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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Tooth purring vs tooth grinding

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    • Bu20055
      248 posts Send Private Message

        Hi guys!


        My new girl has been making a sound that I take to be tooth purring. However, I’ve heard people say that they can’t here their rabbit pur unless their ear is right at the bun’s mouth. However I can hear her from a foot or two away. She doesn’t seem to be in any pain but is this a grind not a pur? She does it when sleeping in a loaf and while being pet. She also just did it after a nice long stretch. It’s about as loud as her munching on her hay. Is this a bad or good sound?

        Im so sorry for all the questions! I’m just so scared to do this wrong!

      • HipHopBunny
        640 posts Send Private Message

          It’s fine to be a first-time bun parent, we all were. 🙂

          Oh, their purrs are loud! 😆 1-2 ft sounds about the accurate distance. 🙂 They make the cutest expressions when they purr, too. 😉

          (Of course, I wouldn’t mind seeing a few pictures… 😉 )

        • Bu20055
          248 posts Send Private Message

            Okay. Is it normal for her to do it a lot? She got up, ate some hay, came back, loafed and started doing it. She also did it then scratched her mouth and repeated that a few times. Is that normal? She did it sitting up too.

          • HipHopBunny
            640 posts Send Private Message

              Hmmm, what’s her expression when she does it? Is her expression relaxed and sleepy? The part when she loaded, I wouldn’t worry about. My ladies will loaf sometimes too, and just start purring. 🙂

            • Bu20055
              248 posts Send Private Message

                Also how do I know if it’s a chatter not a pur?

              • Bu20055
                248 posts Send Private Message

                  She looks pretty sleepy when she does it. The fact that she was scratching her mouth kind of worried me. Is the sitting up thing normal? Do your buns do that?

                • HipHopBunny
                  640 posts Send Private Message

                    A purr sounds like they are eating hay, my ladies typically purr when they have flopped. From what I’ve read, chatter is often more spaced out than a purr and a little louder. You’re asking some good questions. 🙂 Maybe you could upload a video and we could determine which we think it is?

                  • Bu20055
                    248 posts Send Private Message

                      She kind of does it for a few seconds then stops for a 10/15 seconds and does it again

                    • DanaNM
                      9056 posts Send Private Message

                        The pawing at the mouth is interesting. I also think you mentioned she wasn’t eating lettuce?

                        I would just keep an eye on things. If you could get a video that would be really helpful.

                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                      • Bu20055
                        248 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh also if it makes a difference her nose isn’t usually moving when she does it, so I’m pretty sure she’s sleeping. Though she did do it when she was playing with her toys earlier so … ?

                        • Bu20055
                          248 posts Send Private Message

                            It’s not so much pawing at her mouth as it is scratching with her back feet. The rescue said she’s a grazer with her veggies.

                            Also are these comfy positions or pain positions?

                          • DanaNM
                            9056 posts Send Private Message

                              The first two look comfy for sure. The third one can vary a bit. There is a subtle difference between a bun-loaf (comfy) and a hunched-in-pain type loaf. In the hunched position, sometimes it looks like they are tense and pushing their tummy into the ground. To me it looks more comfy? Myra will often sleep in that type of position.

                              I think since she is brand new, I would just keep monitoring her eating and pooping. She could be having a bit of gas from the new environment and subtle changes in diet. Or she could be 100% happy and you are just learning what’s normal for her. Since she loves pets she would prob like a tummy rub, which can help if she is just a bit uncomfortable due to gas.

                              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                            • Bam
                              16987 posts Send Private Message

                                Teeth chopping typically only occurs when the bun is really uncomfortable. Then you have other signs of discomfort as well, such as refusal to take a treat, or you know sth is going on (recent spay/neuter or other surgical procedure). One of my buns couldvtooth chop if he had gas and you massage the tummy, which is a bit weird because at the same time he clearly wanted the massage.

                                Some buns can tooth purr quite loudly. My Bam could tooth purr so it could be heard across a room. He typically did this when my mother was petting him, he loved my mother and would jump up in her lap to get pet. Some buns tooth purr so you can’t even hear it, but you can feel the vibrations through your fingertips when you pet the head.

                                Cats can purr too when they are in some kind of pain or distress, so purring in itself doesn’t really have a clear meaning, it has to be interpreted in context.


                              • Bu20055
                                248 posts Send Private Message

                                  Okay. Since she’s eating her pellets, taking treats, running around, playing with her toys and munching on hay i think she’s good then? Do you guys think she’s fine?

                                • DanaNM
                                  9056 posts Send Private Message

                                    All of those things sound like a happy bunny to me 🙂

                                    . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                  • Bu20055
                                    248 posts Send Private Message

                                      Okay thanks so much guys!!

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                                  Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Tooth purring vs tooth grinding