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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Update on Starbucks runt

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    • sinistermooess
      45 posts Send Private Message

        She kept him out of the nest all night, he doesn’t look good at all.  Very tiny, dusky colored, lying on his side, looks like he is having trouble breathing.  The other two are plump and pink and snuggling in the nest.

        I am guessing I need to get some kitten milk replacer?  Or should I let nature take its course?  I really dont know, but he doesn’t look as though he is going to make it through the day.  I have resisted putting him back with his siblings s obviously mama doesn’t want him there, but I feel terrible about it.

        On a good side note, we are getting a new cage for Helo (daddy) today so he can get out of his temporary home…the bathroom…and back to close proximity with his love.  I think they miss each other terribly.  I am going to start attempting potty training with him in his new cage and see if we can’t get him to use a litterbox.

        Advise on the runt, leave him?  Put him back in the nest?  let nature take its course?  Help me experienced bunny lovers!

      • jerseygirl
        22345 posts Send Private Message

          I sent an alert to the Forum Leaders on your behalf to address this. Hope you get some help soon. Best of luck!!!!!!!

        • sinistermooess
          45 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you!

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              Oh that’s sad. If it were me I would let nature take it’s course. I would still put him back with the other babies though and keep trying that way. Usually at this age trying to hand feed them is not successful and the KMR is not truly formulated to a mother rabbit’s milk. It’s worth a try but you most likely won’t be able to save him that way.

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                You do have to be very careful as well with bottle feeding so you do not asphyxiate the baby so there’s that danger as well.

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  i agree to let nature take its course. i worry that you’re going to get very stressed out about trying to save this one lil baby and when he passes, you’ll be even more devastated. it’s okay. it’s not your fault, the mama’s fault or the other babies. it’s just what happens sometimes. try to keep him warm best you can… but other than that…

                  (((((((((((((((Peaceful Baby Bunny vibes))))))))))))))))

                • Balefulregards
                  715 posts Send Private Message

                    I woke up this morning at 5:30 and started to read about how to nurse orphan baby buns – and Sarita is right. It is a dicey proposition at best – There is no good milk replacement, they don’t suckle the same way cats do….and if they do make it, then the issues around being fed a Non-Mom rabbit milk diet kick in.

                    I think he just needs to be kept warm and let nature take its course.

                    And Honestly Sarah – if you hadn’t intervened and they had been dumped in Minnesota in the snow – Not only would the babies have died for sure, but Helo and Starbucks wouldn’t have made it more than a week AT MOST. You’ve saved Four bunny lives.

                    And I bet he does Miss her –

                    Did you look on Craigslist for cages? I’ve seen some decent set ups – cheap.

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message
                      Posted By Baleful on 01/07/2009 8:17 AM
                      And Honestly Sarah – if you hadn’t intervened and they had been dumped in Minnesota in the snow – Not only would the babies have died for sure, but Helo and Starbucks wouldn’t have made it more than a week AT MOST. You’ve saved Four bunny lives.


                      ABSOLUTELY!!!!  you guys did good by taking those poor buns in! 

                    • bunnytowne
                      7537 posts Send Private Message

                        Having bred buns for 4H when I was young I have seen this happen.  The doe knows somehow that the baby isn’t right.  And it won’t be strong enuf to survive.  She so doesn’t feed it or eats part of it or removes it from the nest. 

                        They know by nature what we cannot see.  That is probably what is happening and why she is taking out that same little kit.   It is just something that the doe knows.  That something isn’t right with it.

                        Awe they miss each other how sweet. What a nice little bunny family you have.  SURPRISE they said.

                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                          If you want to try, here’s what I’d do; (HOWEVER like they said, they’d all be dead if it weren’t for you and sometimes you just can’t change things! so *hugs* for saving them all)

                          You can get goats milk-it’s the universal milk to nurse orphaned babies with. The other thing you could do is try phoning a vet, but likely if he’s not meant to make it he won’t-probably why mom moved him. It’s sad for sure, but you saved them all *HUGS*

                        • bunnytowne
                          7537 posts Send Private Message

                            You can look up peanut baby bunny or somewhere along that line.  I saw a site once that had pics of peanut babies. So you can compare and see if it looks that way.  

                            But trust the doe  she knows what we know not.  That is the gift God gave the rabbit. She knows it is not meant to live.

                            Sorry but sometimes that is just the way it is.

                          • wendyzski
                            1312 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m sorry but I think the others are right – something is just not right with the littlest one and he’s not going to make it.  She knows, and is making sure that she takes care of the ones who will survive.

                              I would probably just try to keep him as warm and comfortable as possible while he is here.  That and cry a lot.

                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                A peanut is like a runt, but worse off; It’s faulty genetics involving the dwarf gene (

                                A breeder I know said it’s NOT worth keeping a peanut alive; This pic is a little yuck (no blood or anything just fetal looking) and it’s of a peanut baby-its extremely easy to tell one from a regular and you should be able to quickly look at this pic and your baby and tell


                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                  Aw, I’m so sad for you and the baby bun. It’s so sad this has to happen sometimes.

