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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • jerseygirl
      22353 posts Send Private Message

        riibu  posted about this in another thread. I thought it looked so good, I’d give it it’s very own thread!

        A treat dispensing ball!  I can imagine putting pellets in it.

        Here’s the link :

      • riibu
        60 posts Send Private Message

          Yes, this thing is fantastic!  I keep meaning to video the antics it causes; if I ever manage to do that I’ll post it here.

        • mrmac
          2156 posts Send Private Message

            I wanted to get one of these but didnt want to pay $10 in shipping for a 3.99 item! Oh well I am going to order it soon anyway! It looked small obviously but is it to small for them to play with? What are some favorite treats to fill it with?

          • riibu
            60 posts Send Private Message

              I bought a bunch of other stuff at the same time as the treat ball (I think mostly stuff to put in the treat ball) and shipping was still $10 – It’s definitely worth it!

              The ball isn’t at all too small; it’s quite perfect – maybe 3-4 inches in diameter.  My bunny likes to roll it under himself, then flip around and do it again.  That’s in addition to pushing it in circles with his nose and grabbing it by the opening and flinging it.

              I’m quite sure it’s not the best choice of treat to put inside it, but the picture that’s posted above shows it with a selection of dried fruit and that seemed like a good idea so I went with that.  I think I got the carribean mix of dried fruit and my bunny goes CRAZY for it.  The bag has lost all its function ’cause he’s not patient enough to wait for me to put the treats in the ball; he just goes straight for the bag.

              I don’t think he gets as excited when healthier treats come out, but if the ball makes ANY kind of rattling sound he just divebombs the thing.

              Oh, and FYI: It does come in different colors than what’s pictured.  I got a blue ball.

            • mrmac
              2156 posts Send Private Message

                Now I have to try it! I will order it today! I hope they like it! I will post how they react! Oh yay, I’m so excited a new toy! lol

              • mrmac
                2156 posts Send Private Message

                  He loves it! She doesnt care too much, but thats how she is. He pushes that thing around ALL day until theres no more treats inside, then he gets upset, looks at me, and then climbs on my leg to beg for more. Then you get that pitiful look, is terrible! lol I got a blue one too, and i did try the carribean mix as well and both buns love that! When he pushes it it sometimes gets stuck or cornered against things and he gets quite flustered! Great toy and very funny and cute to watch!

                • riibu
                  60 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh yay!  Glad at least one of your buns took to it!  I definitely think it’s one of the best bunny toys I have.

                  • peepi&warri
                    238 posts Send Private Message

                      I got this too. I swear Peepi thought I was playing some sort of practical joke on him. He got so angry! I need to teach the boys how to use it.

                    • skibunny8503
                      1338 posts Send Private Message

                        I ordered 2 (one for Archie & Gracie, other for Parsnip). Gracie loves it! Archie hasn’t really looked at it. I can hear Parsnip playing with it right now! She loves to pick it up with her teeth (the place where you control now big the hole is) and throw it on the ground. FINALLY a toy most of them like haha!

                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          When I got Rumball, his previous owners gave me a couple of his toys but said he didn’t really play with them. One of them was a dog treat ball with same opening like the one above. I only just used it this week and it’s a hit with Jersey! She’ll persistantly nose it until it’s empty. I put pellets in it. The one I have has paw print pattern on it that is raised and rubber coated. It’s good because it slows it down and it doesn’t skitter away.

                          So yes – very good bunny toy!

                        • lilmizzsnickerz
                          318 posts Send Private Message

                            does anyone know any uk suppliers of these balls

                          • Adalaide
                            433 posts Send Private Message

                              This looks like so much fun. I was thinking of ordering hay from them anyway, so throwing in a toy or a few for Freya is no big deal. I’d probably just put pellets or something in it though, she’s already spoiled rotton.

                            • jerseygirl
                              22353 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By lilmizzsnickerz on 05/25/2009 07:06 AM
                                does anyone know any uk suppliers of these balls

                                Honestly, I would just look in the Dog Toy section of any store.  This is an image search I did using “Treat Ball”   There’s tons of this sort of thing around.


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                            Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Treat Ball