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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING What next?

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    • jerseygirl
      22352 posts Send Private Message

        Argh – I’m disorganised! Just to confuse things I’ll now make a 4th bonding thread!

        Just a run down of where things are at re Jersey & Rumball.

        I continue to do tub sessions, all good, no fighting but not much grooming either.  Then I usually allow them time together in a non neutral zone in the lounge room (Some days I skip the neutral space part).  I supervise 80% of the time but can trust them somewhat alone.   They can be sitting a foot apart eating hay, or opposite sides of room loafing.  There’s the occasional small chase.  Rumball will often investigate areas and Jersey will chase him out if she’s so inclined.  He’s not too spooked, will always seek her out again.

        I also sometimes allow them to traipse thru each others zones in the bunny room.  Jersey will mark and madly eat Rumballs hay.  He’s not overly impressed by her area.  Few scuffles out here also but not too bad.

        There is random grooming from Jersey and even less from Rumball.  Last night he did some and I kept her calm to experience it. He only grooms over her eyes and eventually she balks.

        So there’s more acceptance happening in other spaces but no snuggling or hanging out together much unless there’s food involved.

        I have a question.  Do those with bonded pairs, trios etc have regular bunny tiffs?  A bit like siblings that will pinch and tussle one minute then be best mates the next?  I sort of feel that’s how things may become between Jersey and Rumball but is that a safe state to have them living in?  Regular mild scuffles?

        I’m not sure how far into bonding I am.  There’s still trust and acceptance issues but do I continue to put them together and hope they grow closer?  I had really wanted them both to seek the companionship of the other.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Well, sometimes my female pair will get into a weird scuffle when the others are out of their pen and approach them liking running circles or something but then they calm down.

          My other pair are kind of odd – never ever ever a scuffle but not grooming either but lots of sitting side by side.

          I don’t think there’s any one way that pairs will act really. My feeling is as long as they can cohabitate daily then they are fine. I think we expect them to groom and snuggle because those are our expectations as humans and we think it’s sweet or cute. But rabbits aren’t humans and even humans coexist without snuggling daily.

          My females do groom a little – it’s not the constant groom, groom, groom though by any means. They lay next to each other – I guess they have to though because they are housed together.

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            I would try to do more in their own space and stop the neutral territory. I think you’re probably beyond that point. Can you arrange a day for them to be together the entire time (with you home and nearby to loosely supervise?) and possibly do an overnight if all goes well thru the day?

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              Yes. I tend to put them back in the bath if the previous time together wasn’t as settled. So I do that, then put them back in a living area. Tonight they spent 3 hrs in the lounge without incident. Mostly content to loaf 1/2 metre apart.

              Thanks Beka, I actually thought tomorrow I’d take down the barrier in their area, wash right through and observe them there. Then if I felt it necessary, put the barrier back up overnight. I think turning that back into a whole room without the division will actually feel like new space to them. I know I’m dying to do it!

              Sarita, very true – I guess I was thinking of bonded rabbits as “inseparable” but perhaps it’ll be housemates in their case. That’ll be fine by me, I will just have to trust them not to get into any serious fights. I’m getting there.

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Well, it sounds like things are going along well. I have also heard of bunnies that just happily live together but don’t really cuddle etc. They may groom and cuddle later once they fully trust each other or they may just be fine with hanging out and nothing more.

                I wish mine would just STICK to cuddling, but Jack has his own agenda that ruins the moment. It sounds like though that yours are really doing very well so far. No incidents after three hours is very good.

              • Cassi&Charlie
                1260 posts Send Private Message

                  Sounds good, can’t wait to see how they go when the barrier is down. It will probably be nice to have your house back again too! I think your working towards a friendship rather than soul mate bunny lovers and it sounds a lot like my two who co-exist but dont really seem to like each other. More love for you!

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    Well I didn’t get to remove the barrier til later in the day but it’s done! I may have gotten too keen though. It’s now evening and i’ll be out there recontructing later I bet! That or I sleep out there too. They did really well though. It was like a new space but somewhat familiar to Jersey. I think they both enjoyed the freedom of the whole space. There was predictable marking from Jersey but other than that – it’s been good. Ideally I should have left them in this space but now I’ve allowed them the house. I think in a few days I’ll have time to shut them in there for they day and move things along. It didn’t occur to me til this afternoon that I’m may be nearing the “cementing the bond” stage! Relief! I mustn’t get ahead of myself though…
                    Thanks BB and C&C for your input also!

