 posts Send Private Message

              hm, yeah thats what i was thinking. i was thinking of getting a lionhead but i mean.. they would shed a lot more than a dutch or mini lop right?

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                Red breeds shed less and they have finer fur. Some people who have allergies don’t have issues with rexes…

              • Monkeybun
                10479 posts Send Private Message

                  Dutch and lop breeds have the same type of fur. It’s rexes that have a different kind. If shedding will be a problem for your allergies, go with a rex.

                • Elrohwen
                  7318 posts Send Private Message

                    Dutch do have different fur from mini lops, but I think shedding would depend more on the individual. I have a mini and a holland, technically the same fur type, and the holland sheds far far more than the mini lop. I think rexes typically shed less (or they just have less fur to shed)

                  • Monkeybun
                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                      Well, my holland had thicker fur, but it isn’t that different than my dutch’s. The roll back versus fly back is a rex versus everybunny else

                    • DutchRabbitsFtw
                      273 posts Send Private Message

                        haha okay thanks. (: ps i am not allergic to the rabbit itself. maybe just the hay. not sure about the pine pellets.

                      • Monkeybun
                        10479 posts Send Private Message

                          But you tested positive for rabbits…

                        • Stickerbunny
                          4128 posts Send Private Message

                            Not familiar with either buns shedding patterns, but rex bunnies fur is pretty easy to manage. My rex sheds a little but her fur is short and dense so it is never really that bad, a wet hand brush and it’s fixed. The thin, fine fur Powder (best guess on his breed I have been given is a NZ white) has gets in the air all the time though… badly lol it even gets on my food when he never goes in the kitchen.

                          • kinggoblin
                            416 posts Send Private Message

                              My mini-lop doesn’t shed much, and my fiance who is allergic to everything isn’t bothered by the rabbit, but then he doesn’t handle him as much as I do and doesn’t touch the hay or litter at all, he only gives him pets when Goblin corners him, haha.

                            • DutchRabbitsFtw
                              273 posts Send Private Message

                                @monkey, yes but they also said i was allergic to: horses, guinea pigs, and almonds. and i am NOT allergic to those. they also said i was not allergic to dogs but i am. im guessing that if i was allergic then it must be VERY mild.

                                and ha, yeah i really dont want fine hairs floating around in my room. but i guess if i brush often and stuff then it wont be too bad

                              • Beka27
                                16016 posts Send Private Message

                                  Either way, I’d probably still get a box of medical masks for when you brush your bunny. I know when I groom mine, the fur floats up everywhere (especially on my lop!) and it’ll tickle my nose. I brush them in the morning before I shower, so then after I’m done I can just take a shower to wash away any stray fur.

                                • Elrohwen
                                  7318 posts Send Private Message

                                    MB, flyback isn’t rex fur – rex fur is just called rex fur. Flyback is on dutch, polish, and other breeds, so it is a different type than the rollback on lops. I have no idea if they shed more or less (I’d guess about the same) but just wanted to clear that up.

                                  • Sam and Lady's Human
                                    2001 posts Send Private Message

                                      Posted By DutchBunniesFtw on 01/11/2012 08:21 AM
                                      @monkey, yes but they also said i was allergic to: horses, guinea pigs, and almonds. and i am NOT allergic to those. they also said i was not allergic to dogs but i am. im guessing that if i was allergic then it must be VERY mild.

                                      and ha, yeah i really dont want fine hairs floating around in my room. but i guess if i brush often and stuff then it wont be too bad


                                      Just a heads up, allergies are generally from the saliva/urine of an animal, not necessarily just the fur. Wearing gloves as well as a mask when you change the litter (and groom as their saliva will be on their fur) should help.

                                    • DutchRabbitsFtw
                                      273 posts Send Private Message

                                        oh thanks. i’ve held lots of rabbits and even put one in my and face and inhaled. usually i would have sneezed a couple of times if it was my dog (who im apparently not allergic to) but i had no reaction with the rabbit whatsoever. i’ve also held lots of rabbits. (not for a long time but still)

                                        i think i may be allergic to the (pine PELLETED) litter so i am probably going to switch over to yesterdays news

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                                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A which rabbit sheds more? dutch or mini lop?