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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A what breed is annabelle?

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    • Grace
      25 posts Send Private Message

        she is in my avatar but here is a bigger picture. Please, i want to know what breed she is? Thank you all!!!


      • jerseygirl
        22345 posts Send Private Message

          At first glance I thought maybe a Rex mix. Could you post a bit more detail about Annabelle? Her weight, feel of her fur etc. The rexes have very soft velvety fur. Granted all bunnies are soft but others have a longer hair with shorter, finer hair underneath where as the rex has one length hair I think. Have you looked at The Challenge thread in the Lounge? That may help.

        • Grace
          25 posts Send Private Message

            yes her fur is very soft! I’m going to weigh her now.. ok shes 0.0? ok so i have a weighter thing and she is 0.0 pounds it says… but when i push down on her a lil shes 3.2

            sorry! i dont have any other weight thingys (i forgot what there called lol)!!

          • Grace
            25 posts Send Private Message

              annabelle also has short hair…

            • jerseygirl
              22345 posts Send Private Message

                he, he, It’s ok, I’m getting better and converting pounds to kilograms. I speak in pound mostly anyway. The way I weigh my bunny in hold her and weigh myself and her together. Then I weigh myself and deduct that weight from the combined weight. Gives me an idea but I was off slightly when she was accurately weighed at the vet.

                It’s hard to tell from the picture, her fur looks like rex around the head and front area of body but unsure by looking at her hind end. Mini Rexes are about 3/12 – 4/12 lbs, Rexes about 6-8 lbs. Here’s a description describing the rex coat. This may help you discern if she has this.

                It is unique because of the fur which is like plush velvet. The fur is usually about 6-10mm long and stands almost at right angles to the skin. The rex gene causes the very fine, straight guard hairs to be shortened to the same length as the underhairs, giving the animal the appearance of having been shorn.

                If she has this, she may be a mini rex (dalmation?)…not sure yet!

                Argh… the more I look, the more I think not a rex breed….

              • Grace
                25 posts Send Private Message

                  haha. ah, yes her hair is about 6 mm! should i take more pictures from different angles or is this fine? haha, even though she prob is a rex… we got her and molly from tractor supply so we know there mixed.

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    i did think she was a mini rex at first glance.  it looks like she has very short, curly whiskers.  that is a mini rex thing…

                    i have a mini rex (she looks similar to your girl, actually… altho Meadow sometimes looks a little more gray than black) and in this pic if you look closely next to her nose you can see the itty bitty whiskers…


                    here’s a better full-body pic…


                    she’s a total of about 3.75 pounds.  so she’s on the smaller side for mini rexes.  i don’t know for certain if she is mixed with anything, but there’s nothing recognizable i can see that would point towards her being a dfferent breed.  same with yours, i don’t see anything else, but of course i’m no expert on breed.

                    assuming she is a mini rex, you need to be careful about her hocks (the heels on her back feet).  since rexes have the very short fur, they do not have a lot of fur padding on their feet, so they are more prone to developing what is called SORE HOCKS.  small red sore spots. 

                    a few precautions: 

                    keep her nails trimmed regularly.  too long nails will put more pressure on the hocks. 

                    watch her diet.  i believe mini rexes are prone to becoming a bit hefty, and being overweight will also put more pressure on those hocks. 

                    do not house her in a wire-bottom cage.  if she is housed on plastic, make sure to provide blankets, towels or a pet bed, somewhere soft for her to sit and lay.  you also have to be cautious with some carpeting.  it can sometimes be abrasive.   also, you can use the softer carefresh bedding in the litterbox.

                    when you trim nails, make sure to check her feet out.  if you catch it early, you can apply ointment from the vet or plain neosporin (not the pain kind).  if it gets too bad it can lead to abscess and it will be even harder to heal.

                  • RachelF
                    287 posts Send Private Message

                      In the picture you posted it looks as though her hair lays down… if you know what I mean? I would say.. not rex fur. Do you have another pic?

                    • Grace
                      25 posts Send Private Message

                        meadow is adorable! Your right she does look like annabelle! Also, my camera is charging because it was low battery, I will post the pictures when it is done charging!

                      • bunnytowne
                        7537 posts Send Private Message

                          I will go with the rex.  The color a broken black pattern is what that is called.  I definitely say rex   Very active highly intelligent.

                        • Ruffles&Daisy
                          265 posts Send Private Message

                            super cute buns. I’d love to get my hands on one after hearing the description of their fur. Who wouldn’t love a velvety rabbit?

                          • jerseygirl
                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                              Yes, bunnyballet, that’s what I noticed too. Think she’s a mix! I forgot about the shorter curly whiskers. Thanks Beka~ I could never imagine what that looks like when others have mentioned it. So there sort of short and curve a bit? Rabbit use their whiskers to feel their way about somewhat don’t they? How do rexes get on with this?

                            • MooBunnay
                              3087 posts Send Private Message

                                What a cute bunny! I agree that she is probably a rex, in addition, her coloring pattern looks a lot like an English Spot to me.

                              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                12067 posts Send Private Message

                                  Ditto the rex, looks like she has tiny curly whiskers to me! Cute bunny!!

                                • Beka27
                                  16016 posts Send Private Message
                                    Posted By jerseygirl on 12/21/2008 3:32 PM

                                    Yes, bunnyballet, that’s what I noticed too. Think she’s a mix! I forgot about the shorter curly whiskers. Thanks Beka~ I could never imagine what that looks like when others have mentioned it. So there sort of short and curve a bit? Rabbit use their whiskers to feel their way about somewhat don’t they? How do rexes get on with this?


                                    Meadow’s are almost non-existant.  it looks like Annabelle’s are a bit longer than Meadow’s, but still not full straight whiskers.  i’m not really sure about the whisker thing and why they’re like that.  when i adopted Meadow, the person from the rescue just listed her as a baby bunny dwarf mix, i think?  and i had no previous experience with rexes or mini rexes.  i just knew she was ridiculously soft.  when we got her home i went on a little email crusade and messaged some people about what breed of bun she might be (this was pre-BB!)  thru the pics they were able to determine a mini rex, and they also mentioned the whisker thing.

                                    Meadow reminds me of a little old grandma type that has a few chin hairs (i know it sounds totally weird to say that, but…?)  and they kinda stick out here and there. 

                                  • bunnytowne
                                    7537 posts Send Private Message

                                      another thing about Rex;s  I think they have a more thing bony face.  Sort of like a kangaroo or a rat.  My friend says kangaroo and hubby says rat. heehee.

                                      Your rex is probably a mix cause from what I can tell the face isn’t real bony. Seems to have puffy cheeks.  A Rex is narrow.  Maybe I am just too used to fat lionhead faces. I don’t know

                                      I like the reference to a kangaroo though.  My friend has a shop bun. I went and played with it Friday. We played pool too.  We have a girlfriend date again for this friday.  I miss my friends at the masjid but how many times will I get to visit with my friend.  Her hubby is out of the country so she is doing the paperwork at the office on fridays.

                                      OH duh rambling again. the point is the bun is there too. In a cage of course.

                                    • Sarita
                                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                                        She’s pretty and she’s definitely a Rex.

                                      • Sarita
                                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                                          Rexes usually have sort of a wrinkled look around their forehead too (they tend to look worried to me).

                                          You also need to watch Rexes weight very carefully as they can be prone to being overweight.

                                          I have a red eyed white Rex named Emma – she’s a Standard though not a mini size and she’s so soft and beautiful.

                                        • Grace
                                          25 posts Send Private Message

                                            yea her whiskers are curly! thanks so much guys!

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                                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A what breed is annabelle?