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Forum BONDING What is with the flopping during bonding?

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    • jerseygirl
      22352 posts Send Private Message

        What is with the flopping during bonding?  Happens an awful lot, particularly from Jersey.  I know that when the rabbits do this sort of thing in pens next to one another, it’s a sort of show of “I’m more chilled out than you”.  Is in the same in a neutral bonding space?

        Jersey will be right next to Rumball and fling herself over, sometimes landing on him a bit.  He just sticks his head into what ever bit of her is touching him and snuggles.  He will also flop nearby. 

        I remember posting about her doing that to me once, flopping so that she half landed across my face.  I took it as a high compliment but maybe it means something else?  I’ll have to get more footage of them doing this.

      • BinkyBunny
        8776 posts Send Private Message

          HAHAHA! Cute. I have heard it can mean “You don’t matter – look at me, not bothered by YOU”, but many times depending on how they are getting along, it can just mean I am feeling safe and relaxed, come join me in my joy!

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            I think usually with the “flop-offs”, they do it with a bit of distance between. Either form across the room, or at least a few feet away. The fact that there is physical contact tho, that would make me view it as a positive sign, rather than a negative one. How are they doing otherwise?

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              Well that’s good! They’re doing ok. I have continued despite her shedding. I went back to bathtub a few times and they do really well there. Not lovey dovey but no fighting. I’ve also had them together in the living room in the evenings for a few hours. I have to monitor. If Rumball ventures into area behind the furniture, Jersey gives chase, plus she’s a little touchy if I pet him, so will come up for pets too. But they’ll cross paths a bit without negative incident quite a bit.

              Rumball always request a groom anytime Jersey approaches. He never goes to groom her. Whenever I’ve encouraged this he’s thumped at me. She did groom him in the living room last night but mostly she’ll be settled on one side of the room, he on the other and now and then, both will venture over to the other. It’s so-so, but any ‘aggression’ mild.

              I sort of feel again what I always did about Jersey – she’s a semi-loner, yet she’ll be the one that groom Rumball. With him, I feel he’s the more lonely and craves company. I think what I’ll get with these two is Roomies. Used to having each other about but not necessarily joint at the hip. Time will tell.
              I haven’t done much stress bonding – I’m wondering if I should continue this slow and steady route – or rev it up a bit? I’m impatient with this current route but think it might be the more sucessful…

            • RabbitPam
              11002 posts Send Private Message

                Maybe she flops on him as a way to entice him to groom her while she’s there. Sort of a “I’m relaxed, I like you and can cuddle…oh look, I’m right within grooming range if you’d like to have a lick.”

                jersey, it all sounds very positive to me. I think you’re doing a great job and it’s coming along very well.

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks…not that I have to do much, just put them together and supervise.
                  Jersey is a bit skittish on the rare occasions Rumball has started to groom. He’ll usually start on the eye and she jumps. He does to when his eye is groomed but he hangs in there for the rest. He’s funny. I’ve mentioned before, he try get whatevers going. Even tonight when Jersy decided to munch on ‘his’ hay, he smooshed his head against her cheek – because it was moving!    He’s all about her pandering to him and she’s all about getting to his food.

                • RabbitPam
                  11002 posts Send Private Message

                    LOL jersey!
                    I think a lot of guys would describe their girlfriends as “She’s all about getting to his food.”

                    Maybe we’ll get you a bunny of your own since the bonding is going well and they have each other now. *kids grow up so fast.*

                  • jerseygirl
                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                      Mmmm? is this ‘bunny of your own” code for something?… There is an actually white lop in my suburb needing a new home….

                    • MooBunnay
                      3087 posts Send Private Message

                        How cute I agree that they fact that she is flopping close enough to be touching him is a good sign. Usually when two of my boy bunnies do a flop off (to prove that one is happier than the other) – the flopping will occur pretty far apart from one another. Kramer is the king of the flop-off, he is tiny and has a bit of a Napolean complex, and will flop himself over almost completely on to his back to prove to anyone else that he is the happiest bunny around.

                        it sounds like it is going really well, it probably helps a lot that Rumball is a bit more submissive than Jersey – I think she’s just playing hard to get and she’ll come around soon

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m not so sure about submissive though…like she is territorial about certain areas and will chase him out if he ventures into them – but he always comes looking for her. If she is near, he will just put his head down for a groom. When she’s lowered her head near him, he will squeak, turn away and thump. I had thought initially this happened because I was hands-on encouraging him to groom her, but I’ve seen him do it twice without my being involved. His constant request for grooms without return grooms seems dominant to me – or he’s just craving company.

                        • Cassi&Charlie
                          1260 posts Send Private Message

                            Charlie did and still does this to Layla all the time. He seems to run at her and begin flopping while airborne and flop over her. We call it the ‘body slam’. I dn’t know why he does it, Layla doesn’t do it, it just seems to be a weird personality thing. Its funny though

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                        Forum BONDING What is with the flopping during bonding?