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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Vet ever pronounced name wrong?

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        Has the vet or receptionist at the vet ever gotten your bunnies’ names wrong? 

        Today the receptionist at my vet took 3 tries to get Bombur’s name, and he still pronounced it wrong. It went from Scooper, to Scooter, to Slooper, and ended with Bomber. At that point I was just like yeah, sure, whatever. 

        I think it’s funny it happened to Bombur for once though. Usually they do it to Asriel. Asriel is pronounced Az-ree-ul. Everyone pronounces it as Az-ree-elle or Az-reel or Az-ree-AL.  

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          lmao they usually don’t even try to say Ophelia’s!! XD

          Them: “what’s the rabbit’s name”

          Me: “Ophelia”

          Them: “Fila-what? How do you spell that?”

          She’s just too darn regal for these peasants.

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            I actually almost named her Opal, but then it made me think of the movie “Because of Winn Dixie” and that movie made me sad as a kid lol.

            My neighbor was INSTISTING on me naming her Kiwi….. I was like ew, get out of here with your garbage names. She’s not a flavor of chapstick, she’s obviously a Q U E E N

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              Ophelia isn’t even that hard to say! Shakespeare would be cursing these people in his grave. Kiwi, who the heck names something Kiwi. It’s like the movie What a Girl Wants, a set of twins are named Peach and Pear. Like what?

              And Ophelia is for sure a legit queen. I’d bow at that throne xD

            • sarahthegemini
              5584 posts Send Private Message

                No, but my vet did once put Peanut as their pet of the day on their Facebook page but called him Buttercup loll

              • Ailsa
                17 posts Send Private Message

                  Haha, nope but i do get a snicker and a knowing glance even they call “Jon Snow and Tyrion!”. I still stand by my decision ?

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By Asriel and Bombur on 4/03/2018 2:43 PM

                    Ophelia isn’t even that hard to say! Shakespeare would be cursing these people in his grave. Kiwi, who the heck names something Kiwi. It’s like the movie What a Girl Wants, a set of twins are named Peach and Pear. Like what?

                    And Ophelia is for sure a legit queen. I’d bow at that throne xD

                    THANK YOU. the F kinda name is Kiwi…

                  • Sirius&Luna
                    2320 posts Send Private Message

                      I love the name Ophelia! I also have a Shakespeare name though, so I guess I’m biased. People get my name wrong all the time (Portia – pronounced por-sha, not por-tee-ah).

                      Anyway when I registered Nimbus over the phone she just couldn’t get the hang of it at all. When I turned up he was down as Nim

                    • Wick & Fable
                      5812 posts Send Private Message

                        Wick’s pretty difficult to mess up, and they see him so frequently so no thank goodness haha. He’s their baby!!

                        The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                      • tobyluv
                        3310 posts Send Private Message

                          My first rabbit’s name was Clancy. For some reason, the vet always called him Chauncey.

                        • Dface
                          1084 posts Send Private Message

                            Oh man i feel this one… My first bun was called Pete Sampras (like the tennis player-Fr Ted reference) scampers was the most common name but he was written down as Preston as well.. it was such struggle
                            Noone gets yumigami (no her name is not oragami) and when I shorten it to yumi (you-me) they think her name is yummy.
                            I also had a hedgehog named Pindsvin (named for my Danish friend) and the vet just called him Mr prick….

                            Not sure how Ophelia is a difficult name? It’s a fairly established name in popular culture!

                          • Diamond
                            459 posts Send Private Message

                              Idk about pronounciation but they do spell Lily’s name with a double L for some reason

                            • LittlePuffyTail
                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                Everyone gets Elara’s name wrong. The vet pronounced it “Aleera”. Her own grandma can’t get her name right. She calls her “Ellera”. Eeeee-Lara. Is it really that hard? Geez louise you can’t even name your bunny after a Greek Myth/one of Jupiter’s Moons these days. Sheesh….

                              • MountainBuns
                                513 posts Send Private Message

                                  I considered naming a Green Cheek Conure KIwi before I decided to get a rabbit…

                                • pinknfwuffy
                                  660 posts Send Private Message

                                    Ha! These are too funny.

                                    No one has pronounced Olaf’s name wrong yet (I think we have Frozen to thank for that) but one time I arrived for our appointment and the receptionist was checking our information…

                                    “Okay, so I have Olaf here, a two-and-a-half year old German Shepherd, correct?”
                                    *holds up carrier, looks inside to confirm*
                                    Uh… no.

                                  • Bam
                                    16957 posts Send Private Message

                                      Bam’s insurance company named him Skutt (means Hop) on his insurance letter. Good thing I saw it before we ever needed to use his insurance. It was completely random. I bought the insurance online so I must’ve filled in his name, no chance of anyone misinterpreting what I said. (It would be quite difficult to hear Skutt when someone says Obama, anyway).

                                    • Sirius&Luna
                                      2320 posts Send Private Message

                                        IS BAM SHORT FOR OBAMA? That’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever heard.

