I will preface this with I have no current photos as my phone broke and I haven’t downloaded everything to my new phone yet. I only have one of my puppy that I will post.
I don’t know what the last thing I posted was so I apologize if I repeat anything.
Joey is insane. And huge. The girl is 18lbs! To say she is the boss of the house is an understatement. It has been a challenge to find toys that stack up against her. I found an “activity” thing on chewy that she is obsessed with so I bought 5 more. Lol. She has decided she hates all vegetables and very few fruits. I try chopping them up really finely and hiding them in her pellets but she’s too smart for that. Butthead.
I lost my dog Haven in August 2019 and it completely broke me. I still can’t really talk about it or him without having a meltdown. I miss him more than literally anything in my life. I hate to say it but it has been more painful than losing human family members. He was my heart dog.
I know I posted about a new puppy Hero. He ended up having to go back to his breeder because my dog Pig was all but torturing him. And I just couldn’t handle him growing up terrified. So I took him back and then cried all the way home. He is all grown up now and has an amazing family and is a great support dog for a little girl.
In August 2019 I picked up another puppy (she was very much pre-planned and her pickup date, unfortunately, landed 2 days after I lost my Haven) who is currently training to be my service dog. Her name is Waverly and she is the definition of psychotic. I’ve never seen a more hyper animal in my life. She is also 100lbs and thinks she is a lap dog. It’s amazing and terrifying. She did not put up with Pigs bullying when I brought her home. So they started getting along quickly.
This is her in her Wynonna Earp themed service dog vest. She’s still in training.

I lost my tortoise a few days ago. I still do not know what happened. I couldn’t have a necropsy done due to what is going on in the world my herp vet is gone. He was fine that morning and I went to check on him that evening before bed and he was limp but breathing. I called the regular vet and took him in and they did what they could with fluids in case he was dehydrated. But later that night he was really struggling and passed.
My Mr. Snake is the same. Doing sneky things like slithering and sleeping.
My hedgehog Static will be 3 in a few months. He’s so chill and lazy I sometimes wonder if he’s actually a hedgehog.
That’s all for now. I will be adding a new turtle that I filled out adoption papers for shortly. And I will be adding possibly a hamster that my little cousin has to leave behind when he goes off to college.