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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A tips letting bunny run freely!!?

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    • Pancake
      90 posts Send Private Message

        I want to let pancake run freely, but I need some tips cuz so far it’s not going well he won’t use his litter box and stuff.  Any tips?

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Is he inside now? Has he been neutered yet?

        • Kokaneeandkahlua
          12067 posts Send Private Message

            First: supervise and see what he gets into; You may think you are fully bunny proofed and then they will show you different!!! Check and double check your bunny proofing. Look at the section on this website on bunny proofing its fabulous!

            Second: Use hay as your primary litter (maybe stick some other type of litter under for better absorption-a bunny litter though) so that pancake wants to be in his litter box. This is working well on my hard to litter train bunny!!

            Always make sure you’ve really cleaned any accident’s up. The smell will make them want to go there again. Vinegar will get rid of the smell, spray on carpet after you’ve cleaned pee up. Clean up poops frequently to keep poops from encouraging more poops.
            Check out the section on litter training on this site, it’s also fab! More litter boxes=better!

            Triple-check your bunny proofing! Make sure you don’t leave clothes or valubles out, they can become bunny toys in a split second!

          • Pancake
            90 posts Send Private Message

              he is inside. He hasen’t been nuetered. (that I know of we don’t really know anyting about him)

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                I would only give him a small area until he is neutered and litter box trained and then slowly increase the space you allow him to run around in. Giving him too much space to soon just won’t work especially for a young unneutered male. Do use lots of litterboxes.

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  i think i remember you saying he was in the basement.  if you have the space, can you move your things so they’re out of his reach, and then maybe build a large pen area with NIC cubes or an exercise pen (or two?)  if there’s room in the basement, you could maybe give him a really good size area of his own… along with a couple litterboxes and the problem would likely resolve itself.  and then his behavior will be even better after neutering.  just an idea.

                • Pancake
                  90 posts Send Private Message

                    cool!! wher would I find a NIC cube?

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      my whole bunny proofing exists of NIC cubes (and zip ties and strategically placed cardboard).  i got the NIC cubes at Target.  i’m not sure where else they carry them… Walmart doesn’t have ’em i don’t think, and neither do office supply stores ( at least the ones i’ve checked.)  any other stores have them guys?

                    • MarkBun
                      2842 posts Send Private Message

                        NIC cubes are also known as wire storage cubes. Personally, I found it easier to buy an exercise pen (or X-Pen). It is a fence that can be from 10-20 feet in length that is built in sections so that you can fold them around into any shape. I have one that circles my computer table and cables which is the only real bunny proofing I need.

                      • Pancake
                        90 posts Send Private Message

                          cool!! I’ll go check it out!!

                        • DustBunneh'sMama
                          77 posts Send Private Message

                            I found the wire storage cubes on Wal-Mart’s website for $12.99 a box, which is cheaper than anywhere else I’ve seen them, and you can order and pay online, then they will ship them for free to your nearest store where you can pick them up. As for the potty training, I agree with Sarita where she said keep him in a smaller area at first so he gets used to going in the same spot, then gradually increase his pen until he has more room. If you give him too much room at one time, it won’t occur to him as he’s exploring to go back and use his litter box. Also, if he’s not neutered yet he will have more of a tendency to "mark" things with his scent by peeing on them, so getting him neutered will help him go in the same spot too. Good luck!  Keep us posted.

                          • BinkyBunny
                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                              You’ve gotten some great advice so far.  Start small and get him neutered.  Those are the two biggies!  Xpens are great for allowing exercise while still offering exercise.  They are easier to use when you want to slowly expand.   As far as whether he is neutered or not.  How old is he?   If you think he’s older than 4 months, check to see if you can find his testicles.  Though male rabbits can pull them up.  Otherwise, you can have a vet determine whether he’s been neutered.

                            • Pancake
                              90 posts Send Private Message

                                I think he’s older than 4 monthes. I’ll do some research on some stuff. I just built him a little pen off of his cage and I think he likes it!! he hops around like crazy!!!!! Olthough I’m not shure if he’s happy or mad that he can’t get out. (he did get out once but I’m keeping an eye on him.)

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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A tips letting bunny run freely!!?