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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING When does the marking/pooping stop? Ever?

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    • bunnymama
      161 posts Send Private Message

        I’ve got a single bun and a bonded pair. They are allowed in the living room every night at a different time for exercise. My female from the bonded pair and the male some too, are pooping machines everywhere to mark against my single female. Any ideas on how to break the 3 of them from this. The bonded female is the worst.  All 3 ot them are pooping in the living room but this has gone on for almost 3 months mow.  Thoughts, suggestions…it’s like a poop factory over here. I have a poop dish in the room that all 3 use but then they poop everywhere else too.  Help!Thanks.

      • mrmac
        2156 posts Send Private Message

          It will eventually slow, I have been bonding my 3, they are now bonded and living together and they still do it. I come out to them in the morning and find poos everywhere! The number had gone down a little but still there as lovely as it is! Have you tried more than one litter box?

          268 posts Send Private Message

            well i have this freaky idea that burning scented candles makes it better ha ha no proof just that mine dont territory poop so much when i remember to burn them lol totally unsubstantiated but worth a try lol but let me know if it works and we can market it he he

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              Do you plan to bond, or are in process of bonding them as a trio? One theory: The pair may view themselves as a family or warren and the single one as an outsider or rabbit from another warren. They’ll mark their territory pretty heavily against and outside bun.

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                As much as I hate to say it, the marking may not stop until they are ALL together or until they no longer have shared access to the same spaces. I know other people who have separate groups of buns and they experience marking as regular every day thing. What are the future plans with these three?

              • MooBunnay
                3087 posts Send Private Message

                  It is pretty hard to stop marking for most bunnies (in my experience so far). When I have bunnies that share an area, I actually put down a really large blanket or bed spread, and use that to cover most of the area. If you are letting them out in a whole room and can’t cover the whole floor, maybe you could get a couple of ex-pens and set them up when the single bunny has play time, and just let her play in the ex-pens with a blanket covering the floor of those ones. In my house, each bunny or bonded pair has their own room to run around in, which prevents the poop wars (for now )

                • bunnymama
                  161 posts Send Private Message

                    Thanks for the replies…I can’t use scented candles as I have allergies to most smells….
                    Regarding bonding the 3 — don’t think I can. The two females hate each other. Last time we slipped up slightly, they went at each other with paws digging into each others faces through the dog gate (that we didn’t quite move the barrier in front of fast enough). I can’t see them ever liking or tolerating each other. They run into that open shared space and just start to poop in the same places each day when they are each free. I think it might be a family thing against the single. I’ll try a second poop dish out there which I have in the past a few times and that does seem to then focus them on the poop dishes and not the whole room…okay thanks much…

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      Can you try relocating your single girl to a different area of your home for her permanent cage and run space?

                    • bunnymama
                      161 posts Send Private Message

                        I wish I could move Baby elsewhere but she was my first bun and had full run of the house. Now she has to share run time with the bonded pair. I really have no choice but to continue to do as I have been – letting them into the same room for run time but at different times. I’ll try the 2nd poop dish and see if that helps. Thanks to all again…..

                      • bunnymama
                        161 posts Send Private Message

                          Confirmed with vet today while on visit that the marking may never stop….so glad the poop is hard and easy to deal with and does not smell…thanks.

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                      Forum BONDING When does the marking/pooping stop? Ever?