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Forum BONDING Tuna’s getting a girlfriend…

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    • shaunna
      24 posts Send Private Message

        if he likes it or not(cross your fingers). ive been visiting the local animal shelter for the past few months and i finailly met a super sweet girl bunny that will be coming to join the family on the 12th. unfortunately the animal shelter didnt allow outside animals so there was no bunny speed dating but im sure we’ll work out any rough spots over time. im excited

      • 2lops
        347 posts Send Private Message

          That’s great I hope Tuna likes her! What kind is she? (if you don’t mind me asking) (:

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            awesome! thanks so much for adopting! i hope we’ll get pics… ;o)

          • shaunna
            24 posts Send Private Message

              shes a “mini lop” says the paper at the shelter but i think shes just a baby. pictures will definitely be posted i actually have a semi decent pic of her on my phone, i’ll see if i remember how to get em on this thing

            • 2lops
              347 posts Send Private Message

                Cool Pudge is a mini lop! ^_^
                can’t wait to see pics of her.

              • MooBunnay
                3087 posts Send Private Message

                  Yay! The bonding may take a while longer since you were not able to see how they interact, but I’m sure they will work things out Good luck!

                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                    Pictures??? Cant wait -congrats!!

                  • shaunna
                    24 posts Send Private Message

                      we brought our little bebe home today!!! her name is maebe. shes itty bitty compared to our male, Tuna. we put them in the bathtub together and everything seemed to go perfect. they sniffed each other a lot at first and then both seemed equally uninterested in one another afterwards. i was very impressed by our normally overly-aggressive male. it went much better than expected. theyre living in seperate pens for now. im planning on letting them mingle in the back yard tomorrow. any other advice that anyone has in mooore than welcomed!!

                      photos will be posted soon. i dont have a digital camera so it may be a few days. shes so cute, its well worth the wait

                    • shaunna
                      24 posts Send Private Message

                        actually…forget EVERYTHING I SAID in the last post!!!!! I think i may be needing serious bunny help. my boyfriend and i just got home from l.a. to the worse possible scenario. we walked into my/tuna/maebes room to find that maebe escaped her pen and pooped and peed all over the entire room…..and it gets much MUCH worse. i would have been okay with the fact that she soiled my whole room, tunas done that plenty. i opened tunas cage to see where he was and maebe rushed out instantly and the more i inspected, the more i noticed that tuna attacked maebe by all of her hairballs that were lying aroung his pen!!!…..i feel so horrible. i adopted her so that she could have a better life and a life companion and shes traumatized. please someone help me, i really feel so bad for maebe

                      • 2lops
                        347 posts Send Private Message
                          Posted By tunabunny on 01/13/2009 2:45 AM
                          actually…forget EVERYTHING I SAID in the last post!!!!! I think i may be needing serious bunny help. my boyfriend and i just got home from l.a. to the worse possible scenario. we walked into my/tuna/maebes room to find that maebe escaped her pen and pooped and peed all over the entire room…..and it gets much MUCH worse. i would have been okay with the fact that she soiled my whole room, tunas done that plenty. i opened tunas cage to see where he was and maebe rushed out instantly and the more i inspected, the more i noticed that tuna attacked maebe by all of her hairballs that were lying aroung his pen!!!…..i feel so horrible. i adopted her so that she could have a better life and a life companion and shes traumatized. please someone help me, i really feel so bad for maebe

                          Noo noo! it’s okay! Maebe will come down, I’d just give her some time. Accidents happen, and it wasn’t even your fault so it was out of your hands.

                          I’m SURE she’s having a much better life with you than she was having at the shelter, a pen and not a tiny cage, more attention, being with a fellow binkybunnyer  *etc.*, so don’t even doubt it for a second.

                          So maybe things got off to a rough start, but it doesn’t mean it won’t get better! Who knows, maybe in the future you will be the owner of two happily bonded buns who love eachother.

                          I’m no a bun expert… so I’m bad at bonding advice…so I’ll leave that up to someone else..  

                          Good luck!

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message


                            bonding is a lengthy process. it needs to be taken slowly, one step at a time. going too fast will result in more fights…

                            your first step is to read some info on bunny bonding. i’d recommend you print it out, or bookmark it to your computer, and read and re-read often.


                            this is my fav article on bonding… it’s very thorough.

                            this is the BB page on bonding.


