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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Vibes for Moink, Im hoping i made the right choice

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    • Dface
      1084 posts Send Private Message

        It can never just be a straightforward neuter with my buns can it?

        Poor Moink had lots of swelling on one side where the scrotum has filled with blood. Vets noticed it yesterday, after the surgery but discharged him anyway.
        I got up every hour last night to take a peek and make sure he was still doing okay, and to refill his hot water bottle as he wasnt regulatinf temperature very well.

        When we went for the check up today they said the skin looks very thin and are worried it will rupture, and they wanted to take him in to drain it… Which would mean more anesthetic.

        They went through the spiel of “hes a young healthy rabbit so more anesthetic shouldnt be too much for him”
        ….except thats not true, hes a young rabbit with an underlying chronic illness that generally reoccurs during times of stress (like now).

        They also said theres no garuntee it wont refill with blood after they drain it. And that theres a chance it wont rupture and will start to go down.

        I made the call (against theirs) to bring him home to monitor. I hate going against professional advice but everything in me was against going under anesthesic 2 days in a row, hes still not recovered from the first time and stasis is still a risk as hay is still not being eaten (but greens are good) . I have an emergency vet down the road from me, so I know I have that option if he deteriorates at all.

        Im hoping I’ve made the right choice by him, but its never a good feeling. ?

      • Azerane
        4689 posts Send Private Message

          Hi Dface, trust your own judgement You made an educated decision, in this scenario it will either rupture so he’ll need to go under anyway, or it won’t rupture and he won’t habe to go through a second anesthetic. If you’d chosen the other way, that’s a guaranteed 2nd anesthetic followed by the possibility of a third.

          Try not to worry, whatever happens it’ll work out and for now you’ve given him the best chance of recovery from the anesthetic.

        • Doodler
          337 posts Send Private Message

            I am so sorry things didn’t go smoothly with Moink’s neuter. That was a tough call either way and you clearly did what you thought was best for him. I hope he heals well with no other complications!  Of course healing vibes being sent his way!!

          • Dface
            1084 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks Az, I felt that the risk of rupture was better than a certain anesthetic. I think hes doing okay.
              Thanks for the vibes Doodles!
              He’s been grooming himself, and tooth purring when being pet, and determined to get out and dig the plants, so im hoping that’s a sign he isn’t in too much pain, although I know with the amount of swelling its a certain discomfort. He has metacam and baytril (preemptive against infection)
              He’s still a bit subdued but that’s expected tbh.

            • Q8bunny
              6345 posts Send Private Message

                Holy guacamole! This is royally uncool. Poor bub, hope the swelling goes down sooner rather than later. In my opinion, you made 100% the right choice given the risk analysis. Keeping our paws crossed for Moink. ???

              • Dface
                1084 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks Q8, its reassuring to hear I wasnt making an insane desicion!

                  I gave him his pain meds and low and behold the eejit is doing binkies… So if it ruptures now thats totally on him. (we did restrict his pen and took out everything that he could jump on. you can take the rabbit out of danger, but cant take the danger out of a rabbit.)
                  But if it were to rupture and he needed anesthetic now i know he at least has the energy and hydration going into it.

                  We took out his big litter tray becaue he really likes jumping in and out of it, but he seems reluctant to toilet with out it. Who heard of a rabbit being too well toilet trained…?!

                • Azerane
                  4689 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By Dface on 3/02/2019 10:01 AM

                    We took out his big litter tray becaue he really likes jumping in and out of it, but he seems reluctant to toilet with out it. Who heard of a rabbit being too well toilet trained…?!

                    When I first got Bandit, according to our agreement with the rental agent he was supposed to live outdoors but could live in the laundry on hot days etc. So of course he lived in the laundry and he went outside only when he needed to. Despite having his normal litter tray in the hutch, if I put him out there overnight or for the day for an inspection, he would never poop.

                    I’m glad to hear that Moink is starting to feel better, even if it’s at his own risk 

                  • Bam
                    16977 posts Send Private Message


                      He certainly seems to have a lot of energy in him, and as you are saying, that is SO good if he does need to go under again.

                      I remember Vienna Blue In France rabbit Henry got lots of swelling after his neuter and had to go back to the vet and they kept him there for a while. I dont think he had to be put under again, but I’ll ask her.

                      ETA: I asked Vienna Henry just stayed at the vets a couple of days, but had no extra surgery.

