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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING To bond, or not to bond….

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    • Howey
      36 posts Send Private Message


        Right, we have had Howey for 6 months from a rescue centre. He seems very happy and settled. Has his little routines etc, but we can’t help but think he may be getting lonely while we are at work. We would love to bond him but only if it is something that he wants. For us everything is perfect with him so to just have him is ideal but we don’t want to deprive him of a bunny friend.

        Are there any signs to look out for as to whether he feels lonely? We are willing to get him a  friend but are scared that if we do it may make him unhappy.

        He is approx 2-3 years old and neutered.

        Thanks in advance xx

      • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
        617 posts Send Private Message

          I don’t really know that there are signs that would let you know he’s lonely but I think like any person, bunnies like to have company. Bonding is tough on everyone though (bunnies and slaves alike) so be sure to make sure that you are really committed! As I’m learning, it can be very frustrating but also hopefully, will be rewarding as well. If you do decide to get him a friend, I would highly recommend taking him on some bunny dates to let him choose his new friend! It helps makes the process much more smooth! Good luck

        • MarkBun
          2842 posts Send Private Message

            If he doesn’t seem like a dog when you come home from work (as in acting like he hasn’t seen you for years) or if he’s doing nothing but moping around and grooming everything under the sun, then he’s probably not depressed about not having a bunny friend. However, most rabbits do like having buddies. I had thought that my rabbit didn’t want a friend by the way she constantly attacked all the other rabbits we took her on dates to see. And, in fact, she probably would have been a happy single rabbit. However, I was away for longer periods of time and wanted her to have a friend. Now, after a very tough bonding process, I constantly see her grooming her new boyfriend or flopping down next to him.

            So even the stubborn ones can wind up loving the company.

          • MarkBun
            2842 posts Send Private Message

              I forgot to mention that the important thing to realize that it will mean some more work for you. Besides the bonding process, it means more cost for food, litter and vet visits. Luckily the space needed doesn’t really need to go up unless you cage your bunnies, in which case you are looking at having something that has at least a 10 square foot footprint – at least to have them comfortable.

              Although you may want what is best for your bun, you should remember that if you would have any difficulty handling it, it could cause their quality of life to go down.  Luckily my second bun wants nothing to do with me so as long as I feed him and clean his litter, he’s happy.

            • Howey
              36 posts Send Private Message

                We are very aware of the work involved and are willing to put the work in and to have the patience with it. It’s just that he seems so happy when we are there but for 4 days of the week we are away for 12 hours working. We set up a webcam so we could watch him at work to watch his behavior and he seemed ok but I’m sure that after all the stress and hard work it would be much nicer for him to have somebunny with him.

                The cost of having another bunny isn’t even an issue, all that is important to us is that our little Howie is the happiest a bunny can be…….saying that….he has just done a huge Binky in front of me!

              • Pebble and Dante
                60 posts Send Private Message

                  MarkBun… your comments answered a question that had been rolling around my head for the last few weeks. Would Pebbles like a buddy? I have taken her to 1 session of speed dating, she met 2 nice guys and proceeded to hump them. I think that Pebbles does fine by herself and she is only 10 months old, so we are still getting to know her better and better everyday. Because Pebbles does attack and is territorial (even after being spayed for 3 months) I”m thinking to keep her as a single rabbit for the time being – maybe reconsider in the future. I like the way Pebbles and I snuggle in the evenings while watching TV. Well – I’m watching TV and she is inside my robe snuggled and tranced out while I pet and apply lots of massage and luv’ns to the floppy ears. This may be a bit selfish of me, but I can’t help it – she is so darn cute.

                • MarkBun
                  2842 posts Send Private Message

                    I have always felt that people often think too much about the happiness of one’s pet. That he MUST be lonely when no one is around. That he MUST be sad not to have a bunny friend. Now some rabbits are quite obvious about it (like my GF’s rabbit grooming all of her stuffed toys) and other’s are quite happy to be by themselves. It is more of a ‘parent’s intuition’ by us more than anything. Although Maryann prefers to be the only bunny, I was not around enough for her to satisfy her need for companionship. So eventhough she didn’t really want a new bunny as much as she just wanted more time with me, another bun was the second best option.

                    The reason I knew that she wanted just more time with me was that once we started the bunny dating, she began to actually give me kisses which she had never done in the 6 years prior to those. I interpreted them to mean, “I don’t want another man, I love YOU!” but I still feel that in the long run, she’s happier this way. I know that she’s been a lot less ‘clingy’ with me due to him.

                  • jerseygirl
                    22353 posts Send Private Message

                      What does Howey get up to on the webcams? Lots of sleeping? Often in the day when alone they get some sleep. If he get’s lots of time with you when you are about and has a strong routine(so he knows what to expect) I would suggest he’s a happy, settled boy. We haven’t seen the cute little munchkin about here for some time…..;o)

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        I can see both sides. You’d think any rabbit, being a herd animal by nature, would be ‘happier’ bonded to a member of its own species, another rabbit. I do believe living in herds it is the more ‘natural’ thing, but being a pet isn’t really the natural life for a bunny in the first place.

                        I remember why I got a second, then a third and now a fourth rabbit: I myself wanted them. I m pretty sure my first rabbit would have had a nice life without them, just a different one, being pampered by me. Right now, my rabbits are organized into a bonded trio and one separate bunny who lives in my room. I think they’re all happy: the trio with each other and the lone bun with me and my dogs.

                        If you must have a sign for getting another rabbit, one dead give-away is that YOU want another and so it should be because YOU would have to clean and feed etc. I think to be gone 12 hours four times per week is fine fo your rabbit. That’s one of the perks of house rabbits. They can deal with that sort of thing rather well. Many owners of pairs or multiples feel that their ‘special’ bond to their formerly lone rabbit suffered from having a second; like Pebbles mentions it’s really enjoyable to have that single spoiled little rabbit. They’re pets after all meaning meant to be indulged.

                      • Karla
                        1624 posts Send Private Message

                          I say: to bond Although bunnies are pets and have us as company, they still need to talk “rabbit” with someone who actually understands them. Although I would prefer the company of animals to humans, I still need human company – and so I think this applies as well for bunnies. I got a second bunny because I felt that Karl was lonely…whether he was, I will never know, but I do know that he is much more outgoing now and is joined by the hip with our other bunnies.

                          My own personal experience is not that the bunnies get less social with their owners when they have bunny company- on the contrary. Something I cannot explain. I feel I get much more out of the bunnies now that I have more than one. But that might just be because my first bunny is not the most social of bunnies

                          But every bunny is different just like we are.

                        • Elrohwen
                          7318 posts Send Private Message

                            I agree with Jersey that Howey is probably sleeping all day when you’re gone! I’ve been home all day for the past few weeks, and honestly, Otto hardly wants to hang out with me. Lol We hang out for maybe an extra hour in the morning, but otherwise he sleeps for the entire day and wakes up long after my husband gets home from work (the same time he used to wake up when we were both working). So yeah, a bunny friend for all bunnies would be nice, but I wouldn’t worry too much that Howey is pining away when you’re gone. He’s probably sound asleep!

                            Then again, if you have the time to bond, money and space for a new bun, go for it! Though I totally agree with Petzy: get another bun because you want another bun, not because you’re worried about Howey. He’ll be fine either way.

                          • Moonlight_Wolf
                            1155 posts Send Private Message

                              I chose to get Fern a friend because I just felt bad that she was alone for most of the day, She also would be very happy and binky when we let my poodle terrier mix dog into her pen. She did get annoyed when he wagged his tail in her face though, lol.

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                          Forum BONDING To bond, or not to bond….