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          These are all so great xD

                                          S&L I love the name Portia! And I’ve never heard anyone say Porteea for Portia. That’s weird.
                                          Ailsa: I love GoT. Tyrion is my favorite, and Lady Olenna too. A good pair would’ve been Varys and Baelish xD
                                          Wick: it’ll be so sad when you move and have to switch his vet.
                                          Toby: I feel like Clancey is a relatively easy name.
                                          DFace: I like Yumigami. Ever since I went to China I’ve been dying to see the rest of Asia, and in the process have become obsessed with all things Asian.
                                          Diamond: I think everyone does a double L because when you pronounce it, it sounds like it should have two Ls.
                                          LPT: Elara’s name looks exactly as it should sound. I seriously don’t see the confusion.
                                          ESP: That makes sense for a green bird, but a black bunny or something like that, it seems so out of place.
                                          Olaf: last I checked your little cuties wasn’t a German,,, I think he’s a little too small and wrong breed xD
                                          Bam: I had no idea he was actually named Obama!

                                        • sarahthegemini
                                          5584 posts Send Private Message

                                            Oh my lord, Obama bunny! 

                                          • GarfyTheLop
                                            171 posts Send Private Message

                                              OBAMA hahaha amazing.

                                              I just always always always get laughed at when they ask me who the vet is seeing and I say Garfunkel…

                                            • Jay
                                              11 posts Send Private Message

                                                 My rabbits names are extremely easy to say! I would hope they are never pronounced wrong! There is Peanut Butter, Cookie, Carrot, and Creamer. I think those are all names everyone can say. I love your bunnies names! They are so unique!

                                              • MountainBuns
                                                513 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Oh, Im just figuring out that Bam is short for Obama, lol.

                                                • BB8
                                                  101 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Yup! People get Babadook’s name wrong. BB8 hasn’t has any problems though
                                                    I used to have a dog named Durzo, named after an assassin from my favorite book, and the vets always got his name wrong haha. It was really interesting how many different ways people can say one name

                                                  • Azerane
                                                    4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Posted By bam on 4/04/2018 9:54 AM

                                                      Bam’s insurance company named him Skutt (means Hop) on his insurance letter. Good thing I saw it before we ever needed to use his insurance. It was completely random. I bought the insurance online so I must’ve filled in his name, no chance of anyone misinterpreting what I said. (It would be quite difficult to hear Skutt when someone says Obama, anyway).

                                                      Wait, so have I been pronouncing it wrong all this time. When Obama is Oh-bar-ma yet I’ve been saying Bam as in BamBam from the Flintstones ?

                                                      Also I’ve been pronouncing Eeee-lara as L-ara as in (El-ara) if that makes sense. Probably from reading Watership Down with the character El-ahrairah (El-ah-rare-rah).

                                                      Can’t say I’ve ever had Apollo or Luna pronounced wrong. Though I do have to repeat myself a lot with Jasiri

                                                    • Bam
                                                      16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Bam is named after President Obama, but I do pronounce his name Bam as in Bambam, it’s just the natural way to pronounce Bam =)

                                                        I think I need to hear Elara pronounced because now I’m confused =D

                                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Just say “Lara” as in Lara Croft and ad an “EEE” in front of it.

                                                        • Bam
                                                          16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Ok, thanks LPT! EEE + Lara as in Lara Axelrod (watching Billions now). I’d have said Eh-Lara. But now I know better =)

                                                          • LittlePuffyTail
                                                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Haha….no worries. I still have to correct her Dad for crying out loud. He calls her L-lara like Azerane mentioned.

                                                            • Deleted User
                                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                My bunnies names don’t get pronounced wrong but my name does a lot. It’s one thing I find very annoying. Ive even had email replies where it’s spelt wrong. How is that even possible when it’s written in front of them. It’s Edina ed-Eee-na. My old school headteacher used to call me Adele and it’s nothing like it haha. I get edwina, Enid and Edna a lot. I’ve spent a lot of years cursing my parents for giving me this name which is one of the reasons I’ve not picked hard to pronounce names for my kids or my buns

                                                              • Deleted User
                                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  How on Earth did she get Adele from Edina?! lol!

                                                                  My name is super basic and easy (Rebecca) so it never gets pronounced wrong. But some of the Starbucks baristas have come up with some creative ways to spell it? My twin sister’s name is Rachel, and we had an elementary school teacher who would always call her “Ro-chelle”.

                                                                • MountainBuns
                                                                  513 posts Send Private Message


                                                                  • Bam
                                                                    16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Edina! Like in AbFab! I’d never pronounce that name wrong, it’s an awesome name!

                                                                    • Muchelle
                                                                      1141 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        (I love AbFab <333)

                                                                        Actually K never got wrongly addressed. Probably because everyone is a bit of a weaboo here lately so a lot of animals have japanese names. Fun fact, in italian “curo” is first person singular of “to cure”, so it’s pretty easy to remember when you’re a secretary in a place that cures stuff.

                                                                        Vet is an all different case. When we’re in visit I address K with every name except his own, ranging from Nano (dwarf) to Trippone (fatso) or Nutria. So the vet just picked up my habit and calls him topo (mouse), ciccione (synonim for fatso), nutria, Miracle Boy (referring to last year’s miracolous healing) and so on XD he probs likes to have fun with me, instead of having to be super serious and super professional like with some stuck up ladies I’ve seen in that place.

                                                                        I’m at your service for weird italian nicknames for your furballs.

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                                                                    Forum THE LOUNGE Vet ever pronounced name wrong?