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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Two Types Of Bunnies

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    • Sonn
      1810 posts Send Private Message

        There are two types of bunnies in this world. I cleaned their cages last night (these are sleep cages they use pens during the day my youngest cat is far too curious at night).

        Here we have bunny 1: Cage is mostly clean. He’s dumped his toys out of the silver bowl and there are some stray poops. Hay outside of the cage. Some mess in the toy bowl etc. But overall not too bad. Took all of 10 minutes to clean.

        Here we have bunny 2: HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE TATER TOT? I want to know how you even got this cage this dirty this fast. What in the world is all over the walls????? HOW I repeat HOW did you even get poops between the bars and the base???? And why is your blanket bunched up in a ball?! HOW TATER HOW?!!!! I had to take the entire cage outside and hose it down.

      • LittleLionMan
        133 posts Send Private Message

          Hahahaha I totally agree with this!With regards to bunny 2, when people point out messiness after I’ve leaned, I always tell them: “well it’s clean for HIM.” They’re so particular about how they like their space. The audacity of us humans to come in and ruin (aka clean) their beautiful homes!

          • Sonn
            1810 posts Send Private Message

              Tater does not appreciate a human-cleaned cage. It stays neat for maybe 2 hours on a good day. Lol.

          • HipHopBunny
            640 posts Send Private Message

              LOL! You just compared my rabbit Smokey as rabbit 1, and OB as rabbit 2. 😆 Silver’s somewhere in between them. 😉

              Adorable buns! 🥰

              • Sonn
                1810 posts Send Private Message

                  Most of my bunnies have always been clean bunnies. But every now and then there’s one that prefers mess. LOL.

              • SweetPotato
                100 posts Send Private Message

                  Hahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂

                  Spud- the organized one

                  Tater- the one who somehow overnight decides to (AND DOES) remodel his cage 😂

                  Ay ay ay, bunnies, can’t help but love their mischief! (And they very well know that they can get away with anything because of their cuteness ❤️🐰😂)

                  • Sonn
                    1810 posts Send Private Message

                      Tater has no problem letting me know that I didn’t decorate his area the way he likes it. Now if he’s in his pen he’s a little neater just a little. But he’s got a thing for throwing his entire litter box. Lol.

                      I laugh every time I go to get them out in the morning and Spud’s cage basically looks the same as the night before and Tater looks like he had the greatest party ever all night.

                  • Bam
                    16977 posts Send Private Message

                      My Vilde was always the neat kind of rabbit, but both my Bam and Yohio were definitely type 2. The apt looked nice for approx. 20 minutes post deep cleaning. Then there was hay everywhere 🤣

                      I swept the floors several times per day. Yohio ate the rubber lip of the shovel. He also picked fights with the broom.

                      • Sonn
                        1810 posts Send Private Message

                          Tater also picks fights with the broom! I have to put him in a different room while I sweep. 😂

                      • Cinnamon Bun
                        205 posts Send Private Message

                          Hahahahahaha! OMG, this is hilarious. This exact thing used to happen with my bun when she used to have one of those store cages. I had to literally take the thing apart, hose it down and dry it off afterwards. And then I had to rearrange everything… the toys and blankets and stuff. And after five minutes it’s a catastrophe all over again, and you gotta clean it all. And ohmigod – the stresss!  

                          • Sonn
                            1810 posts Send Private Message

                              Tater has a thing for throwing his litter box. In his pen I have a big wooden thing that holds his litter box and hay so he can’t throw it there. I absolutely hate that cage. Like HATE it. It was okay when he was a baby and couldn’t really reach anything. But it keeps him from my cat while she figures out they don’t want to play with her. I cannot wait until I never have to use it again. Cleaning it is a PAIN. I mean why did they even design it with gaps between the bars and the base?! Literally everything gets trapped there.

                              I think he likes to make a mess so he can grunt at me from the floor while I clean it. Lol.

                              *Sigh* maybe once they are fully bonded Spud will show him how to be a tidy bunny.

                          • SweetPotato
                            100 posts Send Private Message

                              *Double sigh* Masha used to drag her litter box across the floor, and go potty right where the litter box used to be 😂

                              I cannot agree more with cleaning!

                              Yes Spud, you show ’em! 🐰❤️

                            • BZOO
                              331 posts Send Private Message

                                A note for all the litter box tossers…

                                A loop of heavy duty duct tape will hold the box on the floor.

                                • Sonn
                                  1810 posts Send Private Message

                                    I usually use reusable zip ties but haven’t bought any lately.

                                • prince dorian the bun
                                  767 posts Send Private Message

                                    Oh Tatertot! There is always one in the family isn’t there 😀


                                    • Sonn
                                      1810 posts Send Private Message

                                        He’s a butthead

                                    • SweetPotato
                                      100 posts Send Private Message

                                        Aren’t they all? 😂

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                                    Forum THE LOUNGE Two Types Of Bunnies