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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE What are your mornings like?

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    • Bladesmith
      849 posts Send Private Message

        Curious to see what everyone else’s morning raddit routine is like, especially those with free roaming house tyrants, I mean, rabbits.

        For me, if Dawn doesn’t sneak down the hall and wake me up at 4 or 5 in the morning playing under my bed (Heathen!), I wake up at 7 to get my daughter ready for middle school, then I start my coffee (There is no life without coffee), then grab the broom and sweep up the mixed pellets on the carpet from Clover and Dawn napping together during the night, while Clover dances around my feet and the broom and generally supervises (“Supervises” in this case means; “Getting in Daddy’s way as much as bunnily possible”.)

        Then I make my daughter breakfast, and sit down with my coffee, only to have my lap filled with a bucket load of Clover, who begins digging and honking and stomping all over me, nipping at my clothes and licking me like I’m a salt lick.

      • Luna
        2219 posts Send Private Message

          Rabbit (and cat) routine:
          Up by 5am to get ready for work, go downstairs and get Luna’s and Oreo the Cat’s breakfast, clean out everyone’s litter boxes, get ready for work, watch the news while Luna tries to drink my coffee, then I feed everyone again.

        • Bladesmith
          849 posts Send Private Message

            That’s all the world needs, a bunny amped up on caffine!

          • vanessa
            2212 posts Send Private Message

              My BF puts the kettle on to make coffee. I feed the 2 border collies, give the cat her morning chicken, then dish up a bowl of fresh fruit for the 3 turaco (birds), a bowl of fruit for the mousebird, and a bowl of pellets for the Turaco. The Turaco also get a few Tbsp blueberries on their pellets (their daily treat), and the mousebird gets 4 blueberries on his fruit. Then I leave the Turaco food out of the dogs reach for my boyfriend to go feed them. I feed the mousebird, give the bunnies their morning veggie salad, give them 1/8 Tbsp pellets each, top up the hay, change out the pee pads that Lancelot has peed on (usually 5 or 6 pee pads), and scoop up any stray poops. I get a millet spray and dried fruit for the seed birds in the bunny room, and this whole time, I have 2 or 3 cockatiels on my head and shoulders. Lancelot gets 2 different medicated hay cookies, and I wait for him to finish eating them to be sure Guin doesn’t steal them, then I fill up his dish with regular home-made hay cookies. And top up the compressed hay cubes. By this time, the BF has made coffee, and it’s time to shower. After showering, he feeds the turaco, changes their water, feeds the 2 yorkies, I get breakfast and lunch ready for work, and off we go. On the way out the door he takes sunflower seeds, wild bird seed, and peanuts, outside for the wild birds and crows.
              In the evenings – I feed the border collies, he feeds the yorkies, I change the bunny and bird water, top up the bird seed hoppers, he feeds the wild birds, I check bunny litter boxes, they get another 1/8 Tbsp pellets each, more veggies, more hay cookies for Lancelot, and at the end of the evening, I take him into the bathroom to check for urine scald, trim any soiled fur, and bath him if needed. He gets a bath every weekend including scent glands cleaned. And it he’s getting meds, I either syringe feed the meds in the bathroom, if it’s a small syringe, I can do it on the floor as he sits in his room, or I hide it in banana and pet Guin while he eats his banana meds. Guin prefers being petted, to eating fruit. Weekends I change every pee pad and the human bed pads underneath the pee pads on Lancelot’s half of the room, vacuum, clean, etc. Every second day I change Lancelot’s fleece.
              There… that’s my zoo… I think…

            • pinknfwuffy
              660 posts Send Private Message

                Oh boy, Vanessa. A zoo indeed! What a fun group of animals to care for.

                I usually wake up to Olaf rattling his cage between 5:30 and 6:30, depending on how kind he wants to be that day. I usually let him out for runaround time before getting ready myself. We usually spend about an hour together on the couch while I have tea and breakfast. Sometimes he wants to cuddle, sometimes he wants to loaf by himself. If he goes back into his cage early I’ll give him his morning greens, otherwise he gets them with a baby carrot right before I head out the door around 8:45.

