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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE want to move..neighbor a danger to bun

  • This topic has 14sd replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Royal.
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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        So I’ve finally got the time to sit down and type this out…. I am SO mad.

        I live in an apartment… got home from work around 5pm yesterday. Walking up the stairs I heard a faint beeping, but I really didn’t think much of it and just went right inside to feed Ophelia her salad. She was trying to eat her salad, but the beeping kept on and she was very high alert and obviously stressed about it. I figured I would go and investigate so that she could calm down.

        I stepped out the door and started walking down the balcony and the beeping got louder, I was smelling something really burnt right outside my neighbors door and so I knocked… no response. I started banging louder because I was getting really concerned that no one was home and her apartment was on fire, which would obviously be just terrible- especially since her kitchen is right against my wall.

        After some banging and yelling, I just hear her yelling profanities and running around the apartment. She came to the door and there was smoke POURING out of her door. The whole place was engulfed in thick smoke. She’s a very mentally disturbed lady and takes a lot of medications, sometimes she takes a lot extra to get messed up… She fell asleep with food cooking on the stove… The pot on the stove had the entire bottom burned through….BURNED THROUGH!!! She said she didn’t know how long she had been sleeping. I imagine it had to have been quite some time with that amount of smoke and the fact that the pot had a hole burned through the bottom.

        I just can’t stop thinking now about what would happen if she did this again….She could have started a fire and she was so doped up that it didn’t even wake her up. I’m just furious. I’m not comfortable now not being home with Ophelia. This woman is a danger. HOW in the hell do you sleep through that?!?!?! I do NOT want to live next to her.

        rant over.

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          Sadly. As my husband and I found out, finding a bunny friendly apartment is next to impossible. At least here in Massachusetts. We ended up renting two rooms from a relative because no one would take us with bunnies. Our old apartment complex had told us basically anything except a dog was ok, but when they saw our cages they told us to just set them free in the parking lot because they’re destructive, poop machines that smell atrocious. Needless to say we left a week later. Good luck finding a place.

        • joea64
          1423 posts Send Private Message

            Posted By Asriel and Bombur on 12/27/2017 12:10 PM

            Sadly. As my husband and I found out, finding a bunny friendly apartment is next to impossible. At least here in Massachusetts. We ended up renting two rooms from a relative because no one would take us with bunnies. Our old apartment complex had told us basically anything except a dog was ok, but when they saw our cages they told us to just set them free in the parking lot because they’re destructive, poop machines that smell atrocious. Needless to say we left a week later. Good luck finding a place.

            I seriously have to wonder if they ever actually have had experience with bunnies. We all know that in reality, healthy bunnies don’t smell (except for the urine, and that can be seen to with good litter and/or apple cider vinegar with “mother”), and the type of rabbit poop most people see most of the time is about as inoffensive as animal poop can get (and any bunny with good litterbox habits will keep most of their poop in the box anyway). It’s much easier to find pet-friendly apartments here in Virginia, and I’m glad I have my ESA letter from my therapist which would overcome opposition even at complexes that weren’t.

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              Joea, the manager grew up with bunnies and was rather harsh about them. She went on about how awful they were for a good 15 minutes.

            • Luna
              2219 posts Send Private Message

                How horrible! Did you let management know? They might be able to do something as I’m sure they wouldn’t be happy about someone almost burning down the place.

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  Her father is in cahoots with the manager… she is a felon so she isn’t even on the lease, the lease is in his name. I was furious about that when I found out. This is a college town and people are constantly moving in and out, there are a ton of other places being built too. So I guess the property manager was convinced by her father to let her live here as he has a ton of money and so its guaranteed that her rent is paid.

                  idk you guys, I’m just angry so I ranted.

                • Sirius&Luna
                  2320 posts Send Private Message

                    I know you’re worried about Ophelia, but that sounds like it’s really dangerous for you too!

                    I think it would be worth at least registering a complaint with the landlord, even if they are in cahoots it’s good to make sure he’s aware of it, then if it’s happens again you can say it’s a repeat problem.

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh they’ve already got complaints about it. It was a whole thing and there were people watching. I’m going to put my own formal complaint in on the website, because those are also reviewed by the regional manager for all the properties that company owns in this area.

                      The thing is, I wonder if they will do anything…her felony charge was for arson…soooo….how could they literally not do anything about her nearly burning her place down…even if it was an accident…. doesn’t look good for her….

                    • jerseygirl
                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                        Pretty damn scary! It’s good there were other witnesses.

