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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS What do you guys use to cover your ‘ramps’?

  • This topic has 15sd replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by JK.
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    • Binkles
      823 posts Send Private Message

        ..Come oonnnn. Everybody knows what I’m talking about: the convenient (but dangerous if not covered!) little ‘ramps’ that cages form when you open their doors.

        Historically, I’ve used thick doubled-over towels secured through the various bars. But I’ve just set Little-Bit’s quarters up so that there is a ramp going right next to her litter box. She hops up onto it once she’s finished and, inevitebly, leaves some residue on the towel.

        Which leads to me having to a LOT of laundry and some very yellow-looking towels..

        So I was wondering..

        Does anyone else use anything that would be more economical and easier to clean?

      • RabbitPam
        11002 posts Send Private Message

          If I’m picturing this right, you mean the part of the cage that’s just thin bars and opens, so that it’s a ramp with spaces (for catching bunny feet. ( )

          I often put a square piece of seagrass mat on it which made a solid platform for his feet. Or  I propped it up to not ramp with a small covered storage box, pictured here.


        • kimberleyanddarren
          2520 posts Send Private Message

            i have a bit of left over carpet there

          • Kitsufox
            17 posts Send Private Message

              My cage has an actual ramp for getting to the second level in it. I permanatly covered it with some shelfline by sewing it into place.

            • MooBunnay
              3087 posts Send Private Message

                I use cut up carpet squares, and if they get anything on them I usually use a bit of vinegar to clean it up. If you go to a home improvement store like Big Lots, you can find all kinds of good things for covering those ramps, they’ve got linoleum that you can cut, or different kinds of rubber flooring that you could cut to the ramp size. I’d recommend taking a trip to Lowe’s or Home Depot and seeing what you can find! The linoleum or rubber would be easy to clean, and the rubber would be the easiest for your bunny to get traction on.

              • Rachelle
                11 posts Send Private Message

                  We cut up a duvet cover and used it. It covers his ramp and upstairs flooring. So far, so good. Jovi chews at carpet, so that wasn’t a good option for us. The bottom floor of his playpen/hutch is vinyl floor tile.

                • Scarlet_Rose
                  4293 posts Send Private Message

                    I also use a piece of carpet remenant that I picked up at the local carpet outlet store for about $3 for a big 3′ X 5′ roll of it. I stuck it down with carpet tape. For more industrious rabbits I use L-shaped brackets (on wood ramps) on the two long side to prevent chewers from destroying it. I find the L-bracket stuff in the welding section at the local harware store, it is made of aluminum and easy to drill holes in for screws or nails.

                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      I used carpet…I cut a few little slits in it, then used zip ties to attach it to the ramp

                    • BabyJoey
                      29 posts Send Private Message

                        I just remove the doors since my buns which have a gigantic cage but still have their own room so there wasn’t any since in having doors to begin with as they are free to come and go as they please. Can you just remove them and the clip them back on when you need them? They sell at the hardward stores these little clamps that work wonderfully with these cages.

                      • baby_daisy
                        37 posts Send Private Message

                          I was at  the pet store justthe other day and they actually sell little mats like for your front door but for the rabbit cage for that actual purpose its a tiny little Welcome mat i’ve never seen them at petsmart or petco but it was at a awsome family owned petstore here by my house…..  They are awsome and a perfect fit..

                        • AnnBunny
                          36 posts Send Private Message

                            You mean bunnies are supposed to walk up those ramps?? HAHA mine just jumps clear over his door ramps… he’s a little crazy and likes to live dangerously I suppose.  I know you posted forever ago but I use those straw mats for everything… they are really great because mine would chew carpet if I used that. 

                          • ManDuke
                            18 posts Send Private Message

                              Anyone ever used those stickers that go on the bottom of bath tubs? I use wood ramps covered with towel bits but sometimes they get moved around.

                            • 2lops
                              347 posts Send Private Message

                                Well sometimes we cover it with a cloth, but now if they want to come out they come out in one big hop (the cage isn’t high at all but is low to the ground..)

                              • KweenElmer
                                46 posts Send Private Message

                                  I actually have an outdoor hutch thats high of the ground … indoors, yes.. don’t ask, but I’ll say that my partner liked it bc it looked like “furniture” .. Anyway. It’s high, so I had to build a ramp. I used the frame from a 3ft mirror and stapled astroturf to it. It’s easy, you just have to sweep it every so often and it provides good traction.

                                • Slater91
                                  56 posts Send Private Message

                                    I use an old football shirt, looks kinda cool as I can tell visitors that Jimmy is an England fan (we live in the Netherlands)

                                  • JK
                                    2223 posts Send Private Message

                                      I use towels too and yes they do need washing frequently but it’s better than other things that would be hard to clean. The cage door is always open but Edson likes to sit on his “stoop” so I have not taken the door off.

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                                  Forum HABITATS AND TOYS What do you guys use to cover your ‘ramps’?