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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE Weird Noises Coming From Bunny

  • This topic has 7sd replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Bam.
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    • BuntBun
      46 posts Send Private Message

        When I was playing with my bunny yesterday, I started to hear a weird noise.  At first I just thought it was the floor creaking or something, but then I noticed it was coming from the bunny.  We thought it was just her grunting, but we started to listen closely when she did it, and it seemed to be coming from her body, not her making the noise through her mouth.  The noise sounded like urhhh (or something like that), and it only happened when she would move around.  When I first heard it, I refilled her food, water, and timothy hay, thinking it was her stomach growling.  I have to admit that I was so busy this week that I had not given her any timothy hay.  When she ate the hay, it started to make her poop A LOT.  She is still doing the weird noises today… Does anyone know what these noises are???  She is a Holland Lop , named Miss Oreo Bunt, who is just 19 weeks old, and is going to be 5 months old next week.


      • babybunsmum
        3896 posts Send Private Message

          welcome here!  did the noise sound like this:  ?

          my buns make that noise when they’re happy to see me    have you considered getting a hay manger for your bun?  you can store lots of hay in it so your bun will always have some to munch on.  it’ll be especially important for when your bun goes through a molting period.  do you have any pics of you bun to share?  (everyone here loves pics )

        • Sage Cat
          1883 posts Send Private Message

            Yea, Bunny’s make all kinds of strange noises. It is more than likely your bun was making some kind of Happy Noise.

            So far, I have heard my bunny’s cluck (happy), growl (mad) and thump (lots of meanings). I have not heard any honking yet. Someone else said their bunny makes a noise like a dragon fly wings when the bunny is happy.

            You can search “Honking Bunny” on U-Tube to hear what that sounds like.
            Here’s a link to a recording of a happy bunny noise, that’s similar to honking but a content cooing..

          • bunnytowne
            7537 posts Send Private Message

              oh neat I have only heard 1 bun in person do that. I like that soudn I heard saw the video you put up cool. thanks I wish my buns did that. I hear cotton teeth when he purrs sounds like a pop or a snap when he really gets going. his teeth are good he eats good so I know is a happy sound he has always done that. so cool. and Itty Bitty she tooth purrs too she is very friendly and used to people and handling. the place where I got her said they handled her and she was the sweetest and surprised she didn’t go right away. she would sit there all relaxed looking so cool. and happy yes her majesty his and her majesty bun live here ahaaa.

            • kimberleyanddarren
              2520 posts Send Private Message

                yes if your bun doesnt seem to be showing any other signs of being ill i would imagine it was just a happy noise, just keep a close eye and everything should be fine

              • Scarlet_Rose
                4293 posts Send Private Message

                  Hmm, it sounds like your rabbit could have had some gas or another GI problem. Was it more like a gurgling? I think it is because your rabbit did not have access to hay. Please, please, please be sure to offer your rabbit unlimited hay. It is super important to keep the rabbit GI tract moving, if it stops say from lack of hay or fiber that is a very bad thing. Can you rig-up a hay bin for you rabbit so when you do get busy, there is plenty there for at least a couple of days? Also provide plenty of water, rabbits will need more when they eat the dry hay.

                • DLuna
                  1 posts Send Private Message

                    Hi buntbun,

                    I know this reply is really new and is was 2008 when you first experienced this… I was searching forums about this noise in experiencing with my rabbit Luna.

                    Basically… When she moves it seems like a part of her body, like neck or spine, or some joints are making this Unoiled creaking/rubbing sound. Really unique, as it’s not from breathing or honking. Like some ligaments it bone cartilage is rubbing against each other.

                    Does this sound about right?

                    I really do not know if this is normal, but she has a good diet, moves around a lot and boy can she run! Only one year old at the moment of writing.

                  • Bam
                    16990 posts Send Private Message

                      Hi DLuna!

                      As you are saying, this is a very old thread. We ask members to not revive very old threads. You are welcome to start your own thread on this topic. If you want help with starting a new topic, please DM me or one of the other moderators!

                      I’m locking this thread now.

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                  Forum DIET & CARE Weird Noises Coming From Bunny