              • Bam
                16980 posts Send Private Message

                  When I had my Yohio he woke me up. He slept at the foot end of my bed. He used to licjk my hands or my face or nibble at my hair. I used to plead with him for just 10 minutes more, but he was relentless.

                  Now I just have Bam, he as a rule sleeps in the living room and I have to wake him up in the mornings. He’s like “Oh gosh, is it morning already???

                • sarahthegemini
                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                    Wake up between 6 and 8am, feed the little rascals their pellets by scattering it. We use the base of their carrier with blankets in as a bed for them as we’re trying to get comfortable with their carrier so the pellets get scattered in there. My boyfriend has been on morning bunny duty for ages and he said as soon as they see him they run into the carrier to wait for their pellets 

                    Then whilst they’re munching on pellets, the litter trays get completely dumped out and wiped down. Fresh litter and fresh hay put in. Then the floor gets swept because there will inevitably be a few poops around where they’ve been diving out of their litter boxes through the night  Litter trays get put down. Water bowl gets put in washing up bowl, clean bowl filled with fresh water. Voila. Bunnies are done!

                  • Quinn_the_Cutest_Bunny
                    17 posts Send Private Message

                      My Quinn usually starts chewing on the bars of her cage around 8, so I get up to give her her breakfast (1/2 of her daily pellets with vitamins and fresh hay and water). Then I go back to bed for a while. When I get up around 9, I let Miss Quinn out of her cage. She usually hangs out in her cage for a while before venturing out to take a trip to the litter box (she’s so funny- she likes peeing in the litter box better than in the cage). She wanders around doing Quinn things while I get ready for work. When it’s time for me to leave I give her some veggies (usually an assortment of lettuce with some other sort of yummy treat- like bananas, bell peppers, carrots, raspberries, etc.).Sometimes, when she hears me moving around, she’ll think I’ve forgotten about her, so she’ll make a WHOLE bunch of noise to remind me. She’s so helpful!

                    • Bladesmith
                      849 posts Send Private Message

                        That makes me beg another question….how many bunny slaves let them sleep in bed with you?  I tried that with Clover, but she has this “Wake up at 2am and pet me” thing.

                      • vanessa
                        2212 posts Send Private Message

                          Not a chance… No bunnies on the bed… unless it is me trimming their nails…

                        • Luna
                          2219 posts Send Private Message

                            Luna is allowed to sleep on the bed (as long as it’s not in Oreo’s spot), but she chooses not to. Though she will jump on the bed to attack my pillow.

                          • vanessa
                            2212 posts Send Private Message

                              I’ve never even seen my bunnies jump that high. So without steps – I have no idea how they would get up on the bed…

                            • Azerane
                              4689 posts Send Private Message

                                Mine’s pretty basic. On a work morning, the first thing I do when I get up is let the bunnies out and give them a pat. Then I go about having breakfast and getting ready for work. Before I leave for work the last thing I do is top up their water and hay which sends them running back into their cage for first pick of the tastiest pieces and I shut the door behind them

                                On a non-work day, mornings are the same except they don’t get shut back in their cage because I’m not going anywhere

                              • Bladesmith
                                849 posts Send Private Message

                                  I did Clover’s nails last night.  NOT fun.  For either of us.

                                • Bladesmith
                                  849 posts Send Private Message

                                    I’ve seen Clover make a 32″ vertical and 6″ inboard leap without any seeming effort at all.  It’s how she helps herself up on my bed.  Blew my mind first time I saw her do this.