                    Edit: I kept them separate alot today but as I was near finished in the bunny area, I’d let them in the lounge area – checking in on them now & then. Later when I poked my head in, Rumball was lying squashed in down the side of the armchair and wall and Jersey was behind it (fav spot) and grooming him.  Also, just now as I am entering this post, I checked on them and they’re together, Jersey bathing, Rumball all stretched out, then she settled down to loaf too.   Maybe it all happens when you’re not looking!

                  • Sarita
                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                      Wow…hopefully you can keep them together for as long as possible as long as they don’t fight which it sounds like they won’t.

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        Yes, once you’re getting them together well, try not to separate at all.

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          I put them back in the bunny zone about 11 pm. I was still out there with them on and off then sat out there doing some reading. About 12.30-1am there was a scuffle. I don’t know what instigated it but each time Jersey would pounce, Rumball would then chase. I think he would have mounted if he could catch her. They started to circle too. She would jump and scoot over his head. It was very much a dominance play off. So I separated them overnight.

                          Today I have them enclosed in a 4×6 ft space out there. There has been scuffles but then they settle. I may have to separate when I can’t supervise but is this just going to undo progress? I don’t think I’m at the 24 hr pen together point just yet.

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                            I think you will have to separate when you can’t supervise (be somewhere near that you can hear a scuffle) as they still may have some final last minute issues to work out and you need to be there to prevent it from getting serious. If they settle down after the scuffle then that’s still good. Do they settle down on their own or do they get serious enough where you have to separate (like the spiraling).

                          • jerseygirl
                            22352 posts Send Private Message

                              Well they started spiralling last night but I can distract with clapping or a voice command. Last night, he was giving chase which I haven’t seen for sometime. He does seem to get most active later at night. He eats most his veggies then and hay too. They circled a bit today too but I could interupt it. I sort of think should I let it go some and see it they can both go off to a corner and calm down, but I also know that once they circle like that it can do damage. My plan today is keep them penned even after these incidents and see if it lessens.

                              I think it a case of Rumball requesting a groom and Jersey not in the mood so she move away. He approaches again and she’ll pounce. Then he’ll keep coming back and eventually they scuffle. Yet she’ll seek him out if he in one of the hidey spots, ears forward, alert or curious. Think it’s still learning to share the space & trust.

                            • BinkyBunny
                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                I know it’s normal to have some scuffles to work out the issues. Sending out “settle after scuffle” vibes!! Hang in there, it sounds like they are actually progressing along normally.

                              • jerseygirl
                                22352 posts Send Private Message

                                  That’s spot on BB. They have been sorting stuff out and I couldn’t stop smiling yesterday as I kept spotting them hanging out together.
                                  Even better today, Jersey has been requesting grooms from Rumball and he had given them (though he is a bit rough!). I am oh so close! I have given them miles to much freedom though. I am yet to get time to have them in a small space for a long period just to finalise things. I have considered skipping this part but I don’t want to regret it later. Currently I’m ok leaving them alone together as long as I can hear any upsets. I’m not confident leaving them together while I’m not home – so I think doing that last step will help in this.
                                  Right now though – things are good! (touch wood)

                                • PEPPA GEORGIE
                                  268 posts Send Private Message

                                    Arrr that is great news jersey, rumball is soo gorgeous i just love his pics.. (more please) He reminds me so much of my cookie, i could look at him for hours.
                                    xx Hope it keeps going well xx

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                                      Thanks Peppa! I got a camera in Feb but I’m still to read the manual yet. I’m one of those “if all else fails – read the instructions” type. I’m hoping to get some decent pics of them together!

                                      I left them out alone together yesterday for about 1/2 hr while I went out. There just snoozed in the same room the whole time. Another very positive sign I’ve noted lately is their sharing a food bowl. I try give them separate ones but they end up eating together, both heads squished into the one bowl. This is great as Jersey would never have allowed this before.

                                    • PEPPA GEORGIE
                                      268 posts Send Private Message

                                        Arr that is really cute both noses in the bowl, yes more pics would be lovely xxx Sounds like you are making great progress xxx

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                                    Forum BONDING What next?