                            you said above that you think she might be a baby.  is she a baby or is she just young (under a year)?  has she been spayed yet and allowed to heal for at least one month?

                            how are they housed?  in side by side xpens?  if they can see each other, this is good.  what you can do to preent territorial behavior is switch them betw/ pens each night.  leave the food, litterbox, toys and only move the bunny.

                            the pooping and peeing is territorial marking…  first off, Maebe is in a new home which can trigger marking.  second, there is a strange bunny there that she doesn’t know, and the whole house smells strongly of “that guy”.  she is trying to get an area for herself.

                            do you know what happened, how she got loose?  you may need to take special precautions like a sheet clipped to the top of her pen or a makeshift “NIC grid top” that you can attach.

                            did you do bunny dating with Tuna and everything was okay at the shelter?  this can happen sometimes, he is in a strange environment, he sees all these bunnies, they can get mixed signals.  chances are good they will be able to bond, you will just need to work everyday in neutral territory for awhile (the bathtub is great for this!)


                          • RachelF
                            287 posts Send Private Message

                              things like this definitely happen, my little girl has stitches right now from a fellow bun-bite. it happens, its no ones fault. just supervise as much as you can and keep them seperated otherwise until you see a change in their behavior.

                            • MarkBun
                              2842 posts Send Private Message

                                If Maebe has no wounds (no blood nor cuts), then don’t worry about the fur being from mostly ‘attacks’ as they were more likely Tuna mounting her to establish dominance (that is assuming that they are both altered). They often grab the back of the neck area and wind up pulling out a tuft or two during it.  If Tuna wanted to hurt Maebe, it sounds like he could have easily done so.

                                Realize too that Tuna was defending his home turf as Maebe was inside his cage. This is a completely normal reaction and Maebe will learn not to do that anymore – hopefully. Continue with your bonding efforts. You might be surprised when they are both in the tub again. Sometimes buns that get into unsupervised fights over a length of time work out the dominance issue quickly, albeit sometimes painfully. 

                                Also realize that this is an ‘arranged marriage’ where Tuna has had no say in his new wife.  There could simply be something about her that ticks him off.  The good news is that just about every bunny can be bonded.  It just takes a lot of work.  Took me over 4 months worth in order to get Maryann and Dono bonded.

                              • shaunna
                                24 posts Send Private Message

                                  ok, thanks so much. ifeel alot better after reading what everyone had to say. to answer some of the questions that were asked: tuna wasnt able to do speed dating with maebe. the shelter taht i got her from didnt allow “outside animals” into the shelter so i chose her after a few months of visiting the shelter and seeing different bunnies. she was too young to be fixed so, no shes not fixed either. the adoption paper said that shes 6 months but im sure shes much younger than that(3-4 months at most)
                                  i have read most bonding articles…their pens are set up right next to each other. they cant see each other but i will be altering that aspect so that they can as soon as i get off of the comp. maebe didnt have any blood or marks or anything but i did notice last night after my post that my male DID have a small gash on his side. i put them both outside today and tuna seemed happy. he was doing his happy hops and occasionally chased maebe which she seemed to absolutely dislike by all means. as soon as he would lunge toward her she would book it to the other side of the yard. (tuna was also growling during most of his lunges)
                                  thanks a lot for all of the help….. im fully prepared to do whatevr it taked to get the two bonded so bring it on!

                                • MarkBun
                                  2842 posts Send Private Message

                                    Although it is possible of any rabbit, I have noticed at the rescue that unspayed females will fear male rabbits a bit more than altered females. I assume it is because of some bunny society thing that the female wants to have a little romance first.

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                                      LOL ^^

                                    • shaunna
                                      24 posts Send Private Message

                                        so they had another bathtub date today. it lasted about 30 mins and it went okay. maebe was obviously nervous around tuna at first, especially when he would charge at her which he did 3 or 4 times. he would do a little nipping but i read that thats his way of showing dominance. i let him nip once or twice and then stopped him from doing so anymore after that. maebe was extremely tense after he would do this so i patted her head and talked with her to caml her down. after a bit she seemed to have relaxed and she eventually laid down. tuna in the meantime had already decided to take a rest on the other end of the tub. i laid them next to each other and they did very well! no more nipping or lunging from this point on. i ended with a raisin and placed each of them in the others cage for the night. tuna is currently getting his mark on. maebe is laying in tunas cardboard box.