                                • sinistermooess
                                  45 posts Send Private Message

                                    Thanks guys.  Starbuck has left him in the nest so far today, the other babies are snuggling on top of him but when they move i can see that his color is improving, more of the pink like the bigger ones and none of the dusky color he was this morning. 

                                    Thanks for the link to the picture of the peanut baby, the only thing that looks different between the picture and the runt is that runties head isnt as enlarged or misshapen.  The tiny ears and tiny legs are the same though, although they do not look deformed, he is half the size of his siblings.  I did decide to just let nature take it’s course for him, i was thinking about it while i was out getting the things to make a new cage for Helo so the poor guy can get out of damn bathroom!

                                    I also just need to say thank you all.  i was referred here by my friend and I was worried about posting at first, as any other forum I have belonged to turned out to have just mean people who would rather give misleading advice for the sake of humor then give well meaning as accurate as you can advice for the sake of just being a good human.  You guys have been awesome and I am so glad i came over here.  Thank you so much!

                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                      No problem at all! We’re glad to have you here! Keep us posted for sure {{Vibes for runty}}

                                    • skunklionshow
                                      1257 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m glad you found us….I ditto your thoughts on Binky’s forum…I love it here!

                                        I ditto all the advice given.  You did a great job taking in the family and caring/loving them.  Just allow the process to happen.  I found awesome cages on Craigslist.  The best was a ferret cage–it had multiple layers!  Good luck & keep us posted.

                                      • skibunny8503
                                        1338 posts Send Private Message

                                          Aw that’s sad to hear, I’m sure it’s tough letting nature take it’s course and if it was meant to be, it was meant to be.  (((Sending good bunny vibes to you and your buns)))

                                          Oh my gosh I had no idea about a bunny mom eating a baby that wouldn’t survive

                                          I agree about the message board.  I’ve been on other message boards before (non rabbit boards) and people can be so mean on them!  I hadn’t been on a board for a few years and I found this when deciding to get a new bun and needed some advice.  I’m so glad to be on a board were people are so nice! 

                                        • Hedi
                                          969 posts Send Private Message

                                            Ok, so I have a loaded question..kinda..

                                            But assuming this runt is a peanut or genetically unable to you think he/she is suffering? or in pain?

                                            I do not want to make this any worse for you, sinistermooess, but I was just curious.

                                            I cant tell you how much I admire you for doing what you are doing! You have done an amazing thing! These babies are so lucky you have them!!! It takes a strong person to care for these babies and love them! ( of course any of us would LOVE to play with those little ears and feet but playing and caring for are two very different things).

                                            You are awesome!

                                          • jerseygirl
                                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                                              Posted By skibunny8503 on 01/07/2009 7:27 PM

                                              Oh my gosh I had no idea about a bunny mom eating a baby that wouldn’t survive

                                              It does sound rather barbaric doesn’t it.  From memory, the mother gains protein in this and that must help in the survival of the others. 

                                            • Balefulregards
                                              715 posts Send Private Message

                                                I am guessing that it helps to keep predators away – as well – by taking care of any smells of afterbirth/dead bunny.

                                                Usually these instincts come from a pretty deep evolutionary place.

                                              • dlscanne
                                                149 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I just want to say how wonderful it is that you took it upon yourself to intervene and save these rabbits, and then raise their unexpected litter with such care. I know animal cruelty makes everyone here sick, but thank goodness there are people like you to turn it around! I don’t have any experience with litters or newborns, but I know you’ve already gotten great advice. Keep up the good work! (((Thinking about your new bunny family)))

                                                • Beka27
                                                  16016 posts Send Private Message
                                                    Posted By Hedi on 01/07/2009 7:55 PM
                                                    Ok, so I have a loaded question..kinda..

                                                    But assuming this runt is a peanut or genetically unable to you think he/she is suffering? or in pain?


                                                    i’m “hoping” that if that’s the case, the neurological system is not well-developed anyways and it might not be able to experience pain.  it is sad to think about, but it’s out of our hands.

                                                  • bunnytowne
                                                    7537 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I have no idea if it would be in pain. I dont’ think we have any way to tell….  It probably isn’t though. 

                                                      As far as does eating some of the young yeah ick.  Usually they only eat a leg or several and the ears sometimes.   sounds weird though.

                                                      Something they know that we don’t thats for sure.  Also if the doe is sick that would be cause to eat her young.

                                                      In your case here the doe is most likely in pretty good shape.  Since she had not been out loose to pick up diseases. 

                                                      Good thing you were around to rescue the precious innocent delicate bunny’s.

                                                    • RachelF
                                                      287 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I really wish you the best and admire what you are doing for the bunnies!
                                                        Just started reading your thread, and am interested to see what happens =)

                                                        [[lots of luck from Rachel & Honey]]

                                                      • MooBunnay
                                                        3087 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I’m glad to hear that it sounds like he may be doing a bit better today – I definitely agree with everyone else that you have already done a great job by saving this whole bunny family. I will keep your little guy in my thoughts and hopefully he does OK.

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                                                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Update on Starbucks runt