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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Travelling bunny sitter?

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    • Ana
      182 posts Send Private Message

        So, I’ve been looking for a bunny sitter for the holidays to no avail. I’m at a loss. No family will be around, and all my friends are out of town.  I thought I’d have found a sitter by now, but getting worried I won’t find one.


        I did find one sitter, but there’s a catch: she’s going away the 24-25 (the twp days I need her to sit).  She’s willing to take Evie with her.  She knows exotics and seemed to really grasp how fragile the situation is.  She seems very nice, reasonable, and said I could call daily for updates and she could send me a pic on Xmas if I wanted to see my baby.

        I need your advice… let her travel with a stranger? Any ideas what to do if I can’t find a sitter? >.<


      • Kokaneeandkahlua
        12067 posts Send Private Message

          You could try her-your gut feeling is what you should trust.

          You can also check your local classified, kijiji or google petsitting to find a service you like. Or board at your vets office or try a rescue near you, or even a breeder may board for you. Try your local HS or SPCA too. If I were near you I’d help I’m petsitting over the holidays and I’d love to watch her!

          Make sure you leave contact info, info on common bunny illness and your vets contact info (emergency vet contact info too!); BB has a great bunny sitting sheet too.

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            Can you take Evie with you instead? I know I would be really nervous, but like K&K said, its all about your gut instinct…good luck with your decision!!

          • Beka27
            16016 posts Send Private Message

              oh geez. i know i wouldn’t be comfortable having a stranger travel with my bunny… but i guess if you’re okay with it…? like allen asked, can you take Evie with you? traveling is stressful for bunnies, so the main point of a bunnysitter is that they can stay home in a familiar place and the person can come and look in on them, while not disturbing the enviroment. i think traveling coupled with not knowing who it is that’s toting her around doesn’t sound like a great idea to me. usually boarding at a vet would be the least ideal situation… but in this case i think that might be better than having no idea where your bunny is.

            • Ana
              182 posts Send Private Message

                I can’t take her with me… Another person offered to sit her at their house. My concern is that I’m not sure I’d trust a stranger to come to my apartment any more than I trust them to take her somewhere else. I assume boarding her is going to be SUPER expensive…

              • PeppersMama
                391 posts Send Private Message

                  cheapest i found for boarding was 9 dollars a day and it was at my local vet. you could try there!

                • KatnipCrzy
                  2981 posts Send Private Message

                    Check with your vet to find out how much boarding would cost if you bring her cage and ALL food supplies.  Also your vet might be a great place to get a recommendation for an employee that will boarding at their home/ stop in at your home, etc…  Make sure the bunny will be in a “quiet” area.  We board 4 guinea pigs for a family when they go on vacation- and we keep them in their original cages in our BREAK ROOM….LOL, because they are not by any hospitalized/noisy dogs then.

                    I work at a vet clinic and have pet sat for clients occasionally- I am very picky on what and who I will take and will only do 1 family at a time- for example will not mix other pets from more than one family with my own pets.  So your vet clinic could be an awesome resource- just keep in mind that there are individuals that are “working on the side” and the vet clinic is not responsible for them- but I think you are very likely to find someone that you could trust to care for your pet.


                  • Ruffles&Daisy
                    265 posts Send Private Message

                      We boarded Ruffles, it wasn’t cheap ($17 per day), but it gave me a peace of mind knowing that he was being taken care of. I’d board him instead of travelling with him. It’s hard enough to travel with a dog, let alone a rabbit. The thought of travelling with my bun would give me an anxiety attack.

                    • hooty22
                      606 posts Send Private Message

                        Felony is a great traveler! He and I go to visit my parents which is about a 3 hours drive. He’s probably going to be going to Canada with me for New Year’s to visit the boyf because the two people I normally ask to bunsit will be out of town. That’s like a 6 hour drive, so hopefully he’ll be okay with it.

                        I think i would be kind of uncomfortable with someone traveling with my bun, unless it was someone I knew well and that person knew how to deal with bunnies… If I were you, I’d really try to figure out a way to bring him with me.

                      • Scarlet_Rose
                        4293 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m with Beka on this one. I have one added comment, letting my bunnies travel with a stranger? No. Especially when I too am traveling, I would just assume take them with me. Traveling with a stranger, no matter how experienced can really stress a rabbit out – too much of a strange environment. But these are just things to think about in making your decision. Have you tried calling your local rabbit rescues for bunny sitters and/or boarding?

                        • Anna Demas
                          22 posts Send Private Message

                            I have traveled with Marshmallow 7 hours. He was fine before and after, and I think loved being at my parents home more than mine! For Christmas we are trying boarding him at his vet since I am not driving home this time. They seemed to like him a lot when he was in, and hopefully it will go well. I can’t suggest the vets, since I haven’t really done it yet, but after traveling my my bun for 7 hours, I couldn’t imagine him traveling with a stranger. I don’t think he would have done nearly as well, and he probably would have been 10 thousand time more scared and unhappy.

                            Hope you figure it out! I know I was incredibly stressed out last time I had to figure this all out.

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                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Travelling bunny sitter?