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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Venting, cause I feel like a bad bunny mom

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    • Jessica
      349 posts Send Private Message

        So as the title says I’m venting

        Last night when brushing Amelia I noticed that she was blowing coat pretty bad, and it was time to comb and pluck her out. She’s 6.5 months old and this is her third time blowing coat. Well turns out this coat is blowing out weird, I’m guessing because she is transitioning from an adolescent to adult coat. Her back and prime wool came out beautiful as always, however the problems arose as we got to her sides. As I’m gently plucking out the long tips I notice that her sides are looking quite thin, she now has two patches what are rather thin, and the new shorter coat doesn’t appear to have come in yet. After seeing this obviously I stopped, she doesn’t have the slightest care about it and is behaving completely normal. Maybe a bit cuddlier since she’s a bit cold until I turned the heat up. I just feel like crap about this. The skin is not sensitive she’s not being hand shy she just looks awful, Nice short coat on her back rump and legs, then thin spots and then a wooly dust ruffle

        Like I said she is behaving perfectly fine, being her normal lovey cuddly self all day. I’m just feel horrible, I end up crying looking at how her coat looks right now and she just kisses my tears. Last night I was so afraid I had hurt her.

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          Aw, don’t be too hard on yourself. She’ll be okay. The fur and wool is still covering her core and will keep her warm. Plus she’s inside.
          I know the feeling though. I always regret after Ive plucked out a ton of fur and they look so shabby afterward. And sometimes have bald spots. They are standoffish (more then usual) toward me afterward too.
          I imagine it’s even more noticeable on an Angora with the different lengths in their coat.

          She won’t look like this forever! Is the season changing there? Maybe that’s part of why shes’ having such a big moult?

        • Theodorusrex
          336 posts Send Private Message

            Don’t worry – it is quite normal for rabbits to look a bit ‘rugged’ during a big moult. Theo is having a big moult at the moment and he’s got a big dent in his head where the fur has fallen out in one place but nowhere else, bald spots on his ears and a super patchy back. Once the moult is finished and all the old coat is gone and the new coat comes in they will be back to looking lovely and handsome!

          • Ellie from The Netherlands
            2512 posts Send Private Message

              It’s moult season indeed. And no you’re not a bad bunny mom, I think she was thankful for it.

              Moulting makes rabbits very annoyed, I think it must itch a lot, like your hair being tangled.
              Getting that loose fur out may look bad, but I think the rabbit loves being rid of it.

              It’s common for rabbits to look odd when moulting. Breintje looked so bad 1,5 years ago that the description would be “driven over by a lawn mower”.

            • Vienna Blue in France
              5317 posts Send Private Message

                the description would be “driven over by a lawn mower”.

              • Jessica
                349 posts Send Private Message

                  The past two times I’ve plucked her coat she looked pretty good, the shorter coat is usually about an inch to inch and half long and her wool that’s ready for plucking is about three to three and half inches. She usually goes from her long hair poof version to looking like a wild bun.

                  We are just starting to change season, it’s been unusually warm out the past week and half. Usually we are buried under snow and having well below freezing temps for all of February and early march. We have had a couple days about 70F (my usual inside temp) but then it snowed last night, crazy Michigan weather.

                  But I’d have to say I agree she does look like she may have tangled with a lawn mower

                  However as I’m sitting typing this she is running around doing bunny 500s and binking every time she’s near me

                • Jessica
                  349 posts Send Private Message

                    Also THANK YOU everyone

                  • Jessica
                    349 posts Send Private Message

                      One more question

                      The thin spots look good, skin is very pale there are no signs of redness, except for one small scratch ( didn’t break skin) she got rough housing with dog, there is some black “stubble” where her new coat is starting to come in. She is an agouti color and her guard hairs are black tipped. Should I get her checked for fur mites? I’m trying to decide if a vet trip is needed. Should I wait until Monday to see if there is more new growth?

                    • Jessica
                      349 posts Send Private Message

                        Took Amelia and her brother (Zilla the dog) to the vet today, our vet did a skin cytology and did not see any evidence of mites but thought it looked like she may have them. We decided to just go ahead and get her started on Revolution now. I planned to talk to the vet next month about flea prevention since her brother is in and out and loves taking walks. Since they cuddle and play he could very easily pass a bug on to her. What I thought was funny is that they are on the exact same dose, both are on the 0-5lb puppy/kitten formula.

                        On a side note the bun is officially bigger then the dog now, weighing in at 5.5lb, and the dog at 4.75lbs

                      • Winter
                        11 posts Send Private Message

                          I don’t pluck anymore because my Harley always had this weird horizontal shed line that I would pluck around and he kind of hated it. My baby now just throws fur everywhere lol so I don’t know but sometimes you just have to be patient.

                        • Jessica
                          349 posts Send Private Message

                            I collect Amelia’s wool to spin and then knit, so I will keep with combing and plucking her

                            On the plus side, two days of revolution and she has new hair coming in, the bald areas are mostly covered in a dark grey peach fuzz. She is also significantly less itchy. I didn’t think she was really itch before, but comparing her to a dog with chronic allergies isn’t a fair comparison

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE Venting, cause I feel like a bad bunny mom