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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE We lost Reno tonight

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    • ScooterandAnnette
      1090 posts Send Private Message

        Tonight, while I was making dinner, Scooter went in to check on the bunnies and say hi to them after getting home from work and noticed that Reno wasn’t quite right.  She was fine this morning when they got their breakfast banana.  She appeared to be fine when I looked at them earlier, although they were quieter than normal today.  But the four of them (Bailey, Reno, Aeryn and Tegan) tend to kind of pack together into a bunny bunch when they’re resting so it’s hard to say if she was affected then or not.  But she didn’t respond to Scooter’s talking to them when he got home, and so he picked her up and found she was in rough shape.  I think she’d probably had something like a stroke – her eyes were glazed, she was mostly limp and barely responsive, her mouth was opening and closing, she was wheezing and her back end was wet with urine.  We called the emergency vet clinic who again told us they don’t see rabbits, but they referred us to another one that does and we called them to say we were on our way.   We got the carrier ready to go, I put my boots on, got the dog in the car to take over to my mother’s and Scooter said “she’s not breathing”.  She was gone.  She died in his arms.

        We adopted Reno from the shelter as a companion for Bailey.  She was always cantankerous and stubborn.  She took a long time to bond to each of the subsequent bunnies (and never did bond with Keelie and Kylie), but once bonded “the quartet” was quite a force to be reckoned with.  It’s Reno that lost part of her ear earlier this year likely as a result of a scuffle with Keelie, despite our best attempts to save it.  When we adopted her we were told she was 3, and that was 3 years ago which would make her 6 – if she was really 3 at adoption.  We always suspected that the previous owner may have lied about her age thinking that a younger bunny would be more appealing to adopt.

        The rest of the quartet has been saying their goodbyes to her.  We believe they knew she was close to her time, and they were keeping her company while they could.  She knew she had a good home, that she was loved by her bunny pals and her human slaves, and she died while warm and snuggled in Scooter’s arms.  And she will be missed.

        – Annette

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          Oh Annette, how heartbreaking! How quietly she slipped away but in the presence of those who loved her best. My condolences to you and Scooter.
          BINKY FREE RENO !

        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message

            …..I just wanted to add, it’s lovely what you wrote about Reno and that last paragraph has brought tears to my eyes. Nose rubs from me for your other buns.

          • Lightchick
            1017 posts Send Private Message

              Oh, no! Poor Annette and Scooter!


              Binky free, Reno! May the other side of the Rainbow Bridge have your favorite vegges, and soft grass to play in, and all of our furry friends who have already passed be there to keep you company…

            • Binkles
              823 posts Send Private Message

                Oh, Scooter and Annette…I’m so sorry. This is devastating news. Little-Bit and Binkles will be sending Reno over some gifts on Bunspace.

                But…Binkles and Nana are there at the bridge. They’ll be there for Reno. :3

                Binky free, Reno.

              • Lisa_43
                1499 posts Send Private Message

                  I am so sorry for your loss. Great to know that she had a wonderful life with you and Scooter and that both of you loved and cared for her 100%.

                  Binky free Reno.

                • Lion_Lop_Lover
                  971 posts Send Private Message

                    My deepest condolences

                  • Sarita
                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh, I’m so sorry. She was beautiful. She was lucky to have you and your bunnies and I know she will be missed.

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        *sniff* this breaks my heart. your last paragraph made me cry too.

                        i’m so sorry. i really, truly am. i’m glad she was able to let go at home in Scooter’s arms. she was so loved by you two, and by her bunny mates. she had a beautiful life with you.

                        my deepest condolences to you both.


                        binky free Reno.

                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh, I am so sorry. I am relieved to hear though that she died peacefully in loving arms. Very much loved, a wonderful life, what more could anyone/anybunny ask for during their time here. I know you will miss her. HUGS

                        • KatnipCrzy
                          2981 posts Send Private Message

                            I am so sorry to hear about Reno.  Even though her time with you was not long enough (it never is) at least she had a safe and loving forever home with bunny companions.  I know there is nothing anyone can say or do to make you feel any better- but know that my thoughts are with you and your other bunnies in this sad time.


                          • LittlePuffyTail
                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                              My heart goes out to you and Scooter and the other buns who will miss her as well. What a beautiful bun she was. I hope you can find comfort in the fact that she died with the ones she loved and you were there for her when she passed. There is no better way for a beloved bunny to go.

                            • Cassi&Charlie
                              1260 posts Send Private Message

                                *Binky free Reno*

                              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                12067 posts Send Private Message

                                  OH NO!! Scooter and Annette! I’m tearing up-that’s so sad and what you wrote is so touching.

                                  I’m so sorry! I’m so glad I had the chance to meet her and I loved hearing about her!

                                  BB is right, what more could she have asked for? She had a wonderful life with you two and Bailey, Tegan and Aeryn. She wasn’t alone or scared when she passed away and right in Scooters loving arms was where she wanted to be.

