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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Trading Spaces

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    • MimzMum
      8029 posts Send Private Message

        I was looking at Liz’s post about the proximity of Hammer’s and her prospective new bunny’s pens and I have a question. I know that it helps in bonding to give each bunny the other’s scent, but what exactly is the purpose of switching their living quarters? Is this necessary with bunnies who are almost bonded? (I tried putting Pip in Mimzy’s pen with him after washing it real good one night last week and they did okay for a little bit, but then Mimzy got territorial and I had to remove Pip as she looked distressed.)

        Would it be better in their bonding process if I put Mim in Pip’s pen for a night by himself and vice versa? How does that help with bonding? I would think it would only make them more territorial? And further, would it work with Fiver and Mimzy trading spaces when I am ready to introduce them and then eventually add Pip to possibly build a trio? (I know, all of them need to get used to one another one at a time.)

        I hope I didn’t just confuse everyone there.

      • BinkyBunny
        8776 posts Send Private Message

          The purpose of “continual” switching (each bunny alone in the other bunny’s cage for 24 hours – not to put both in) is to get them used to each other’s scent and also prevent them from claiming one place.  The switching is supposed to help prevent that kind of ownership.

          The idea is that if they tolerate or get used to each other’s scent first, that it will help in the face to face meeting. In the beginning it is expected for them to reaffirm their territory due to all of the new scents and the insecurity of being switched, but many times this will help with them “getting used” to each other first, and again, losing the ability to really claim one place since they are not their long enough. . However, if over time, it only makes one bunny more aggressive, then of course you would have to change methods. I also note this same thing in the bonding section about about putting cages near each other.

          You don’t necessarily have to do this if they are already almost bonded, but I suggest that whenever you decide to put them together – the final area that they they will both be living in should be as different as possible from either one of their original territories. Is that possible for Mimz and Pip?. Switch things around and even change the location for awhile so that one doesn’t have claim somehow to the space – so that *their* space is new to both of them.

          Does that make sense?

        • MimzMum
          8029 posts Send Private Message

            Yes, I understand. So they really don’t need to be in each others pens at this point, but it might be helpful to switch Mimzy with Fiver when I try to introduce Fiver to the two of them? (No wait, that won’t work will it…Mimzy and Pip will need to be together in the neutral spot once they are bonded….urgh!)
            See, I’m confused because someone here (I’m sorry, I don’t recall who) told me I should try to bond Fiver to Mimzy first, once he and Pip have established their relationship. Then I can integrate Pip in with the two boys at some point. (And how long should I wait after Mim & Pip are firmly bonded?)

            I was hoping to take the edge off what I think could be a volatile pairing between Mimzy and Fiver in the future. (Fiver did take a snap at Mimzy when they first met while I was grooming Mimzy on the bed next to Fiver’s pen.) If Fiver winds up aggressive towards Mim, I guess I could try bonding him to Pip first, but I think that would only cause aggravation on Mimzy’s part, as either Fiver would ‘claim’ Pip for his mate or Mimzy would wind up fighting him to keep Pip as ‘his’. (Which is unlikely, Mimzy seems to not be too bothered one way or the other.)

          • BinkyBunny
            8776 posts Send Private Message

              oye, I forgot about all three.  I will have to have others who have bonded multiples more often guide you on this, as I am far from an expert when it comes to this.  Let me email those that have more experience with it to follow up on this.

            • MimzMum
              8029 posts Send Private Message

                Okies. *feels sheepish* I know I’ve annoyed so many forum leaders with this question, but my memory is so crappy that I need constant refreshing.

              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                12067 posts Send Private Message

                  The best way I’ve done (and I’m not expert I think I’ve had some easy bonds …Kokanee-Kahlua Kahlua-Rupert Kahlua&Rupert—Chuck) and think in theory it’s best….

                  Take each of the duo and do bonding sessions with the third. Once the each of the pair get along with the third you can do trio bonding sessions. Try for car rides, shopping cart rides…things that discourage fighting. I hope this helps a bit, I’m definitely no expert though!!

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    we’re not annoyed at all Mimz! don’t say that!

                    you know my thoughts on this i believe. i think it would be best if Pip and Mimzy were firmly bonded, living together permanently in a new space for them both. after awhile of them solidifying their bond (a couple months, 6 months? whatever you feel is necessary) we could take the next step and work on getting Fiver into the group. take it one step at a time or else you’ll never move an inch…

                  • MimzMum
                    8029 posts Send Private Message

                      Too true! ^_^ Thanks Beka, now I remember. (prints out this thread) Yes, the time for the other two to be bonded comfortably was what I couldn’t recall. And I am working on getting them their own space. They have been doing very well again lately, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

                      One thing that is in my way…the room I want to move them to is right next to our boiler room. Barring the noise it makes when it comes on, it suddenly occurred to me that the possible leakage of fumes or exhaust at that proximity might be bordering on toxic for the buns at any time. We have it pretty well sealed off with visquine, but I’m not convinced it is as complete as it needs to be. It runs on diesel fuel and if it runs out or low, it tends to back up into the house. I can close it off from where the bunnies are now, but I couldn’t keep it out of the room I was going to move them to.

                      So…*sigh*…back to the drawing board. ~_~ Or the diggy box, whichever you prefer.

                      I was thinking I may be going for a different room on the other side of the house. We’ll see if I can budge my daughter out of it. I hate to do it, but I want the bunnies as comfortable as possible and I don’t want to move them around the house too much.

                      Your advice for when I bring Fiver in to the mix is reassuring. This means I have him as my ‘special only bunny’ for a little while longer. He seems to really prefer my company, and the company oddly enough of my cat, to the other bunnies anyway.



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                  Forum BONDING Trading Spaces