                                      • shaunna
                                        24 posts Send Private Message

                                          i tried the spray bottle just now. into the tup they went. the sprayer made a world of difference and i also discovered tunas true colors. the second time i had to spray him, he looked at me sideways and whimpered. it was so sad and cute haha. i let them run around in the bathroom toward the end of their session. tuna took full advantage if this by lunging a few times but of course i sprayed and it was solved. outside the bathtub maebe seemed a lto more relaxed. she was running around and it seemed a little like she was chasing tuna(he didnt like this) and she was trying to sniff his “junk” haha. anyways right before i brought them back into my room maebe tried humping tuna. (he didnt like this either)
                                          hes a scrdey cat is my conclusion.

                                        • 2lops
                                          347 posts Send Private Message

                                            sounds like it’s going pretty well!
                                            hope to hear about more bunny dates.

                                          • xParadise
                                            182 posts Send Private Message

                                              Pictures are a definite must! Sounds like everything is going well. Keep us posted

                                            • shaunna
                                              24 posts Send Private Message

                                                well another bunny date today. i let maebe sniff the heck out of tuna despite his whimpering. ha. she didnt bite or anything. she pulled a little hair out at one point but other than that all she was really trying to do was hump him. and he finally let her!! praised the sun!! haha. they ended with a treat and we’ll go at it again tomorrow

                                              • CaseyK
                                                28 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I went through all this just about a month ago. Dont be surprised if dominance switches at some point like it did for Buttercup and Bandit, my buns. You are doing everything I did, hope you have the same good results.

                                                • shaunna
                                                  24 posts Send Private Message

                                                    i have a question….
                                                    when tuna and maebe are on bath tub dates maebe chases tuna around, attempts to smell his “junk” and then nibbles at him. tuna whimpers like he doesnt like it. maebe also tries to hump him and when she does this she nibbles at the back or his neck and pulls hair out. im not sure if shes actually biting his skin or not but i was wondering if i should stop the action all togther..????

                                                  • Beka27
                                                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                      humping can be their desire to be dominant. however in Maebe’s case, since she’s not spayed yet, it is likely the hormones which is causing her to do this. if she continues to hump and bite on Tuna, you may be causing more harm than good by continuing with the bonding right now. if he becomes afraid of her (it sounds like he’s scared due to the whimpering), this can make it harder to bond them further down the road. my suggestion is to stop the dates until after she is spayed and healed up for about a month. in the meantime, you can have them in cages near each other and continue to switch them betw/ the cages each night.

                                                    • luna
                                                      147 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Hi Tunabunny,


                                                        I would have to second what Beka has said. I got a girlfriend for my dwarf bunny Henry two months ago. Like yours she was unaltered. They had a couple of dates but i decided i was bettr off waiting until i got her spayed before i proceeded with anymore dates. I am quite an impatient person so this was a tough decision so i tried to make a positive out of it and told myself i would take this time to properly get to know Poppy one on one. This did work, she got used to me and we developed a bit of a bond before she got spayed.


                                                        Two weeks after her operation i started off the bunny dates again and things seemed alot calmer between them ( she was quite hormonal before the procedure) I now have two buns who are completely bonded and spend every second of the day together. Henry is besotted with his new wife (this was also an “arranged marriage”)and i havent got much of a look in over the last week. I dont mind though as they are still confined to the kitchen and im glad to see their bond is being re-inforced more and more every day.  I am glad i waited until after her spay as i do feel she was a different bunny back then and i think they could possibly have ended up having a fall out which could have jeopardised their long term bonding potential.


                                                        Goodluck whatever you decide to do. It great that you made the decision to get Tuna a girlfriend and it will all work out for you in the end

                                                      • shaunna
                                                        24 posts Send Private Message

                                                          boo hoo…..well i was hoping for a different opinion. maebe is only three months so i have quite a ways to go
                                                          but you guys make complete sense and i would rather be safe than sorry. plus, i feel really bad for tuna. i can certainly feel how terrified he is of the whole situation and that alone makes me really sad. ha. thanks a lot for all of your help. i’ll keep you all posted

                                                        • Beka27
                                                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                            i know. it’s hard to be patient sometimes, but i do think you’ll have a better outcome and a lot less headache in the process. ;o)

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                                                        Forum BONDING Tuna’s getting a girlfriend…