                                  I’m sure Kokanee (My cantankerous bridge bun) is with her now, showing her around. *HUGS*

                                  *Binky Free Reno*

                                • rabbitsmba
                                  475 posts Send Private Message

                                    I am so sorry to hear about Reno.  Our thougths and prayers go out to you all.  I have lit a candle in her memory…


                                  • fubebe
                                    24 posts Send Private Message

                                      My condolences…

                                    • MimzMum
                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so sorry to see that this has happened. I remember your posts about her ear and thought, “That is one tough bun!” What a blessing though that you were all able to be with her in her last moments. May her journey to the Rainbow Bridge be as peaceful and warm as the comfort of your arms to her has been.
                                        Bless you, Reno! Binky free!

                                      • ScooterandAnnette
                                        1090 posts Send Private Message

                                          We took her in on Wednesday to a local pet crematorium, where they took very good care of her. We’ve got a few to choose from, this was one of the 2 main ones. The other one kind of rubbed me the wrong way when I called them as they were pretty insistent that I should bring her in RIGHT THEN – kind of a don’t think about it, don’t call anyone else just bring her in right now kind of thing. This place was good, and about half the price of the other. Not that price should be the main consideration, but when you’re already leaning towards them anyway then price difference is a good bonus. We had her put in the same urn as Keiran, so they’re keeping each other company in there, and we picked her up on Thursday. So now she’s back home with us for good.
                                          – Annette

                                        • Hedi
                                          969 posts Send Private Message

                                            I am so sorry! Our bunnies are just so special and losing one is losing a huge part of your family! Maybe Reno was holding on until she could say her good-byes to both of you?

                                            We are thinking of you. But it is a comfort to think Reno is on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge happy and care free.

                                          • babybunsmum
                                            3896 posts Send Private Message

                                              i’m so sorry you lost reno. what a lucky bun to have had such a lovely and caring family. hugs to you both & to the buns too.

                                            • ScooterandAnnette
                                              1090 posts Send Private Message

                                                Thank you to everyone for your kind words and warm wishes. This has brought us a great deal of comfort.

                                                Looking back, we realized that Reno has been slowing down the last few months. When the quartet was let out to exercise, Reno would spend less time out of their cage, and more of it relaxing inside it. We’d commented on that a few times. Not that she didn’t go out or looked sick when she was in the cage, just that she wasn’t as active. And when we did her nails last Sunday, two days before she passed, we also noticed she didn’t struggle quite so much. Normally she kicks up a storm.

                                                We are also glad that she hung on long enough for us to say our last goodbyes to her while she was still here. Kind of an odd confluence of events that came together, otherwise we would have only noticed after she was gone.

                                                We also think even Keelie and Kylie knew. The twins live in the other half of the bunny complex, physically separate from the quartet’s (now trio’s), because they don’t yet get along. Keelie had basically destroyed a phone book on Tuesday, the day Reno passed. Then she wasn’t interested in hacking a new one. We think she was upset, even though she was the one that fought Reno a few months ago, which resulted in Reno eventually losing half an ear!

                                                The one good thing we could say about all of this is that Reno and Keelie were the two that really hated each other, so maybe we could bond the trio with the twins a bit easier now. Maybe.

                                                It was hard giving the bunnies their vegetables the day after Reno passed. We had bought some parsley for the dish for Monday’s supper, but decided not to make it. The bunnies love parsley and would get the rest of it. But Reno never got her share.

                                                We did find a pet cremation place in town, and Reno’s ashes are now mixed with Keiran’s in his urn. Now their urn. We lost Keiran as a baby bun, so his ashes barely filled the urn. We decided that we really want to minimize the number of canopic jars in the house, and it’s fitting that our bunnies are together forever.

                                              • JK
                                                2223 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Oh I am so sorry to hear about Reno.  I have not been on the site in a long time.  It’s so sad to lose an animal.  That’s what so difficult about pet ownership. I’m sure Reno was comforted to be in the group at the end.  Take care.

                                                • 2lops
                                                  347 posts Send Private Message

                                                    *sniffle* oh no, I’m soo sorry! May Reno rest in peace with Keiran, [binky free Reno ~]
                                                    ): D:

                                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                      That’s so sweet putting her with Keiren.

                                                      Kokanee’s fav was kale, so I’ve only actually fed it twice since she passed, and I tear when I see it in the grocery store. Silly how the smallest things….


                                                    • BinkyBunny
                                                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Oh, that is sweet that they are together now forever.

                                                        It’s amazing how much other animals may react to the loss. Many people don’t realize how sensitive they can actually be to these things.

                                                        Good luck with the bonding now, I hope it goes easier as I know first hand how tough it is when two bunnies refuse to get along no matter how hard you try.


                                                      • LilynJestersMama
                                                        258 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Reno was SO beautiful! How neat that she and Keiran are together now.

                                                          I wish there was something we could do to take the pain away.

                                                          Sending hugs to you all!

                                                          Take good care of yourselves and the other buns!

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                                                      Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE We lost Reno tonight