                                  • sarahthegemini
                                    5584 posts Send Private Message

                                      I would LOVE my bunnies to sleep on the bed with me. That sounds like absolute heaven. Unfortunately our bedroom isn’t bunny proofed and my partner is a bit of a clumsy oaf and would probably squish them…or have a mini heart attack if they touched him 

                                    • Inanna31
                                      7 posts Send Private Message

                                        The bun condo is in the living room but across from my bedroom so when I get up at 6am for work Nelly wakes right up for morning kisses and pats. Mae glances at me from over her shoulder as if to say uh uh no way too early! When I’m done getting ready they are waiting impatiently jumping around, lol, for their pellets and I refresh their water and hay bins, some mornings when the 6 year old is taking his sweet time getting ready my 10 year old does the pellets. Then after work they come out for play time and they get their salad with a treat of strawberries or a little banana on their top floor and hay is refreshed and water bottle filled. Buns are not allowed in my room as they love to hide in my box spring to play a rousing game of hide and seek! One time Nelly escaped (pre condo days) and jumped onto my bed for nose kisses at 3 am! Bed is very high so I was quite surprised, but he’s a bigger bun.

                                      • Boston's Mama
                                        1452 posts Send Private Message

                                          Wife, 4 kids, 2 bunnies and a fish – one word : HECTIC! Hahahahha

                                        • Q8bunny
                                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                                            Wake up as soon as the sun peeks over the horizon (I’m on the sea). If it’s winter and still dark, I sleep to my alarm which goes off at 5:30 but Chewie makes sure I’m up in case I even think about hitting snooze. He often sleeps on the pillow beside mine or at the foot of my bed, so he can do his job well. I still tell him good morning.

                                            Then it’s 15-20 minutes of cuddles and kisses, followed by a craisin treat, followed by morning workout (Chewie zooming on the bed he helped me make – he straightens the duvet just so) while I dish out his morning pebbles and salad.

                                            Then I read BB with my cup of tea while he noms, then I get dressed, grab my brekkie and lunch and purse, give the wookie one last pet and kiss, tell him when I’ll be home, wish him a good day, and run out the door at 6:30.

                                          • Bladesmith
                                            849 posts Send Private Message

                                              Q8, I’d love for Clover to sleep with me, and I’m sure she would too.  But when she sleeps deeply, she poops.  A lot.  As well as waking in the middle of the night and wanting my attention.  Have you had similar issues with Chewie?

                                              Also, Clover in the morning is VERY pushy. circles my feet, jumps in my lap and honks, digs and nips painfully (I know she doesn’t mean to, but ow!)  I’m thinking that it’s anxiety from not seeing me all night, but that might be hubris on my part.  She might just be bored, even with her little buddy beside her.

                                              Opinions?  (Yeah, I’m a bunny slave and I’ve read all that I can, but I’ve just learned how much I don’t know.)

                                            • Q8bunny
                                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                Chewie will sometimes leave one lonely raisin just to say hello, but it’s not a frequent occurrence. He did pee on the bed – twice in his lifetime. Once when he was feeling very poorly (still not sure what it was – he was chilled and snuggled up against my chest under the duvet, shaking). The second time when my mom met him – the first night, he peed on my bed when he realized she was going to sleep in it instead of HIS mommy. After that, he was cool. In terms of midnight parties, we’ve had a few of those, but I’m generally not too bothered, because the wookie only weighs two kilos (not even that, really) and bouncing on my back is not uncomfortable (to be honest, sometimes, it’s a bit like a massage lol).

                                                As for Clover’s morning behavior, I’m starting to think that it might be a girl thing. I hear similar stories from other lady bun parents.

                                              • pinknfwuffy
                                                660 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Olaf isn’t allowed in my room so he’s never been on my bed. I only have a two-room apartment and it has just been easier to fully bun-proof the living room, where his cage is, and keep the bedroom to myself. I also think it helps me cut down on the cleaning and any fur in bed. I have a lot of allergies so it’s just better for both of us.

                                                • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                  2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Breintje is free-range except for nights or when I’m not at home. He’s in the living room. He usually hears me get up and starts hopping around in his cage and rattling the cage bars. Tough luck, little guy, you’ll have to wait for a bit.