                    • Kiki
                      205 posts Send Private Message

                        You can take the rabbit out of danger, but you can’t take the danger out of the rabbit – this needs to be a famous quote or a meme
                        I hope Moink recovers quickly

                      • Dface
                        1084 posts Send Private Message

                          Haha Az poor Bandit! I relented and gave him his litter tray, first thing he did was hop in for a mega pee. He’s well chuffed with all his extra food, so thats good.
                          Unfortunately it does seem to be annoying him… , but in the other hand he also dead bunny flopped and had a lovely snooze like that so I’m certain he isnt in pain. So more the size is an annoyance.

                          Ive decided to sleep down on the couch tonight so I can keep checking him hourly, and my boyfriend has decided to come down and sleep on the couch with me (i have an ikea pull out double bed couch – i love it)

                          Thanks Bam! Good to hear Henry didnt end up needing surgery! Did he get any secondary infections or anything that you know of? Or any additional medicine?

                          Hes also had a few dry sneezes today. Im hoping that its because hes sticking his face in the hay to look foe the treats i put in it (to try tempt him) i unfortunately left my nebuliser at home. But am due in hospital thursday at home so i could always bring it back. Depending on how his recovery is i may cancel that appointment though… The things we do for rabbits!

                        • Bam
                          16977 posts Send Private Message

                            He looks very chill on your insta pictures tonight! Hell love having his parents next to him for the night. I hope his sneezing is just hay dust . It seems likely given the treats-in-the-hay situation.

                            Henry didnt have any other complications from his neuter, and when he’d healed he was bonded with Zou (Viennas girl rabbit) and they’re still a happy couple ? It was 2.5 years ago.

                          • Dface
                            1084 posts Send Private Message

                              I do remember the drama of her bonding story! I think i vaguely remember her having issues with the neuter but wasnt sure of the full story.

                              Yeah he is very non plussed while Im sitting here having a nervous meltdown over him!

                            • Q8bunny
                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                I agree – he’s probably just annoyed at having sprouted a boob between his legs, poor boy. ?

                              • Dface
                                1084 posts Send Private Message

                                  So quick update. Moink is still in great form. Happy out, loving all the treats and attention .

                                  My boyfriend took him tobthe vet and unfortunately the vet still wants to do a second surgery.
                                  It appears to be a scrotal hematoma, which in my knowledge often just takes a while to go down (Samp had a much more minor version) .
                                  Vet examined him today and said it felt hard, and thinks it could become necrotic. And wants to operate before that happens.

                                  Im hoping to ring around and see about second opinions from some other vets.
                                  This whole experience hasnt left a very nice taste in my mouth – sending a still bleeding rabbit home, then immediately wanting to re-operate, no thoughts of his underlying disease.

                                  So I’m in the same trap as before. 1st it was going to rupture, now its going to become necrotic.
                                  And I really dont know what to do here

                                • Muj Mom N Bun
                                  352 posts Send Private Message

                                    ((((({{{{{(((((VIBES)))))}}}}})))))) For Moink!

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22352 posts Send Private Message


                                      Love the name, btw!

                                      I hope you can avoid the surgery. From anecdotal accounts of scrotal haematoma, other owners seem to say it took at least a week to resolve.

                                    • FlemishDad
                                      114 posts Send Private Message

                                        Get another opinion. Hematomas in people are usually rather benign. They can take a very long time to resolve. I had a small hematoma on a finger from having a wart frozen and it lasted weeks.

                                      • Q8bunny
                                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                                          You should obviously go with your gut after informing yourself, buuut… in my experience, hematomas get reabsorbed (it just takes a while) – they do not suddenly necrotize. Maybe the vet knows something he’s not letting on, though??

                                          Either way… ((((((Moink))))))

                                        • Dface
                                          1084 posts Send Private Message

                                            Thanks for all the positivity guys!

                                            I do feel like the best intrest of Moink isnt being considered by these people at all. My boyfriend was with him yesterday, and when he asked for additional pain and anti inflammation medication, they prescribed less than a third of what he had been on…
                                            Q8-my mom said they same thing and it really unnerved me. Although im not sure if it isn’t because his neuter was free, and they are looking to make money/practice on him. I sound so paranoid!
                                            But personally I always believe anesthetic and surgery is the last resort (especially with pasturella), considering there is no infection and she only wanted to do it as a preemptive measure.

                                            I was under a similar impression to you guys about hematomas and the vets I did call agreed that they do just take a while to absorb, although in some situations they do remove the fluids. (a round about way of saying maybe)

                                            Im supposed to be flying home to Ireland for my own hospital appointment tomorrow (which I was debating cancelling over this), but it means I can get my nebuliser for him, and I’ll be home early Saturday morning.

