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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Tree Trunks or Logs for Bunny Room

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    • LRose
      13 posts Send Private Message

        Hey everyone, 

        We have recently moved into our first home and, like our rental, have given the bunnies their own room. I’d love to decorate the room and give it a unique feeling. I’ll admit I have been on Pinterest and have seen some really cool spaces for rabbits. I would love to give them some real tree stumps, branched or hollowed logs to jump on and play with. 

        I’ve looked up so many lists but I am a little overwhelmed on differing information. Does anyone here happen to give their rabbit any of these things? Or, do you know which trees are safe for them to have in their natural form?

        I’ll add some photos of what I mean by providing these in the bunny room. 

        Thank you!

      • DanaNM
        9055 posts Send Private Message

          Oh my gosh, those rooms are gorgeous! *swoon*

          The branches with leaves in the first photo look like apple, which is a known safe wood. Pear is in the same family and is also safe. Willow is also safe!

          Maple also seems to be on the safe lists from multiple sources.

          I also believe that most woods can be made safe if they are kiln dried or dried for a month or more. You’re right though, that there is a lot of conflicting info out there about which woods are safe and which are not, but there are a few that are always said to be safe (apple, willow are two of them). I tend to trust medi-rabbit for things, they have a nice short list:

          You’ll just want to be sure that whatever branches you get are not sprayed with pesticides.

          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

        • Coco
          78 posts Send Private Message

            Wow!!! How cool. I must get busy soon as I have a spare room that I could convert into a bunny room for my bun! How did you come by those trunks & branches? What a cool Christmas present would that be for her to have her own room such as this one?!!!!

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        Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Tree Trunks or Logs for Bunny Room