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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Tips on free roaming in bedroom?

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    • Moonlightbunny66
      694 posts Send Private Message

        (This is a long post!)

        I’ve been thinking about free roaming Pinky and Muffin in my bedroom once Pinky’s messy poop issue is solved. They are out of the pen all day, then I lock them in at night.

        I have two x-pens, one is for them to stay in and it’s connected to the second one that goes in front of all my furniture to protect my things from Pinky! One concern is that Pinky will hop over the pen that covers all my furniture and destroy all my stuff. He’s proven that he can jump over these pens. I believe I have the 36 inch x-pens. I don’t really want to buy a taller one because I won’t be able to step over it (I’d also still be worried Pinky will be able to get over). I also don’t want to have to move a super tall pen so I can look in my mirror.

        Another concern is that they’ll be too loud (I can test this before I collapse the pen, but I’d like to know before I start bunny proofing my furniture). I was hoping free roaming would make them quieter at night and the morning. Usually in the morning, I’ll wake up to Pinky trying to dig out of the pen because he wants breakfast. I don’t know if free roaming would just make him start digging at the pen beside my bed to get to me instead, though.

        I like having things displayed on my vanity and my dresser. Before I put the pen in front of my bed, I left the room and Pinky used my bed as a step to get on my desk and chew up my stuff, including the wire to a very expensive mouse (wasn’t plugged in). This is why I now cover all my furniture lol. I’m scared he’ll be able to get on one piece of furniture, then keep hopping onto the next to eat all my stuff.

        Does anyone have tips on bunny proofing your bedroom? I was thinking about wall shelves and a wall mounted desk. Then I could tube all the wires and maybe attach a bin to the wall to put them all in. Does anyone have any suggestions? I know there’s lots of videos and advice online about bunny proofing, but I need more ideas on how to keep my items safe (and Pinky lol).

        And does anyone have experience with free roaming in your bedroom? Do you think it does more good than harm?Thank you for reading!

      • DanaNM
        9064 posts Send Private Message

          More space will often improve behaviors, so I would say give it a shot. NIC cube grids are really handy for bunny-proofing. You can use them to block wires and areas under furniture that you don’t want them to go to, and make shorter lengths of tall fencing for areas you need to block.

          I think you could be fine with 36 inches. If not, some of the taller pens have built in doors, so you could get one of those if you really needed it. I am guessing that Pinky jumped over during bonding? Bunnies seem like they can jump way higher when they are trying to get to other rabbits, but don’t usually try as hard unless there is a really strong reason to.

          Bunny proofing is for sure an ongoing process, so I would start with blocking off the things you know would be a problem (like low furniture that could be a stepping stone, exposed wires, etc.). Then get down on the floor and start exploring for other trouble spots. Then I would supervise really closely the first times that you give them access to the new areas. Of course giving some safe chewing alternatives and new toys helps too.

          There is a bunny proofing section under the Bunny Info tab on this site that has lots of good ideas as well. 🙂


          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

        • HoppyGirl2
          4 posts Send Private Message

            I recently moved my bunnies into a different room. What I did to block off some areas I didn’t want them reaching, such as, under beds, I just taped some cardboard onto, and they’ve been leaving it alone. To make the room feel a bit more livable too, I bought some carpet to cover the floors, since mine are slippery.

          • Moonlightbunny66
            694 posts Send Private Message

              DanaNM Thank you! Yes, Pinky jumped into Muffin’s pen when I took a day break from bonding sessions (he missed his friend). He also jumped over the pen blocking my bed a couple times after I blocked it off.

              The lowest furniture is my nightstand that’s right next to my bed that he could use to get onto my dresser. I could maybe shift my dresser further when I’m moving furniture. Thanks for the ideas!

              Hoppygirl2 My whole floor is covered in rugs for the bunnies LOL! I think my bunnies love to chew cardboard too much to cover things with it. :/ It could maybe work to cover the side of my dresser though!

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          Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Tips on free roaming in bedroom?