                                                    I usually wake somewhere between 9 and 10 if I don’t have any plans for the day (yeah I know, night-owl). Mornings are usually when my pain and stiffness is worst, so before anything else I take my pain meds, do some light exercises and take a long hot shower. When I’m dressed Breintje is fed first. As soon as I let him out of his cage he starts to run, binky and jump a couple of laps around the living room. That always cheers me up tremendously. I feed him by putting his pellets into his paper digging box. He starts to dig furiously and this lets him vent some pent-up energy. In the meantime I get ready for the day by making a huge pot of tea and a nice breakfast. My meds usually kick in when I start to eat my breakfast, which is a relief. I don’t do a lot in the morning except for some reading or crafts, my energy levels rise during the day and peak in the evenings. When the world is finally done making noise, usually about 22:00, I can really relax and get creative. Usually I stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning, spending those lovely quiet hours creating costumes and cuddling Breintje.

                                                  • Bladesmith
                                                    849 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Sounds like we’re in the same boat as far as pain goes.  I got to admit, having Clover helps distract me from my pain.

                                                    • Bladesmith
                                                      849 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Sounds like we’re on the same page re: pain issues.  I have to admit, having her makes my pain a little more bearable.

                                                      • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                        2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Yes, rabbits truly are the best nurses around ^_^

                                                        • yunaluna
                                                          12 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I second that ! Coming from a lady bun parent – yuna circles me alot in the morning after breakfast.

                                                            I wake at 5 to let her out to run, go back to sleep and wake at 645 to feed her breakfast. Then i proceed to scoop poop out of her litter tray, then change her water and change her hay. All these while she would be munching on her pellets. After that it would be massage/head rub time for her!

                                                            Then i start to get ready for work- and when I’m putting on makeup(I sit on the floor infront of the mirror) she would run around me sometimes run towards me and nip me painfully. When I’m changing she will start circling me demanding for pets. I gotta be extra careful not the step on her lol. Then when I spray my hair mist she knows im about to leave , she will charge towards me again circling me. I pat her, tell her I’ll be back at night and that she be a good girl and say bye to her while I leave for work.

                                                          • Bladesmith
                                                            849 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Aww!  (Sorry, I squee easily.)

                                                              Clover cracks me up.  In the morning, after my daughter is off to school, I come sit in my recliner and watch the news and drink my 2nd cuppa coffee, but I can’t do it without Clover leaping into my lap and then forcing herself beside me.  As long as some part of my arm/hand is touching her, she’s happy.  If I move it away, she’ll start pushing and bumping until I pet her back again.

                                                              Drives Jarvis, my Quaker parrot, insane.  He thinks she’s attacking me.

                                                              Having 2 bunnies in this little 800 sq. ft. house is a bit of a trial, but I wouldn’t do without them.  They make me laugh so hard.

                                                            • yunaluna
                                                              12 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Wow Clover really love pats! And cute that she hops onto your lap. Yuna only hops onto my laps for treats and will hop off immed aft getting her treat. Massages and pats are all done on the ground hehe.
                                                                Also Jarvis is being such a darling being protective of u <3

                                                                Hahaha I know what u mean! These buns do know how to get a good laugh out of us. The silly things that Yuna does always make me burst out laughing and my hubs and my dad would be like wondering what’s so funny and why I’m laughing my ass off to myself in the room.

                                                              • Gregmo
                                                                35 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  One of my bunnies is always waiting outside our bedroom door upstairs. The other won’t come upstairs. He waits and then as soon as I open the door at 4:30AM to meet him he will do his circles running around me. Then I give him a few treats and give him 30 rubs on the head. He goes to a rug upstairs after his treat and waits for me to come over for the rub. The other one just hides until we come home at 2pm each day. She’s not a morning bunny.

                                                                • Gregmo
                                                                  35 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    One of my bunnies is always waiting outside our bedroom door upstairs. The other won’t come upstairs. He waits and then as soon as I open the door at 4:30AM to meet him he will do his circles running around me. Then I give him a few treats and give him 30 rubs on the head. He goes to a rug upstairs after his treat and waits for me to come over for the rub. The other one just hides until we come home at 2pm each day. She’s not a morning bunny.

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                                                                Forum THE LOUNGE What are your mornings like?