                        It may be worth talking with the police – even if not making a formal report to them. If this person has been convicted for arson before, there may be a pattern of escalating behaviour and it best the police and any mental health professionals that have possibly worked with her before become aware of this incident.
                        Even if it was genuinely an accident, the fact she was not aroused by the smoke or alarm is concerning. If her father is put out by the residents making “noise” about this, it should be pointed out to him that you saved her life.

                      • Bam
                        16978 posts Send Private Message

                          So scary, BunNoob! I agree with Jersey, you did save this woman’s life, she would’ve just suffocated from the smoke if you hadnt managed to wake her up. And even if the landlord is in cahoots with her father, few landlords are interested in having their house burnt down by their friends’ relatives, however close their friendship might be. So maybe this could make it clear to both the landlord and the father that this woman needs some type of intervention.

                          A police report could be good for you to have for reference later on.

                        • DanaNM
                          9056 posts Send Private Message

                            Omg how scary and awful!!! If you do opt to move, it might be worth getting Ophelia registered as your ESA like joea suggested to give you more flexibility….

                            I do know a little bit how you feel…or at least I have a story you might appreciate. My partner and I were at a concert in LA (about 2 hours away), and I get a text from my friend who lives on my street: ‘Your house is on fire.”
                            Me: “WHAT?! My apartment or my building???”
                            Him; “The apartment next to you.”

                            I call him for more info, find out the fire is out, he sends me a pic of the building with fire truck ladders on the roof, and the window of the place next door (that we share a wall with) completely blown out….. I send a different friend over (who pet sits for us an had a key) to go check on things. Our apartment was fine, and the fire marshal had already gone in to make sure, but my friend went in with the fireman and made sure everyone was OK.

                            We didn’t find out what happened for a few days… but came home to see that window boarded up, and the guy’s vertical blinds blasted into the tree (I thought maybe gas leak? stove left on? I was a huge explosion!) Our place was totally fine…

                            Turns out our neighbor was extracting hash oil in his bathroom…. which involves soaking marijuana in butane and then evaporating off the butane…. WHAT AN IDIOT. Seriously.

                            Basically the fumes built up in the bathroom, something made a spark, everything exploded. The guy got thrown against a wall, and ran out of the apartment ON FIRE. The other tenants grabbed the extinguishers, put him out (!) and then ran into the apartment and put out the fire before the fire department even got there.

                            I don’t care about what people put in their bodies, but endangering the whole building…. I was really mad to say the least. The guy went to UCLA intensive care with with really bad burns… I don’t know what happened to him. I did feel bad for his girlfriend and their little dog. They weren’t home when it happened, thank goodness. When I saw her she genuinely seemed like she didn’t know what happened, or at least she was good at hiding what she knew.


                            Anyway, I hope your landlord or at least the property manager takes this seriously. It is a danger to not just you, but the whole building. It’s very good you were home and went to investigate!

                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                          • Q8bunny
                            6345 posts Send Private Message

                              Arsonists are rarely one-off offenders… statistics confirm this.

                              This is why you should involve the police:

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                Thanks guys! I was away for a bit for New Year’s festivities.

                                I’m not totally sure what they plan on doing yet. The property manager says she is “looking into it”, but since nothing was actually on fire no one called fire rescue… I was panicking and super pissed, so I wasn’t thinking clearly, but I should have called some kind of authorities. She has a cat too so I was trying to get her to take him outside because she refused to, saying that he will run away. I’m like…he’s literally going to have such worse problems if you let him sit inside in that smoky a$$ apartment… she finally brought the cat outside and he sat in her lap completely still for a while, probably just wanting some fresh air because no one even knows how long the smoke had been building up.

                                Dana, that is crazy! I worry about things like that all the time…after all, I do live in FloriDUH, where people do some of the most ridiculous things.

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  Q8, the police say that there is nothing they can do since it wasn’t “promptly reported”. No one called when it happened because nothing was on fire. I didn’t call because I wasn’t thinking right. Plus….the cops in this town….ok literally some of the worst individuals I have ever met. Regardless, she is trying to play it off like it wasn’t that bad, and I honestly don’t think that anything will be done because since no officials were involved it’s just a battle of he-said-she-said.

                                • Royal
                                  57 posts Send Private Message

                                    wow, can’t believe the situation ur in right now. I’d be gone from that place in a second if I were in your shoes. I hope you find another place away from those apartments, and it is true. Finding a bun friendly place is hard in most states, almost all the apartments in my state only allow fish and nothing else!  I do have a little experience with these kinds of people. Not fun, trust me, I would get out of there asap

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                                Forum THE LOUNGE want to move..neighbor a danger to bun