                                            I think my current plan is the same as my plan before, wait and see how he goes and if Im worried on Saturday bring him to a rabbit specialist (they are a full hour away so Im reluctant to put that stress on him right before I leave)

                                            He is doing well, but I am aware that all of this has been a huge strain on an already skittish bunny (operation, multiple vet visits, multiple car journeys.. Being woken up every hour for 3 nights in a row.. ?)
                                            I think a little bit of stability will help him settle, and maybe give him a proper chance to start healing.

                                          • pinknfwuffy
                                            660 posts Send Private Message

                                              Prayers and love for little Moink. You have both been through so much! Trust your gut and do what you need to do.

                                            • Q8bunny
                                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                Drainage simply reduces the amount of goo that must be reabsorbed so speeds up healing…

                                                So far, you are reasoning and proceeding precisely as I would in these circumstances. (For whatever that’s worth lol).

                                                A relaxed and happy Moink will have a stronger immune system and be able to heal naturally much better than a battered Moink.

                                              • Dface
                                                1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Thanks pnf!
                                                  Also thanks Q8, its nice to hear someone else would be of the same stance! Normally im pretty steadfast in my choices and care, but when rhe choice is ‘do nothing’ its harder to not doubt yourself.
                                                  He’s in the (hopefully) capable hands of my boyfriend til Im home Saturday, fingers crossed we wont hit any speed bumps, but hes doing great and is honking away at us to let him out and play, so Im confident he is not in any discomfort.
                                                  Cant wait til he starts healing so I can get on with pre-bonding him!! ?

                                                • Q8bunny
                                                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Not keen or eager or anything… ?

                                                    Either way, GO (((MOINK))) !!!

                                                  • Dface
                                                    1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Not keen or eager or anything..

                                                      Can you blame me.. He seems so eager to meet the others (although i am aware being desperate for company won’t stop him from attacking them..) oh the weird ways of rabbits

                                                    • Q8bunny
                                                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Indeedly doo… but I can’t blame youuuu…

                                                      • Dface
                                                        1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                          So I realised I never updated on this, and maybe it’ll be useful for other people in the future so:

                                                          1. Despite a huge amount of swelling, his scrotum did not rupture.
                                                          2. It was hugely swollen and was called a hemotoma, it did became darker hard to the touch as the blood dried, but it did not go neceotic.
                                                          3. It did shrink a lot over the next few days as it continued to dry out, it did not ooze or leak, or seem to bother him in any way.
                                                          4. It stopped shrinking, and then fell off. The part that came off was completely hard inside and out, and was literally just dead skin and dried blood. There was no blood or ooze. It was just a piece of dead tissue.

                                                          5. There was a scab left behind on what was left of the scrotum, but it is healing and its all shrinking back like it should for now.

                                                          We are also monitoring him as my boyfriend left the dumb bunny in with him,… And Moink was a bit too enthusiastic and gave himself “carpet burn” on whats left of his manhood, so we need to make sure thats healing… Lol
                                                          Hes otherwise in great form and hasnt had any flare ups or unusual nasal discharge, so touch wood that keeps going!

                                                        • kurottabun
                                                          908 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Oh my..all of that sounds so scary D: Recovery vibes for Moink!

                                                          • Q8bunny
                                                            6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                              When you told me about the carpet burn the other day, I couldn’t help LOLing. Now that I’m calmer and think about it, it does sound rather uncomfortable. Ooof… extreme chafing in the nether regions… hope it was worth it, Moink!

                                                            • Dface
                                                              1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Kurottabun-he seems in great form and is completely fine, I think it sounds scary, but he was acting so fine that it was reassuring, i just wanted to update incase anyone else goes through a similar experience!

                                                                Q8-dont worry i laughed too, and he has zero regrets (which is why theres no more teddy for him) he hasnt learned his lesson AT ALL.
                                                                He isnt bothered by it to be honest, no excessive cleaning or anything to indicate irritation.
                                                                He is too busy figuring out the other rabbits ?

                                                              • Q8bunny
                                                                6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  As all good heist movies will tell you, there is nothing like a good diversion.

                                                                • Bam
                                                                  16977 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Thank you for the update, Dface! I’m so glad to hear it went well and no extra surgery was needed!

                                                                  • Dface
                                                                    1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Thanks for all the support, I figured it might be helpful if anyone is going through something similar to know how it worked out here (even though im sure is very much a case by case basis)

                                                                    • lovebunny
                                                                      35 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Wow that sounds so stressful for you and Moink.  I agree it sounds like they did not have his best interest in mind like you do. You defiantly did right by him. I am so glad it work its self out. I hope if I experience a situation like that I am able to handle it as well as you did. 

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                                                                    Forum THE LOUNGE Vibes for Moink, Im hoping i made the right choice