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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE What’s yr favourite breed size?

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    • Pinkbun
      59 posts Send Private Message

        Curious as to what the favourite breed size is from the tiny netherland dwarf <3 to the biggest Flemish giant . Netherlands and dwarf lion heads so cute
        Lemme know what breed you got and what there like I’m always interested in learning how the other breeds are thank you

      • Pinkbun
        59 posts Send Private Message

          Apologies for the doubles small and mini I can’t get rid of them!!! I’ve tried editing and it created another mini !! When voting just ignore the small/mini line and use them separately. As I can’t delete them -.-

        • joea64
          1423 posts Send Private Message

            I’m going to call small. They’re little enough to keep in residences where space is at a premium, but not so small that they have tooth issues (as dwarves can be prone to because of the shape of their heads). My newly adopted buns are, I’m pretty close to positive, Polish rabbits, which is just about the smallest non-dwarf breed (so small, in fact, that they’re sometimes misidentified as dwarf rabbits). The small breeds are also generally quite lively and active, and with proper care, can live a long time – longer, I’m informed, than very large breeds.

          • Ellie from The Netherlands
            2512 posts Send Private Message

              Totally in love with NL dwarf: I love their spunky personalities and their cute looks. Some NL dwarfs like ours even like to climb, he’ll climb up upon the back of the couch and other high places, it’s great to see such a brave and active bun. Oh, and did I mention the opinions? Highly communicative and opinions about everything. Foodbowl empty? *grunt* Not satisfied with being picked up? *thump! and demand a raisin* Never a dull moment and I love it ^_^

            • Pinkbun
              59 posts Send Private Message

                I know exactly what you mean ! My wee adopted Netherlands are just like this XD one hates to be picked up and thumps her foot a lot. She has a twisted spine which I think is from an injury from being dropped from the past owner this is why she doesn’t like to be picked up. She is also very unsocial. -.- the other rabbit on the other hand is so kind he super playful when he’s out in the run he charge round binkying as he goes he also loves his treats and chewing things (especially wires) XD I love how cute they are
                Oh and dwarf lion heads ! I’ve always wanted one of those! But you can never find a breeder (was wanting to adopt one but where none) there so expensive too !

              • Boston's Mama
                1452 posts Send Private Message

                  I had and love flemish giants. Now we have holland lops – current fav for sure.
                  If I could I’d have lionheads but they aren’t available here where I am

                • joea64
                  1423 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By Oakley and Boston’s Mama on 8/13/2017 8:34 PM

                    I had and love flemish giants. Now we have holland lops – current fav for sure.
                    If I could I’d have lionheads but they aren’t available here where I am

                    I would have loved to have adopted at least one Holland Lop myself, but I think, as a first-timer, I need some experience first before I’m ready to deal with the special challenges associated with those long floppy ears (and the dental issues that can occur with dwarf bun head shapes). I think Panda will need some specific monitoring because, as a female Polish, her head shape is pretty close to a dwarf’s; her boy Fernando has a more elongated head/muzzle. Good news is both of them have excellent teeth, and with lots of good grass hay they’ll stay that way.

                  • LittlePuffyTail
                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                      Bigger Bunnies = More Snuggles

                    • Bianca
                      375 posts Send Private Message

                        Does whatever bun I am snuggling with at the time count as a suitable answer?

                        Otherwise I am going to have to say NL Dwarfs. Followed closely by every other breed.

                        Although I volunteer at my local animal shelter and they currently have a 4.4 kilo bun (who is still need to put on more weight), and a 5.3 kilo bun! Those two are hard work to pick up and carry around! It’s fine when they are on your lap, but to put them back in their cages requires a second person to open it half the time because it’s almost impossible to tuck bun under one arm! And I stood around talking holding Mr. 4.4 kilos the other day, my arm was exhausted after a few minutes.

                      • LittlePuffyTail
                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                          This is a good size. 

                        • joea64
                          1423 posts Send Private Message

                            It seems dwarfs are the overwhelming favorite in the polling so far. I selected “small” because my own buns are Polish, which though a lot of people call them dwarfs really aren’t – they don’t have the dwarf gene, though the Netherland Dwarf, derived from the Polish, does! The Polish is pretty much the smallest rabbit that isn’t a dwarf.

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              LPT- YES!!!! If only there were Clifford size buns! (Imagine the poops though…..or a nip from that mouth!)

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                          Forum THE LOUNGE What’s yr favourite breed size?